Easy looting in WoW
Just wanted to share a basic tip on easy looting in WoW:
1. Turn on Auto Loot in the settings.
2. Install the Jamba addon to be able to loot with all characters at the same time. Otherwise WoW will bug out and not let you loot everything properly.
3. Hunters can get a Fetch command at level 40. Their pets will run and loot nearby corpses. No need to click or select any corpses to loot everything.
4. Get the Engineering-specific Loot-A-Rang Toy. It works similar to Hunter's Fetch command. It's account-bound so you only need to get one if all your WoW-accounts are on the same Blizzard-account. All characters should get Engineering to skill level 125 to be able to use it. An easy way to level up Engineering for all your characters is to unlock the mine in your Draenor garrison (level 92) and use the free ore to craft "Stealthman 54" until skill level 125. You can use a Herb Garden rank 2 with a Herbalist follower assigned in the Draenor Garrison to only grow Nagrand Arrowbloom herb component (level 94).
5. Without Fetch or Loot-A-Rang, trigger a /targetlasttarget macro for all characters, then trigger Interact to let all characters run up (with Click-To-Move enabled) and loot the last mob they attacked. This is a good method when killing and looting one mob at a time. Just need a little discipline to loot before you select another target. This also works well without Click-To-Move enabled, just have to make sure you move close to the corpse before looting.
6. Without Fetch or Loot-A-Rang, turn on Click-To-Move on all your minions in the settings. Then you can select a corpse, use your Assist macro, then use your Interact macro to have all minions run to that corpse and loot it. However, I wouldn't recommend this because you'll have to do this for many different corpses to make sure all characters loot what they can (since it'll be different corpses for different characters).
1. Turn on Auto Loot in the settings.
2. Install the Jamba addon to be able to loot with all characters at the same time. Otherwise WoW will bug out and not let you loot everything properly.
3. Hunters can get a Fetch command at level 40. Their pets will run and loot nearby corpses. No need to click or select any corpses to loot everything.
4. Get the Engineering-specific Loot-A-Rang Toy. It works similar to Hunter's Fetch command. It's account-bound so you only need to get one if all your WoW-accounts are on the same Blizzard-account. All characters should get Engineering to skill level 125 to be able to use it. An easy way to level up Engineering for all your characters is to unlock the mine in your Draenor garrison (level 92) and use the free ore to craft "Stealthman 54" until skill level 125. You can use a Herb Garden rank 2 with a Herbalist follower assigned in the Draenor Garrison to only grow Nagrand Arrowbloom herb component (level 94).
5. Without Fetch or Loot-A-Rang, trigger a /targetlasttarget macro for all characters, then trigger Interact to let all characters run up (with Click-To-Move enabled) and loot the last mob they attacked. This is a good method when killing and looting one mob at a time. Just need a little discipline to loot before you select another target. This also works well without Click-To-Move enabled, just have to make sure you move close to the corpse before looting.
6. Without Fetch or Loot-A-Rang, turn on Click-To-Move on all your minions in the settings. Then you can select a corpse, use your Assist macro, then use your Interact macro to have all minions run to that corpse and loot it. However, I wouldn't recommend this because you'll have to do this for many different corpses to make sure all characters loot what they can (since it'll be different corpses for different characters).