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Trove/ISBoxer question/help

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Post Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:44 am

Re: Trove/ISBoxer question/help

Prevail wrote:To fix this issue (for me at least, works every time on every instance of Trove)

I have caps lock set to switch between each window, I go through each one inputting alt+enter twice to enter fullscreen and leave. After you leave fullscreen, set your computers focus to another window (I have two monitors, so I just click on my chrome on my right monitor) and upon clicking back on the one you just did the key combinations on, it'll be fullscreened.

This works for me, but it locks the slot to cursor mode. Is it the same for you? Not a big deal I suppose. Probably preferable to normal actually if you're just leeching with them.


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Post Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:21 am

Re: Trove/ISBoxer question/help

Wheathn wrote:
Prevail wrote:To fix this issue (for me at least, works every time on every instance of Trove)

I have caps lock set to switch between each window, I go through each one inputting alt+enter twice to enter fullscreen and leave. After you leave fullscreen, set your computers focus to another window (I have two monitors, so I just click on my chrome on my right monitor) and upon clicking back on the one you just did the key combinations on, it'll be fullscreened.

This works for me, but it locks the slot to cursor mode. Is it the same for you? Not a big deal I suppose. Probably preferable to normal actually if you're just leeching with them.

Er, the last post on this thread is my post about the issue he's working around that way, being fixed. Are you on Inner Space build 6087? If not, switch to it.

Inner Space build 6087, now the development build of Inner Space, corrects the "zoom" issue, where the game adjusted the resolution to match what was supposed to be a scaled-down window size. To try it out, right click IS and select Patcher, tick "Download development (test) patches" (unless you've already ticked it for the other fix) and then close and restart Inner Space to let it patch up.

Let me know how it goes. :)


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Post Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:39 pm

Re: Trove/ISBoxer question/help

bob wrote:Sometimes game updates break stuff, and annoyingly the developers are not forthcoming with all their code changes, so each time a game update occurs, it is possible that your multiboxing goodness will not function correctly after that update. This is normally fixed pretty quickly upon notification, but as it is summer holidays there may be a little delay.

As you has said there was a game update, it is possible that there is a new file that needs to be added, or perhaps a patch may need to be put in place on InnerSpace to deal with how Trove/Glyph accesses the files.
I don't have a Trove install, so I cannot help you on whether there is a new file required.
Lax may be a bit slower than usual determining if a patch is required for InnerSpace for the next week or so (I believe he is away currently - although remoting in periodically).

The problem wasn't just after the game patch, after the game patch it was fine. The trouble came when I updated to developer patch in InnerSpace.


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Post Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:40 pm

Re: Trove/ISBoxer question/help

lax wrote:Inner Space build 6087, now the development build of Inner Space, corrects the "zoom" issue, where the game adjusted the resolution to match what was supposed to be a scaled-down window size. To try it out, right click IS and select Patcher, tick "Download development (test) patches" (unless you've already ticked it for the other fix) and then close and restart Inner Space to let it patch up.

Let me know how it goes. :)

The zoom issue seems to be gone. :)


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Post Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:59 pm

Re: Trove/ISBoxer question/help

Is there anything I can do to fix the problem of the login issue Lax? I'm refering to that now when I start a team, InnerSpace loads the same version of Glyph each time. It doesn't load each specific configuration and so does not save the login information. I was also wondering if it is due to it being a developer patch or something else. I mentioned in an earlier post that the game has all the proper configs, and inside IsBoxer and such it loads from those configs. However it doesn't seem to work. So after each login, it relogs in on the same account and you have to manually logout and login again.


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Post Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:22 pm

Re: Trove/ISBoxer question/help

ussmbox wrote:Is there anything I can do to fix the problem of the login issue Lax? I'm refering to that now when I start a team, InnerSpace loads the same version of Glyph each time.

Are you leaving Glyph open? You can set the option for Glyph to exit after launching a game, in the Glyph settings.

