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Issues with initial setup

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Post Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:19 pm

Issues with initial setup


Probably missing a step here but having trouble getting ISBoxer to work-

1. I did the setup wizard and selected 3 characters to experiment with. I entered the character names exactly as they are in game.
- set up a hotkey to cycle through the characters (`) and set some fps limiting. This is it, not using broadcasting, obviously.
2. Exported the profile to Inner Space.
3. Hit Launch on the character set.
4. Hit play on the three accounts with the above characters from the EvE Launcher and selected those characters.

- Nothing happens. The hotkey switcher isn't working. Again, probably missing a step here (the eve online wiki page seems kind of dated)!


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Post Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:35 pm

Re: Issues with initial setup

Might need to see your profile to figure out why your hotkey isn't working.

The most obvious reason would be that the Key Maps are not enabled.
But that said, ISBoxer's default setup should provide, under the ISB42 - Always On key map, a Next Window mapped key, which you can add a hotkey to, to provide just what you appear to be after. IIRC, it also appears in the Wizard as an optional key you can set.


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Post Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:56 pm

Re: Issues with initial setup

bob wrote:Might need to see your profile to figure out why your hotkey isn't working.

The most obvious reason would be that the Key Maps are not enabled.
But that said, ISBoxer's default setup should provide, under the ISB42 - Always On key map, a Next Window mapped key, which you can add a hotkey to, to provide just what you appear to be after. IIRC, it also appears in the Wizard as an optional key you can set.

Yeah I did that. I don't think I am using isboxer properly to be honest. Googling hasn't resulted in much help so far.

Profile: https://pastebin.com/AHMiT9zB

Doing it with 3 characters (1 per account).

EDIT: I got it to work, I see you need to launch the launcher and then the game each time or use the isboxer eve launcher.

Some questions:

1) Is there a way to use regular 'windowed' layout rather than this fullscreen stuff? (I mean the Eve Windowed layout so i can tab to other things without causing the flicker that happens coming out of full screen).
2) Would the Inner Space FPS limiter work without the isboxer settings (launching from isboxer)? This is all I want really.. to be able to reduce CPU usage on background clients.


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Post Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:26 pm

Re: Issues with initial setup

You don't need to use a Window Layout at all. If you select your character set in the top left, and in the lower left, select the Window Layout and press DEL. Export - you will need to relaunch your team. A Window Layout is good for setting up views so you can see all windows at the same time, and for synchronising for broadcasting. If you don't need either (well, the former seeing as the latter is out), then no window layout will give you back normal Windows type control. ISBoxer forces the games to Windowed mode when using a Windowed layout, regardless of the actual game settings, so there should be no flickering when tabbing to non game windows.

The Inner Space limiter does work. When using ISBoxer, it overrides the Inner Space limiter settings. If you aren't using ISBoxer at all, and only use Inner Space (presumably with your own custom scripts), then the Inner Space limiter is what you would end up using (whether via your custom scripts or setting in the global config options).


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Post Mon May 01, 2017 12:09 pm

Re: Issues with initial setup

bob wrote:The Inner Space limiter does work. When using ISBoxer, it overrides the Inner Space limiter settings. If you aren't using ISBoxer at all, and only use Inner Space (presumably with your own custom scripts), then the Inner Space limiter is what you would end up using (whether via your custom scripts or setting in the global config options).

By custom scripts, I'm essentially only using AutoHotKey to use for going through game windows (essentially the 'Next Window' functionality), nothing else. So I'm not using a script or program to interact with IS. So the other option is global config which I assume is the 'Configuration' menu when you right click inner space on the task bar. Setting the fps limiter and hitting apply doesn't seem to be working. I experiment with foreground to 5 FPS and it's definitely not limiting it.


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Post Mon May 01, 2017 2:46 pm

Re: Issues with initial setup

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if you aren't using Inner Space to control the windows foreground/background then its not going to work. I suspect (I haven't checked it) that you would need to be using http://www.lavishsoft.com/wiki/index.ph ... y_(Command).

If you're not keen on learning some Lavishscript, or developing a module for Inner Space, then you could just use ISBoxer. You don't have to use all the default configuration items, you don't have to use a Window Layout, you could just purely use the Next Window mapped key, remove all the rest (the mapped keys that is), and that would be done.
You can still use AutoHotKey. It will need to run as Admin (because Inner Space is an Admin program, not because you are using ISBoxer).


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Post Mon May 01, 2017 5:55 pm

Re: Issues with initial setup

Alright, I'll try and make all that work - thanks for your help and patience with me :)


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Post Tue May 02, 2017 6:15 pm

Re: Issues with initial setup

@bob I followed the instructions you listed here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=8157 to complete success. Doing the full setup is gonna suck but it worked! Just wanted to let you know in case you get a similar question.


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Post Tue May 02, 2017 10:44 pm

Re: Issues with initial setup


Those instructions are pretty much the same as the ones on the GitHub page; I just happened to add in every little thing I clicked on as the OP in that thread was having trouble getting it going.

Normally setting up ISBoxer is pretty quick if you use the Mapped Key Wizard. If you have complex scenarios these can take a bit longer to do, but overall, it should be faster than typing out the necessaries for AHK.

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