Prepared Multiboxer one-shots Galleon
Moderator: MiRai
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Last edited by Prepared on Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

League of Extraordinary Multiboxers
Posts: 585
Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:37 am
Location: Omaha, NE
Re: Prepared Multiboxer kills Galleon in 5 minutes
Add your video to the main videos section!

Add your video to the main videos section!
Re: Prepared Multiboxer one-shots Galleon
I have the fastest possible kill of Galleon - One Shot. Before Galleon even gets agro he's dead already because he got one shot!
I have 80 accounts now.
I can take another video from a different angle but people keep killing Galleon on Darkspear so it's kind of hard to catch him alive again. But when I do, I will do another video showing the attack from a different side where he is dead in one shot.
I have 80 accounts now.
I can take another video from a different angle but people keep killing Galleon on Darkspear so it's kind of hard to catch him alive again. But when I do, I will do another video showing the attack from a different side where he is dead in one shot.
Re: Prepared Multiboxer one-shots Galleon
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