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Help setting up a Mezz click bar

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Post Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:43 am

Help setting up a Mezz click bar

I am running a 3-man Pally/Druid/Ench team on the progression server. I want to add a click bar that can be used from the pally/druid that assists the current character and can perform mezz, charm, or slow. I just set up a healing click bar that works great, but is there a simpler way? I am a novice so it gets a bit confusing at times.


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Post Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:10 pm

Re: Help setting up a Mezz click bar

kett73 wrote:I just set up a healing click bar that works great, but is there a simpler way?

It's difficult to say because we don't know how you set up your current healing Click Bar, but I'll assume that you set it up using a pretty standard method, so I'm going to say that there probably isn't an easier way, no.

If you can set up a Mapped Key to do what you want, then tying in the Click Bar is very simple, but perhaps more information is required to answer your question.


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Post Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:27 pm

Re: Help setting up a Mezz click bar

Well I want to control the enchanters functions from the main tanks slot. I originally wanted to do it from multiple windows, but I think I would have to setup more than one button to do that.

1) Setup a Key map called Mesmerize.
2) Created 6 mapped keys (Assist Slot 1, Assist Slot 2, Charm, Rapture, Glamour, Slow).
3) Created an Action Target Group with Enchanter
4) Created the Click Bar (1 Button) with 4 clicks to cast the various spells and Mouse over to Assist Slot 1.

I haven't got a chance to test yet, but I am not sure the Assist Slot 1 will work. Should I set my mouse over to my assist mapped key instead of assist slot?


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Post Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:35 pm

Re: Help setting up a Mezz click bar

Sounds about right.

kett73 wrote: Should I set my mouse over to my assist mapped key instead of assist slot?
Depends on the game. The default Assist Me mapped key will direct all your toons to assist you, and not just those in the Enchanter ATG. If you try to set that, it will tell you a long message about telling all your toons to tell all your other toons to assist them, so each toon will get multiple requests to assist the other toons, and it will all get a bit confused.
So, you will either need to Assist Slot 1 etc, as you have proposed, OR, create yourself a new Assist Mapped Key which has a target of Self, and then let a calling mapped key set the target of whom should be the assisted or assistee (which depends a bit on game and config as to how this would work).

Although, if you only want it for Slot 1, then set Assist Slot 1. If you want to be able to switch leaders and have it assist the other windows, then you might be looking at multiple clickbars, 1 for each toon, or a little bit more complicated by using virtual key maps/mapped keys to redirect the appropriate assist actions.


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Post Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:03 pm

Re: Help setting up a Mezz click bar

Game is EQ and I have all the spells working, but enchanter won't assist my pally.


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Post Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:09 pm

Re: Help setting up a Mezz click bar

At this point it would be helpful to see what you have configured.



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Post Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:42 pm

Re: Help setting up a Mezz click bar



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Post Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:59 pm

Re: Help setting up a Mezz click bar

We don't tend to use the embed links. Raw, but not embed. (not to worry, I figured it out).

Anyway, you mez clickbar is not calling any assist mapped key on mouseover, nor are the actions on the button clicks either, so the actions (the slow/charm/rapture/glamour mapped keys) will be actioned on the recipients (presumably the Enchanter from your comments above) current target, which may or may not be your desired target.

The target you have for the mapped keys slow/charm/rapture/glamour is set to "mezmerize", yet you have no character/character set/or ATG called this, so this is wrong, and these mapped keys will do nothing. Presumably this should be the Mezz atg.

The Assist mapped key you have in the Mesmerize Key Map is set to Assist Target, which is cool, 1. ifyou were using it, and 2. if the toon receiving it was targeting the right thing in the first place that you wanted to then assist (i.e. get their target). The thing wrong here is you are sending it to all other, and not limiting it to who you actually then want to do the next action, which like above, should presumably be the Mezz atg.


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Post Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:09 am

Re: Help setting up a Mezz click bar

I didn't notice that at the time i was setting up. However, the mouse over assist I can not get to work. If I just use regular assist it works like a charm so I will continue on that way.

Thanks for the help!

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