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Interesting uses for Video FX! I'll start

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Post Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:22 pm

Re: Interesting uses for Video Feeds! I'll start

I present my version of Bag Feeds using the new dxNothing functionality. This really needs a video to demonstrate it properly. I tried; I got a slideshow. :oops:

1. There are 5 full-screen stacked clients on the right on my main monitor. Down the left, on my second monitor, is a dxNothing window with video feeds of is1-is5. They are fully interactive.

2. I've now clicked in the video feeds of is1-is5 to open the merchant dialog for each character. Or you could turn mouse broadcasting on and hope all the cameras are lined up properly.

3. I press Ctrl+B and a new dxNothing window appears (I used a second swap group to achieve this). It contains 4 fairly small video feeds of the merchant dialog and my bags, one per slave. Sadly, they are too small to use.

4. Voilà! I mouseover one of the small bag feeds and it expands to fill that dxNothing window. It's fully interactive and close to normal size. I can sell my junk from here!

5. It even accepts keyboard input so when I discover an upgrade sitting in my bags I can equip it without leaving this window.

6. And when I mouseout from that dxNothing window, all the feeds go back to how they were.

7. Pressing Ctrl+B again hides all my bag feeds and their dxNothing window so I don't get distracted by the movement in those windows as I am going about my business. And I can use that part of my screen for something else.
Last edited by Alge on Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:05 pm

Re: Interesting uses for Video Feeds! I'll start

Here's my first EVE screenshot, a basic proof of concept for dual monitors in EVE.

Same image with descriptions

dude your'e using a shield booster on a tristan, with an armor rep

i'm 100% noob, thanks for noticing! ;)


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Post Mon May 02, 2011 8:45 pm

Re: Interesting uses for Video Feeds! I'll start

On this is a cooldown bar and the full sceen video feeds of all chars.


This makes doing the dayey cooldowns a lot easyer with alcy


And this is to help out tol and if i need to make sure a char has joined a que i use this on my HEX setup as well to get them all into AV!


This is a new project i just added tonight combat Res box on the dk's



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Post Tue May 03, 2011 1:38 pm

Re: Interesting uses for Video Feeds! I'll start

A smaller version of the character selection videofeeds and an easy way to keep an eye on combopoints of the feral druids or energy of the balance-druids.


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Post Mon May 16, 2011 3:22 pm

Re: Interesting uses for Video Feeds! I'll start

Thought I would share my video FX login process:

Initially once all clients are started I press my G4 key on my G11 keyboard and see this:


Once I type my password (keyboard repeat and mouse repeat are on) in I hit G4 once again and see:


I click the Login button on IS2 and IS3 to enter in authenticator codes (I have 1 mobile and 1 standard authenticator)

Once all chars are authenticated I press G4 once again and see:


At this point I tend to login one at a time so that my first toon is the main so whispers go to that toon.

So thats it, pretty simple!


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Post Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:17 pm

Re: Interesting uses for Video FX! I'll start

Replacement for a normal layout, with character names and colors!

ISBoxer-Feed-Window.png (502.01 KiB) Viewed 34360 times


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Post Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:47 pm

Re: Interesting uses for Video FX! I'll start

If you're prone to missing things in the Starcraft 2 minimap...
.. then have I got something for you ;)


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Post Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:04 pm

Re: Interesting uses for Video FX! I'll start

Here's my multi-character management view. clicks broadcast, so I can easily equip gear and make sure my characters match up. The key that toggles this video fx set also sends B and C to all windows to toggle their bags and character pane.



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Post Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:20 am

Re: Interesting uses for Video FX! I'll start

Dualboxing in EVE Online. Currently only 2 Accounts. But when I have saved enough ISK, I gonna get 10 Nightmares to do incursions and stuff. :)

VideoFX on the right side there the see if my second character is doing good and also able to see shield status / capacitor / broadcast-buttons and active mods.


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