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[EQ1] VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

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Post Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:40 pm

VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

Thank you for taking a moment to read this help requst.

So I have attempted to create a 3 box charcter setup isng the VFX method found here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hntr1IE1Xgc&feature=youtu.be. I have made it up to the point of creating a layout of 4 windows 3 for the characters and 4th DXNothing window. After creating the Alt 1 hotkey and trying to load up everything, everything loads up however the 4th window doesn't show the 2 character windows. If I Alt F1, F2, F3 I can switch between characters but the ALt 1 doesn't switch anything nor is anything shown on the 4th window.

I know it's probably something really simple that I missed but I have spent a few hours trying to find the issue and I'm just stumped.

I want to be able to have that setup and then figure out how to have parts of the other characters windows on mine so I can control them via the Main Tank screen. I'm hoping that goes smoother, but knowing my luck, I'll be banging my head again asking for help :/

Please let me know what I am doing wrong. I will need to create another 3 toon VFX setup like the one I'm trying to do, but this time instead of the ranger, I will be adding my wizard as they share the same account.

Hopefully this has made sense, if not I sincerely apologize.

Looking forward to the replies. cheers!


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Post Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:44 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

On the dxNothing Wiki page there is an important step in bold:

Check the "Video FX Viewers stay when in background (blocks Video FX Sources!)" box. (Requires a restart of all dxNothing windows that are currently running in order to take effect.)

If you have already done this and the viewers are still not showing up, then we will need to see your profile.


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Post Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:09 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

I'm pretty sure I have done it. I'll post my profile, soon as I figure it out.

Edit: Yea, already posted the url of it in my original post, I thought you needed something else. Also I did have the check mark on
"Video FX Viewers stay when in background (blocks Video FX Sources!)" box. (Requires a restart of all dxNothing windows that are currently running in order to take effect.)

Edit: Nevermind, apparently the profile didn't take. Here it is. https://pastebin.com/3ZQJ5fkh


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Post Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:01 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

You set the "VFX Layout" option to true when creating your Window Layout—that should not be enabled for custom VFX Layouts (the video doesn't mention to enable the setting, but to be fair, it was made before that option even existed). So, select your Window Layout and un-check the "Use Video FX to show inactive windows" option. Other than that, I see no reason why the VFX Layout wouldn't work.


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Post Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:27 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

Thanks for taking a peek. I still have nothing showing on window 4.
I can tab through them but the hotkey alt 1 like from the video doesn't work nor do I see anything but black. if you like I could take a screenshot.

I also get this error constantly. * Game has the wrong Account Name saved for Character 'SK'.
I thought I had everything correct yet It errors.


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Post Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:23 am

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

Your ALT+1 doesn't work because you have unassigned the Key Map it is contained in, from the character set.

Highlight it and export again, and your ALT+1 should then work.

rujah wrote:I also get this error constantly. * Game has the wrong Account Name saved for Character 'SK'.

This usually means that when scanning the INI files, ISBoxer found an entry for the character SK (or the actual name), and the Account Name as recorded in ISBoxer is not the same as per the entry. This should resolve itself after a successful launch and login. But if it does not, a really easy way to remove it, is to remove the Account Name entry for that character. It's not mandatory info.


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Post Sun Aug 12, 2018 6:51 am

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

Good Morning!

We're one step closer! It displays now, however I am unable to Cycle through it with the ALT 1 hotkey and am also unable to click through it via mouse. Also, I see 3 windows at the bottom, which makes sense since it's a 4 window setup, but am I supposed to see the Main window + the first small window as the SK? I figured the main big window would be the sk, and small window 1+2 mage+ ranger and then just a black screen until i added the 4th toon?

I am able to cycle through it with the custom alt F1 F2 F3 keys assigned to each character.

on a side note, if I was to copy this setup above, and change the ranger to my wiz information, should it work? and if I was adding another toon to my group, would I just add another character to the list and fill in the info? I suppose I'd need a new layout unless the one I have setup works?

I sincerely appreciate all the help! you really made my day, I was very flustered yesterday. Thanks again for this! Best part is I don't experience any lag, unlike opening 3 different full screens and alt tabbing between them.


Edit, I think I see the mouse issue, the click mouse pass through isn't checked. I'll try that. Still having the alt +1 issue. Could it be cause there maybe a key conflict with the game and th ISboxer software?


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Post Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:03 am

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

Enabling mouse + keyboard allows me to click the small window and then I can use the keyboard while the window is small but cycling doesn't work.

I'm sure when I figure out how to add hotbars from the small windows into my main window, I won't need the click though until then though stumped. I'll keep rereading the wiki etc and see if I can figure it out. Obviously if I do, I'll post here.
again, TYVM
Last edited by rujah on Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:04 am

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

ALT+1 hotkey create the viewers, it does not cycle them. The creation is a fixed position as dictated by the actions in the mapped key.

You don't really cycle the viewers, but rather cycle the stacked windows from front to back. You can use the Switch to this Character hotkey, which as you've already stated, you've set to ALT+F1, ALT+F2, etc. You have changed the VideoFX Focus hotkey to ` (GRAVE), which will only bring the viewer to the forground if that view has the current focus. I.e. you would need to put your mouse over it, and then press the ` key over the viewer you wanted to focus, AND the dxnothing window would need the focus (this is usually achieved seamlessly by ticking the "Focus game windows via mouse..." option on the Window Layout, otherwise you would need to click with the mouse first). If you really want the ` key to cycle the windows, then put it as the hotkey on the "ISB42 - Always On -> Next Window" mapped key (and change the videofx focus hotkey, otherwise it will get all weird).

To click thru with the mouse, set the "Include mouse pass-thru" option on the actions which create the viewers. It does what is says on the tin.

Swapping characters in the character set is a simple drag and drop from the Character in the top left, to the Character Set slot. To do this you will need to select the Character Set first, so you can see the slot numbers. This gif shows an example of drag drop in action. https://gfycat.com/CluelessOpulentEnglishpointer

You don't add sources from the small preview windows to the main window. It is source window (the games) to a viewer window (the other game windows). When using Actions like you've done for the smaller previews, it is much the same, except you will create two (or more) actions. One creates a source and the other creates a viewer (or maybe multiple for different targets).


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Post Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:08 am

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

I will try what you have suggested. You are fast and Thank you for this. I'm learning a lot!

I'll do as you stated and let you know. still trying to drink the morning coffee, then hopefully my brain will kick in!

You guys are seriously awesome! Thank you ! Thank you and Thank you!

edit: and you're completely right about the ` key. Yesterday when I was banging my head on the wall, I thought, there may have been a key conflict and that's why I changed it to `. I should have remembered I did that. Your fresh pair of eyes, made my world happy again :)

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