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FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

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Post Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:01 pm

FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

So after carefully working out the FTL modifiers, it appears that Mirai is not accurate. There aren't 63 combinations. The reason is because you can't put together similar modifiers. Such as Left Shift and Right Shift. Because there is no distinction between using Left Shift with a character and using Left Shift/Right Shift combination. It will go to the first character that has Left Shift assigned when attempting to activate the window of the character that has Left Shift/Right Shift combination.
Likewise, you can't put Left Ctrl and Right Ctrl together if you have Left Ctrl already assigned to another character.
Marai would be correct if ISBoxer actually used each of the modifier combinations but it doesn't.

The primary reason I'm commenting here is because I'm working with getting 30 accounts working and it's a chore trying to get all of the combinations that will work. To understand how it actually works you'd need to assign the modifiers manually and test them. ISBoxer does a fairly good job at trying to fix the ones that are the same but it doesn't do any kind of warning for the combinations that are similar but just won't work when attempting to activate the window. By activating the window I mean by using follow or assist in the active window.


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Post Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:56 pm

Re: FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

We have tested this, and it does work, however, seeing as you are having issues, and a bit of a think about why, it may require specific ordering of the use of the combinations, or at least it may require a specific update to ISBoxer to ensure it writes out the macros correctly to ensure that if you happen to have a leftshift, rightshift, and leftshift+rightshift, that the macro correctly denotes that the leftshift is mod:lshift;nomod:rshift, as it does not currently do that, and it is probably the cause of the problem. I.e. if you happen to have the single modifiers being used in the generated macro before the doubles of the same type, then they will be used first because they do not specifically exclude the use of the double modifier.

That all said, we do have a handy table of the 63 modifiers (this is an xlsx file, so you'll need Excel).
WoW FTL Combos.zip
FTL Combos
(10.16 KiB) Downloaded 232 times


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Post Tue Sep 10, 2019 10:30 pm

Re: FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

bob wrote:We have tested this, and it does work, however, seeing as you are having issues, and a bit of a think about why, it may require specific ordering of the use of the combinations, or at least it may require a specific update to ISBoxer to ensure it writes out the macros correctly to ensure that if you happen to have a leftshift, rightshift, and leftshift+rightshift, that the macro correctly denotes that the leftshift is mod:lshift;nomod:rshift, as it does not currently do that, and it is probably the cause of the problem. I.e. if you happen to have the single modifiers being used in the generated macro before the doubles of the same type, then they will be used first because they do not specifically exclude the use of the double modifier.

That all said, we do have a handy table of the 63 modifiers (this is an xlsx file, so you'll need Excel).

I have reviewed the spreadsheet as I have Excel.

So are you saying that all of the 63 modifiers listed in the attached spreadsheet were tested with the order listed in the spreadsheet by launching 63 wow clients from Innerspace on one computer? And then confirming that when the client window was activated that follow and assist performed as intended? I'm attempting to do this on multiple computers. Seven computers to be exact. I get no errors during export and only notice the issue when I attempt to follow the character in the active window that it's noticed that it follows another window that has similar but not exact modifiers.


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Post Tue Sep 10, 2019 11:42 pm

Re: FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

No, to be fair, we did not test all 63 modifiers. We tested wether you can use the left+right and whether it would be recognised separately to left and right, and it does.

I suspect the problem is that ISBoxer writes out it's addon macro in slot order. And if ISBoxer is using all the non doubled modifiers first then you get the problem where left shift+KEY and right shift+KEY come before left+right shift+KEY in the macro. And because it is not leftshift+NO rightshift + KEY, then leftshift+KEY will accept left+rightshift+KEY because it does kind of match.

in other words ISBoxer writes out the macro like:

/follow [nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,mod:lshift]Slot1;[nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,mod:rshift]Slot2;  … some more stuff ...   [nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,mod:lshift,mod:rshift]Slot27;

so because Slot1 does not exclude rightshift, it matches slot27, and because it's first, then it wins.

It really needs to write it out like
/follow [nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,mod:lshift,nomod:rshift]Slot1;[nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,nomod:lshift,mod:rshift]Slot2;  … some more stuff ...   [nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,mod:lshift,mod:rshift]Slot27;

You could alternatively setup the modifiers yourself, and ensure the appropriate ordering is used, but this will be tricky with multiple computers.


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Post Wed Sep 11, 2019 9:36 am

Re: FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

How many toons are you loading?

You might be hitting the 1024-character WoW macro limit. Check the Preview pane in the WoW Game Helper to see how long your WoW Macro is, you might have to manually create multiple macros that link together in order to hold all of them...

This text is 44 characters long:

So a simple estimate says 40 characters fits into 1024 about 25 times. If you have more than about 25 characters, you're likely to hit this cap.

I believe the trick will be to take the preview output and split it into multiple macros with /click.


