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New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys

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Post Tue May 17, 2016 1:26 am

New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys

So yesterday I decided to set up another Menu bar.

I used the standard Menu preset and made a new Hot Key set and a new Button Set:

Hot Key set is named Alt Keys and it goes from Alt+1 to Alt+ =
Button set is named Alt Keys Assist + Broadcast again from Alt+1 to Alt+ = (Do Assist Me In Non-Combat Key Map -> self)

So the new Menu goes like this:

Standard Menu 2

Menu Template : Standard
Hotkey Set : Alt Keys
Button Set : Alt Keys Assist + Broadcast

It worked fine at first but for some reason now Standard Menu 2 Uses the same mapped keys as The Standard Menu.
So instead of using Alt+1 it uses 1 twice... as if the two menus are now using mapped key 1 trough =

What am I doing wrong ?
Need Help =/
New ISBoxer User here.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Tue May 17, 2016 6:14 am

Re: New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys

I cant see any reason for it to be doing what you are describing.

You could try setting the he Action Mode on the button set to Hold. Depending on the game, this might be necessary (I was sure this is the default setting - but I haven't checked).

I'd also be wary of other game addons/mods. Depends on the game you are playing, but some addons in WoW can have funny results. Also make sure the game actually has in game bindings set for the ALT keys. If it does not, then it might be falling back.


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Post Tue May 17, 2016 2:36 pm

Re: New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys

Yeah I don't know what's wrong with it...
Both Menus are not working properly anymore, It looks like Assist + Broadcast just no longer works.
Exemple :

(I Play WoW)

Main Window targets a Mob , I Click on Spell 2 ( bound on 2 ),
Spell goes Off in Main window
Minion does nothing... and says ( I need a Target )

Before Whenever Main Window would target a Mob and cast a spell Minion would cast on the same target at the same time.

the Only way I found to make The Minion take On the same target is if I put "Ranged Auto attack" on my Action bar and Spam it before casting a spell with Main Window.

So the Standard Menu Works but The Minion no longer Targets the same mob as Main Window unless I make it Auto Attack...

Same Thing with "Interact with target"
I Use Alt + G to Interact with target so The Minions will loot the same target as the Main Window and it worked fine before.
Now The Minion just won't target at all so it can't loot anything... I press Alt+G and nothing happens.

AND my second Menu Still does not work.
I can see that it responds to Alt Keys, if I press Alt + 6 on my keyboard the Menu flashes where Alt + 6 is but it cast the spell bound on Standard Menu bound on 6 instead...
So I'll restart the whole process and start fresh with a new team using the ISBoxer Wizard and I'll make the second menu again....

If I try to Open the in-game ISBoxer GUI menu it also doesn't work, I press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + G and nothing.
The thing that bugs me is that it was working perfectly 2 days ago....
Anyways if anyone has an Idea on what to do please share , I am all out of ideas.


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Post Tue May 17, 2016 3:14 pm

Re: New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys

At a quick guess, it sounds to me like your characters' key binds are messed up. I would double check that everything is set properly on both characters in game, because you may have been trying to alter your characters' key bindings with Key Maps enabled, which is a no no.


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Post Tue May 17, 2016 3:42 pm

Re: New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys

Thanks for the reply.

I Checked and Every single keybind in-game is the exact same for both characters.

I created another team in ISBoxer using the wizard.
Now most of it is working ok.

Auto-targeting, casting the right spell at the same time, Interact with target (loot), all that good stuff is back.
Also ISBoxer Gui is popping Up again.

the Only issue that is still there is the Standard Menu 2.
If I click or cast the Spell Bound to Alt+6 it highlights the right spell but it always casts the spell on Standard Menu(1) Bound on 6 instead.

So most of it seems to be OK. I am just stuck using 12 spells and one Action bar.
I dont't know I probably messed something up with the Menu I made... no idea how to fix it.

Edit* - Quick fix.
I got The Bartender4 Addon Lined up the Second Menu Over that Action Bar.
Within The Addon itself they is an option to setup Keybindings for specific bars.
Bound The keys to Alt+1 to Alt + = and now it works ! yay!


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Tue May 17, 2016 4:47 pm

Re: New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys

alex04 wrote:Edit* - Quick fix.
I got The Bartender4 Addon Lined up the Second Menu Over that Action Bar.
Within The Addon itself they is an option to setup Keybindings for specific bars.
Bound The keys to Alt+1 to Alt + = and now it works ! yay!

Glad you got it working, but I would like to point out that the Menu does not have to be over the action bar in order for it to work, as ISBoxer knows nothing about the game client.

I apparently missed this part from your prior post:
if I press Alt + 6 on my keyboard the Menu flashes where Alt + 6 is but it cast the spell bound on Standard Menu bound on 6 instead

If you press Alt+6, and instead just the action on 6 fires off, then that is an indication that you do not have a key binding set, in the game, to use Alt+6. So, when you originally created your second Menu, you would have needed to have Alt+1 through Alt+= bound in game for it to have worked. I was under the impression that you had those bindings already setup and working in game. These bindings can be done through the default interface without the need for Bartender, or any other action bar add-on.

Again, I'm glad it's all working for you, but I just want to point these things out for others who may stumble upon this thread in the future.


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Post Tue May 17, 2016 4:47 pm

Re: New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys

Aye... Bartender is on of those addons I was referring to earlier. I should have said it then, that to diagnose where the issue is, you should disable all addons, except the ISBoxer Addon. Just figured I'd note it here for the next person. :)

(and MiRai beat me to it but I'm posting anyway)...


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Post Wed May 18, 2016 2:51 pm

Re: New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys


So still having issues with Minion Assist.

Everything was working yesterday, did not change anything since my last run with the new team I made.
For some reason again My Minion won't cast anything.

Main window Cast spell 2 , Minion just stands there and says "I need a target"
Interact with target is also gone since it won't share a target, makes it really hard for looting and Questing.

What is up with that ?! I played for hours yesterday and it worked fine.


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Post Wed May 18, 2016 2:58 pm

Re: New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys

Sounds like they don't have a target.

Chances are,
1. ISboxer Addon is not loaded
2. You changed an ingame keybind without disabling keymaps, so your ingame bind had ended up with your in game assist bind (SHIFT+BACKSPACE for your second character) as it's hotkey.


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Post Wed May 18, 2016 3:06 pm

Re: New Menu (Click bar) no longer using Alt Keys

Thank you very much once again for the quick reply.

It Had to be ISBoxer addon.
I re-launched the team and made sure ISboxer addon was loaded on both characters and it is working.

So again, thanks <3

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