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3 hours later, zero progress.

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Post Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:37 pm

3 hours later, zero progress.

Don't think many people post here anymore, but figured I'd give getting some help a shot.

Spent the last several hours trying to set up a very simplistic use of Isboxer.
Have changed settings, messed with keymaps, exported over and over. Deleted all profiles, recreated them, ran quick wizard over and over, reset to all defaults etc.
I've watched this video
and read several other guides.

The video, and all the guides are older version of ISboxer and everything is different than in the videos. I feel like I've followed the video pretty closely, but nothing is working. His ISboxer looks a good bit different than my own as it's an older version, so I have to be missing a step somewhere.

All I'm trying to do is have F1-F3 target my 3 characters for all 3 boxes, and have my Numberpad act as basically a broadcast whitelist. I only want those buttons to go through to my other 2 characters.

I cannot for the life of me figure this out and I'm starting to feel borderline retarded. For some reason Num1-Num3 seem to work.. most of the time.. but none of the other buttons do.
I had it set for a while, where with repeater mode on and numberpad keys selected as a whitelist it would work somewhat as I wanted, but it was repeating my mouse movement and clicks and I could not find a way to turn it off.


Is my configuration currently.. but I've been messing with random stuff for a while.

Any old EQ2 vets still around? Are there simplistic templates I can basically copy/paste? Or a more recent guide?


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Post Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:12 pm

Re: 3 hours later, zero progress.

Tanerian wrote:Don't think many people post here anymore, but figured I'd give getting some help a shot.
Not sure why you think that. Maybe not this specific subforum, but we still monitor it.

Seeing as your number pad depends on the NumLock status, it is sometimes a bit finicky. However, that said, the "simple" setup you want is not generated by the Wizard, and requires a bit of manual config. There are other ways of doing this, and potentially better ways of doing this. However, lets go on.

First, start with a Clear profile, go through the wizard, and when you get to the final page, untick the "Basic Broadcasting of 1 through =" option

Fill out the Follow Target and Assist Target Game Key Bindings, because it will want them (if the game has in game keybinds for these, use that).

Then hit Finish.

Now to create the NUM key bindings.
In the top left, select Key Maps -> ISB42 Custom Hotkeys
In the lower left, right click on the Mapped Keys node, select Mapped Key Wizard
Select Straight Key Broadcast as the type, and click next
Put your mouse over the "press a key here" box (you might need to click in it ONCE).
then press all the keys you want to broadcast from NUM0 to NUM MINUS, so they appear on the list.
Hit Finish

Then setting up the Targeting is a bit different, depending on how the game handles it, and what you actually want to happen.
Assuming you want to press F1, and everyone targets Party Member 1, F2, and everyone targets party member 2, etc, then it is a little manual Mapped Key time.

In the top left, select Key Maps -> ISB42 Custom Hotkeys
In the lower left, right click on the Mapped Keys node, select New Mapped Key
Select your new mapped key.
F2 to rename it if you want. Set the Key Combination to F1 (this is the hotkey to press)
Select Step 1 in the left tree, and in the right, right click on Actions, select Keystroke Actions -> Variable Keystroke Action.
Set the Target dropdown to Window: all w/Current
Set the Variable Keystroke Action to Target Slot 1

Repeat for creating the mapped key, setting F2 as the hotkey, and the Variable Keystroke to Target Slot 2. Rinse and repeat for number 3.

Now, in game, the Target Slot variable keystrokes will use the normal in game binds for select party members, which is usually the F1 to F6 keys. Depending on the order you invite/accept your team to your party, it might change the keystroke that ISboxer is sending to target the specific slot. You do normally need to be consistent with your teams to get it to work correctly. If you have any issues, post back and we can figure it out.

Export to Inner Space and test it.

You will need to have Key Maps enabled for the Mapped Keys to work. Broadcast does not need to be enabled.


Posts: 2

Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:49 pm

Post Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:43 am

Re: 3 hours later, zero progress.

If every guide or instructions could be as clearly written and concise as your post, everything would be so much easier =p

Thank you so much. Followed it step by step with absolutely zero issues. Reading it and actually editing some of the things myself also helped me get a bit of a better understanding of how everything works and is set up; for when I want to dip into more advanced stuff.

I really appreciate your post and the time you put into helping me. Thank you very much.

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