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Post Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:54 am

Re: FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

Ok now I understand this a little better. I am hitting the 1024 character limit. I currently have the following with 24 characters using FTL:

assist FTL preview pane:
/assist [nomod:alt,nomod:shift,mod:lctrl]Prepared;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Chairman;[mod:ralt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]Honcho;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,mod:lctrl]Foreman;[mod:lalt,nomod:shift,mod:lctrl]Ballbreakers;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]Modulation;[mod:lalt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]Statute;[nomod:alt,nomod:shift,mod:rctrl]Ordinance;[mod:lalt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]Procedure;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,mod:rctrl]Hooked;[mod:ralt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Dependable;[mod:ralt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]Longlasting;[mod:lalt,nomod:shift,mod:rctrl]Imperishable;[mod:ralt,mod:lshift,mod:lctrl]Exactly;[mod:lalt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Lawsuit;[mod:ralt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Mandate;[mod:lalt,mod:lshift,mod:rctrl]Prohibition;[mod:ralt,mod:rshift,mod:lctrl]Directive;[mod:ralt,nomod:shift,mod:lctrl]Judiciary;[mod:lalt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Fraudulent;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Prepped;[mod:ralt,nomod:shift,mod:rctrl]Contorted;[mod:lalt,mod:lshift,mod:lctrl]Durable;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,mod:lctrl]Transmit

follow FTL preview pane:
/jamba-follow snw
/follow [nomod:alt,nomod:shift,mod:lctrl]Prepared;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Chairman;[mod:ralt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]Honcho;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,mod:lctrl]Foreman;[mod:lalt,nomod:shift,mod:lctrl]Ballbreakers;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]Modulation;[mod:lalt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]Statute;[nomod:alt,nomod:shift,mod:rctrl]Ordinance;[mod:lalt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]Procedure;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,mod:rctrl]Hooked;[mod:ralt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Dependable;[mod:ralt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]Longlasting;[mod:lalt,nomod:shift,mod:rctrl]Imperishable;[mod:ralt,mod:lshift,mod:lctrl]Exactly;[mod:lalt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Lawsuit;[mod:ralt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Mandate;[mod:lalt,mod:lshift,mod:rctrl]Prohibition;[mod:ralt,mod:rshift,mod:lctrl]Directive;[mod:ralt,nomod:shift,mod:lctrl]Judiciary;[mod:lalt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Fraudulent;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Prepped;[mod:ralt,nomod:shift,mod:rctrl]Contorted;[mod:lalt,mod:lshift,mod:lctrl]Durable;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,mod:lctrl]Transmit

Because of my names, it appears I have a 24 character limit.
Can you be specific on how to do the /click and split the macro so I can fit more in? I'd really like to have all 40 characters work with FTL if I can but I've not used /click before and I'm not sure where I would place this into ISBoxer so that it would work.

And I did assign the modifiers all by hand because of multiple computers and just so that I could get a better handle on the configuration of FTL.



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Post Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:36 am

Re: FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

so we have talked about this amongst ourselves as it came up again. For it to really work without too much issue, you will probably need to ensure you enter, by hand, the appropriate nomods especially where you might have cross over between your macros.

We did a really simple test (note I've put this on separate lines for readability, whereas normally it would be just a single line)
[nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,mod:lshift] Slot1;
[nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,mod:rshift] Slot2;
When slot3 is the main, the other two, wont follow him, because when WOW is processing the macro, the previous two entries are not excluded when the game receives a leftshift+rightshift. So when slot3 is the main, slot1 follows slot1 and slot2 follows slot1 and nobody follows slot3.

If the macro is ordered the other way around
[nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,mod:lshift] Slot1;
[nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,mod:rshift] Slot2;
This actually works as it is more specific to begin with, and as each item is tested in the order it appears, then it works with the whole process.

It would be better to work as we proposed and use the appropriate nomods to make it really specific all the time.
[nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,mod:lshift,nomod:rshift] Slot1;
[nomod:alt,nomod:ctrl,nomod:lshift,mod:rshift] Slot2;

That all said.
You create two (or more) macros, assign them the native keys they need, give them a /clickname (e.g. follow1 follow2 follow3), and then you create yet another macro, and that can do
/click follow1
/click follow2
/click follow3
Then you change the ISB42 - WoW -> Follow Me so the macro it is executing is your new one.

Another option is to just have ISboxer execute 2 or 3 Named World of Warcraft Macro Actions calling the macros you created. This should also work especially if you have put in the appropriate nomods as the modifiers wouldn't match up for the macros that aren't supposed to do anything.


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Post Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:37 am

Re: FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

I'm very sorry but I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out where you mean to make the change Bob. I've looked all through the ISBoxer configuration and can't for the life of me find where it is you're referring to make the code change. The only place that I could find where the generated code is in the preview pane of the Game Helpers/World of Warcraft/follow {FTL}/preview tab. That's the only place that I could find where the code is. And that pane doesn't allow any editing. So it appears you mean to change some file some where but I'd rather not change anything in the exported ISBoxer addon because it appears that is generated each time an export to Innerspace is made.


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Post Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:48 am

Re: FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

You don't edit macros in the preview pane. You edit them in the macro commands box. The preview pane just shows you a processed version of what is in the commands box.

Bob is instructing you to create new WoW macros. Here's what that looks like ...
Macro commands go in the commands box....

So you make a follow1, which has follow for several characters and has a /click button name configured as Bob described.
And a follow2, which has follow for several characters..
And a follow3, etc...

And chain them together with a final macro which does
/click follow1
/click follow2
/click follow3


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Post Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:26 pm

Re: FTL for > 27 Characters not working as expected

I'm finally getting around to doing this. As I'm working through I'm thinking why doesn't ISBoxer place in the appropriate nomods where there are mods used? That way this would work all of the time. And when it's close to nearing the 1024 character limit, split up the entries. This way the user wouldn't have to do it. Granted there aren't many multiboxers over 25 accounts but this would save a lot of time on the part of the users that have that many.

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