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WoW - Issue with healing through VFX

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Post Sun Dec 08, 2019 9:34 am

WoW - Issue with healing through VFX


I'm fairly new to multiboxing, been running a 5 shammy team on Classic and have been working on setting something up on Retail, one of the things I wanted to give a shot on Retail was a mixed group, with a DH Tank, 3 Hunters and a Druid healer.

I set up something similar to what MiRai did in his video on healing with ISBoxer, but only with 1 healer.

As for my problem/question:
While I can heal just fine with VFX, once I move the mouse out of the VFX window, the game client that the healer is on still "thinks" that I'm moused over whichever bit the mouse left the window at, which most often is the edge of a unitframe, This means that if I click any keybind that the healer has a healing spell assigned to, then the healer is gonna start casting that heal on the target that it was moused over when the mouse left the VFX window.

Is this working as intended and should I just assign keybinds to healing spells that that aren't also bound to something on other characters?

What I was hoping for was for the healer to just do nothing unless I mouse-over something in the window, and then having similar keybinds as I use on the DPS and Tank. This way I could have a couple of macros on 1, 2 and 3, and also have healing spells on the same buttons + probably more, it being a healer, that would only go off when I'm moused over in the VFX window.

As for my VFX Settings.

Source: well, is just the source
Viewer: only has Repeater pass-thru enabled as per what I saw in MiRai's video, I haven't played around with the other 2 settings, the + keyboard and the VFX Focus hotkey thing cos I frankly don't really know exactly what they're for.


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Post Sun Dec 08, 2019 7:35 pm

Re: WoW - Issue with healing through VFX

First, yes, it is working as designed. The mouse position doesn't update on the slaves unless it is specifically being broadcast, so if you leave the mouse pointer in a particular position on the slave window, then it will stay there, unless updated by some mechanism, whether broadcasting or a sync cursor action. This is actually one reason why mouse buttons as in game hotkeys don't really work with multiboxing, because the mouse cursor may mean it is over an element which changes the behaviour of the mouse button.

The simple answer is to make the VFX source (and most likely viewer) a little bigger so when you move the mouse out, the cursor is no longer sitting over a unit frame, making your toon auto target something.
Another option would be to add a sync cursor action somewhere in what you are pressing afterwards so it moves the mouse cursor on the slaves.
If there is a macro method to turn on/off the targeting on party frames, then you could also have this turn on/off when you mouse into/outof the vfx viewer. A bit more complicated, and certainly relies on a bit more knowledge of how the frames work.


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Post Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:24 am

Re: WoW - Issue with healing through VFX

Thanks for the reply bob

Yea I figured it was working as intended, but you never know, I suppose I'll have to figure a way around it that works for me, I suffer a bit with poor framerate on retail, so the VFX cursor isn't too fluid when I use it, I guess I could settle for a click bar and go through the set up of that, see how that works for me until such a time that I can upgrade my hardware to run it more smoothly.

Thanks again :)


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Post Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:39 am

Re: WoW - Issue with healing through VFX

Well for framerate is a different problem again.

With WoW, the biggest causes are
1. other overlays,
2. not using DirectX11 Legacy for the graphics API (depending on your character settings, you might need to change the Game Profile option, per character in the toolkit),
3. restrictive CPU strategy (not using all cores for all games)
4. not enough grunt! (i.e. the CPU is not a great performer or just lacks cores)
5. trying to run many 4K instances on a graphics card with limited vram
6. not enough ram (an allowance of 2GB per game + 2GB for the OS, so min 10GB for 5 boxing).

probably a few more. I started out with 2 and ended up with 6 as I kept on typing.


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Post Mon Dec 09, 2019 4:18 am

Re: WoW - Issue with healing through VFX

I'm sitting on an i5-4690k with 32 gigs of DDR3 Rams and a 4gb 960 gtx, it's not top of the line new hardware anymore, it was good maybe.. I dunno 5 years ago or so?

I ran that free Hardware Info program that monitors everything, and was pretty much maxed out on all 4 cores on my cpu, and my gpu was at 100% load too, so yea, I got a pretty good idea where my bottlenecks are ^^

I've tried messing around with different CPU strats, I found that the regular round robin works fine so long as I enable hyper threading, not doing so is pretty much a waste.

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