Hi Kris!
I havent done so much GR, but I managed to make gr44 with Support WD on main screen and tripe Helltrapper/MetiBolt DHs on 2nd 3rd and 4th.
I make 100% all 40 Grs, and after that I begin to fail sometimes, maybe 85% 41s, 70% 42s, etc ...
You can see my dayly FoM runs with that Crus/triple sentry DH setup on
http://www.twitch.tv/kelzarspain/profile/past_broadcasts (mostly are 10+ hours streams).
I have many group combos depending on what to do (fast rifts, caches, Grs, Trials ... ) but right now Im playing mostly all time with that crus/3dh for FoMs xp runs.
I have on all accounts DH fire, DH light Met/Helltrap, Jade Doc, Pet Doc with kukri, Support wd on 1st and 4th, Monk Support on 1st and 3rd, Crus support on 1st and 3rd, Fenix Wizard on all accounts, Support wiz on 3rd, Raekor Barbs on all accounts, Frost DH etrayu on 4 accounts, bp7 fire calamity DH on 2nd account, and I have Crusaders prepared for ShotgunMirinae build when the Seasson shield goes to non Seasson drops.
When seasson 2 begins I will make also on non Seasson DPS monks, so I can use the on OnlyMonk groups, or adding them on mixed groups.