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Does ISBoxer conflict with AutoHotKey?

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Post Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:31 am

Does ISBoxer conflict with AutoHotKey?


Having the following issue- I am trying to use a window switching hotkey through AutoHotKey (https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/GroupAdd.htm) and it is not working with innerspace-launched Eve clients. I am wondering if there is a conflict with the hotkey I am using or some issue with the way Innerspace names windows.

I am using the Isboxer eve launcher for SOME of my active eve clients following the instructions at:


The autohotkey script I am using is (for reference):

GroupAdd, EVE, EVE - Char1 launched via eve client
GroupAdd, EVE, EVE - Char2 launched via eve client
GroupAdd, EVE, is1 (
GroupAdd, EVE, is2 (

The ` key doesn't seem to fire when I have an innerspace launched game client in the foreground. It works fine going from char 1 to char 2. When I hit the hotkey from char 2, it will randomly choose is1 or is2 (super strange) and stop working. I know you guys aren't support for autohotkey but there seems to be some weird conflict. I've attached my settings below. I do NOT want innerspace to rely on any hotkeys (I'm not broadcasting nor using keys to switch between innerspace launched eve client windows).

Please let me know if there is a setting I am missing that could resolve this issue. Thanks!



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Post Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:45 am

Re: Does ISBoxer conflict with AutoHotKey?

Any software that needs to interact with the game will need to Run as Administrator. That should be about it


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Post Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:10 am

Re: Does ISBoxer conflict with AutoHotKey?

lax wrote:Any software that needs to interact with the game will need to Run as Administrator. That should be about it

All my AHK script does is change windows. it doesn't actually interact with the game (it can work with any window such as browsers, text editors, etc. - it only looks at the name of the window). But for some reason, isboxer/innerspace is 'blocking' it.


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Post Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:53 am

Re: Does ISBoxer conflict with AutoHotKey?

"Interact" also includes "have hotkeys that activate while the game is foreground". It is blocked because the game is running as Administrator and your other software is not, therefore it has no such permission. Run it as Administrator.

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