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Isboxer wont work

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Post Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:57 am

Isboxer wont work

I got an major issue when using isboxer to play with my multiboxing groups.

When I load one or the whole group with isboxer, as soon as I get inside the grapichs are completly disoriented and squared, and after a while it gets all grainy.
After a few seconds I get the error message that my nvidia windows kernel mode drive has stoped responding and has been restored.

I use a geForce GTX 275. I have tried with all new drivers for but no luck with that. The strange thing is that if I play without using isboxer everything works as intended.
I even tried other software for multiboxing and they work as well. So I cant understand why isboxer wont work. Up until wednesday this week it worked like a charm. But not anymore.

I have also tried to re install isboxer, wow and windows with no effect on the issue at all


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:25 pm

Re: Isboxer wont work

I don't know what other programs you've tried to multibox with but, most other programs don't run your windows at full resolution.
Running your windows at full resolution puts more of a workload on your hardware. You also don't mention what game you're attempting
to play so I can't give a better answer than:

A - Make sure your video drivers are up-to-date
B - Make sure you're not exceeding your video card's RAM


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Post Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:23 pm

Re: Isboxer wont work

I am playing wow, and up to three days ago everything worked perfectly with isboxer. But after wednesday the issue with the grapichs started.
I have updated drivers and I am far away from exceeding the video ram.
I can log into the character with full settings with the wow loader without any problem. It only excits when I load my character or characters from innerspace


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Post Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:22 pm

Re: Isboxer wont work

Gloggan wrote:I am playing wow, and up to three days ago everything worked perfectly with isboxer. But after wednesday the issue with the grapichs started.

The same could be said about an automobile. Three days ago your tires were fine but today you've got a flat tire. Anything can
happen at any time. If a piece of hardware was "about to go" or "nearing its end," multiboxing on a system can easily push
something to it's max when playing a single game will not. The issues you're describing are usually caused by the video card itself
(obviously), a power supply that cannot supply the video card with enough power, or even bad RAM (least likely of the three). If you
had bad RAM you'd most likely be seeing blue screens or system restarts instead of the driver recovering.
Gloggan wrote:I have updated drivers and I am far away from exceeding the video ram.

The GTX 275 comes equipped with 896MB of video RAM. I'll assume you're monitoring that because you sound very sure that you're not
anywhere near that even though I know multiple WoW game clients can easily exceed (double or triple) 896MB of video RAM depending
on their settings (regardless of whether you're using DX9 or DX11).
Gloggan wrote:I can log into the character with full settings with the wow loader without any problem. It only excits when I load my character or characters from innerspace

Right, because multiple game clients can easily stress a system much more than any single game client.

Right now, if you don't have other hardware to troubleshoot with, I would suggest downgrading your driver to maybe 266, 270, or 275
(or maybe even reinstalling your current drivers with the guide below). I don't know how you're installing/uninstalling drivers but,
when installing nVidia drivers you cannot simply overwrite the old driver as that can cause issues with old drivers conflicting (this is
hidden in the nVidia documentation). Also, don't use Windows Update to update drivers since the same issues may occur.

I hate to recommend this driver installation guide because the author has done a terrible job formatting it but, it's the only reference
I can point people to at the moment -- http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.aspx?m=1174372
The link is to eVGA but the guide is universal for all nVidia cards. Also, when installing drivers they usually come with an HD audio
driver of some sort (I don't know if the GTX 275 will even have that option). If you're not using the HD audio (this is not your sound
card driver), 3D Vision, or any of that other bloat that's in the installation package... then don't install it. I believe the guide I linked
covers that.


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Post Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:29 am

Re: Isboxer wont work

Thanks for those tips, its just me that explains my self very poorly. Now whey I try isboxer I only load one character, the same character that i try and succed loading with the normal wow loader.
But I have now tried to switch grapich card to a Geforce Gtx 580 and I still have the issue.
I have formated my entire disk to completly wipe out everything, and re installed windows. All the drivers I installed manually from the drivers webpage. I havent installed any other programs or games now so I can rule out that some of those are interfering with the isboxer.
I have made sure that isboxer is pointing to the right path as well.

I am starting run out of ideas now how this can happen


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Post Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:15 am

Re: Isboxer wont work

What kind of PSU does this system in question have? Make/Model/Watts?


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Post Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:42 pm

Re: Isboxer wont work

I am using an:
Corsair TX V2 850W PSU


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:03 am

Re: Isboxer wont work

I honestly don't have an answer for you at this point. Corsair makes (sells) quality PSU's but, because 2 video cards are exhibiting the
same exact behavior I'm going to point the finger at it (which is probably not what you wanted to hear). The GTX 580 sucks more
watts/amps (from the 12V rail) compared to the GTX 275 so if the PSU was failing to supply that to the GTX 275 it would easily fail to
supply it adequately to the GTX 580.

I completely realize that most people don't have heaps of spare hardware lying around to just swap in and out of their systems (nor do
they want to). I personally like tinkering around with this stuff and I know a lot of people do not. In no way am I stating that your PSU
is 100% to blame, I'm just guessing at this point; reason being, because Inner Space does not alter how the game is displayed on your
monitor. You said that this only happens while using IS/ISBoxer and not while using other multiboxing software so I currently see your
choices as (assuming you've tried other nVidia drivers and this is a legit, retail, and unmodified game client):

1 - Disabling the Instant Swapping in your Window Layout to see if that remedies the issue (this will make your alt windows render at a
lower resolution assuming you aren't using the "stacked" Window layout)

2 - Use the other multiboxing software that works.

3 - Try swapping PSU's and see if that changes anything.

If Lax or anyone else has anything to add to this thread I would appreciate it.


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Post Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:03 pm

Re: Isboxer wont work

Thanks alot for your time in this, I am to very puzzled about it and those that I have asked in the outside world to help me is also cluless about it.

You option 2 will be last resort, for now I will try out to switch my psu. Have an Silver Power SP-SS500 500W PSU as a backup.

Will get to it tonight and switch it and crossing fingers it will help. But what strikes me as strange if it is the psu wouldnt that affect my grapichs all the time.


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:30 pm

Re: Isboxer wont work

Gloggan wrote:for now I will try out to switch my psu. Have an Silver Power SP-SS500 500W PSU as a backup.

Hopefully you read this before attempting that because a 500W PSU does not meet the minimum wattage recommended to run either
one of those video cards.

The GTX 275 requires a minimum of 550W system-wide and the GTX 580 requires a minimum of 600W system-wide.

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