
From ISBoxer
Revision as of 23:05, 22 October 2017 by Mirai (Talk | contribs)

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Just a list of useful gifs.


  • Each gif links to an external site (
  • You can right-click on the link to open in a new tab/window
  • Ensure that HD is enabled by clicking on the gear icon under the gif, and turning HD on


Removing Compatibility Settings Link Shows two different methods, in Windows, to remove unwanted compatibility settings applied to a file. Windows Display Scaling Link Shows how to adjust/verify the display scaling in the Windows operating system.


Assigning Items to the Character Set Link Shows multiple methods to assign/remove items from a Character Set. Also works for Characters, as well.
Configuration Sharing Link Shows how to share your ISBoxer profile with others.
Game Profile Link Shows the location of the game profile, as well as how to adjust it.
Compatibility Diagnostic Link Shows how to obtain, and share, a compatibility diagnostic for the purpose of troubleshooting.
Interact with Target Link Shows the steps on how to configure Interact with Target.

Inner Space

Adding a Game Link Shows how to properly add a game to Inner Space.
Editing a Game Profile Link Shows how to edit a Game Profile, in the Inner Space configuration settings.