Otherwise, this issue is 100% your configuration, specifically with your Virtual Files. I can look at that for you if you'd like to share your configuration -- http://isboxer.com/wiki/Configuration_Sharing -- but in a nutshell, each Character should be assigned "GlyphClient.cfg" under Virtual Files, and each one gets its own "Virtualize as" filename (select each Character name in the bottom left pane). By default, that'll be GlyphClient-NAMEOFCHARACTER.cfg. It may be worth noting that if you have, for some reason, assigned this Virtual File to your Character Set itself, that should be removed because it will force them all to use the same file (which is the problem you're having here). This can all be checked by selecting GlyphClient.cfg in the top left pane under Virtual Files, and then look in the bottom left pane. Make sure a Character Set is not listed, and click each Character to make sure the filename is different for each. Any Trove Character NOT listed needs to be added.


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Post Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:36 pm

Re: Trove/ISBoxer question/help

lax wrote:
ussmbox wrote:Is there anything I can do to fix the problem of the login issue Lax? I'm refering to that now when I start a team, InnerSpace loads the same version of Glyph each time.

Are you leaving Glyph open? You can set the option for Glyph to exit after launching a game, in the Glyph settings.

Otherwise, this issue is 100% your configuration, specifically with your Virtual Files. I can look at that for you if you'd like to share your configuration -- http://isboxer.com/wiki/Configuration_Sharing -- but in a nutshell, each Character should be assigned "GlyphClient.cfg" under Virtual Files, and each one gets its own "Virtualize as" filename (select each Character name in the bottom left pane). By default, that'll be GlyphClient-NAMEOFCHARACTER.cfg. It may be worth noting that if you have, for some reason, assigned this Virtual File to your Character Set itself, that should be removed because it will force them all to use the same file (which is the problem you're having here). This can all be checked by selecting GlyphClient.cfg in the top left pane under Virtual Files, and then look in the bottom left pane. Make sure a Character Set is not listed, and click each Character to make sure the filename is different for each. Any Trove Character NOT listed needs to be added.

I was closing Glyph manually after each game initiated. But I will have a look into it and try what you've written and test it out. Thanks!


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Post Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:50 pm

Re: Trove/ISBoxer question/help

ussmbox wrote:I was closing Glyph manually after each game initiated. But I will have a look into it and try what you've written and test it out. Thanks!

That used to be required, but now Glyph correctly passes the necessary data in to the game instead of requiring Glyph to stay open. :)


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Post Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:12 pm

Re: Trove/ISBoxer question/help

Okay I tried to fix it myself, but as far as I can tell it is and was exacly as you described. I've never really tinkered with these things because IsBoxer makes these files themselves so never really had any problems with it. However as I've mentioned here a couple of times, once I updated to the developer patch mode this stopped working. :P


There is my private paste, maybe you can shed some light on what I am doing wrong.

Edit, Trove team is my main. :p But the second team has the same problem.

Edit2, characters are named T1-T5 and M1-M5. Should help with the search!


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Post Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:32 pm

Re: Trove/ISBoxer question/help

ussmbox wrote:However as I've mentioned here a couple of times, once I updated to the developer patch mode this stopped working. :P

Right, you said that, but a) no related changes and b) I'm using build 6087 as well, and I've logged in to Trove several times since then for various tests. At the very least, so is Wheathn at this point and he didn't mention this doing anything different for him either. So I'm still looking for the reason why this would not be working for you.

If the issue is specifically related to using this build, then reverting to the non-development build (by doing the same thing -- just untick the box and restart to let it downgrade) should make it work again. So you can test that to see if anything changes for you.

I agree that your ISBoxer configuration appears correct.

Another thing you can do is open up Windows Explorer and paste in the address bar %appdata%\..\Local\Glyph to find the Glyph config files. You should find each of the GlyphClient-M1.cfg etc here. You can open them in Notepad and find the login for each under [Glyph] Login=your@email.com. If they are Read-Only for some reason, that would prevent the login from being updated when you log into Glyph. If the main GlyphClient.cfg is read-only, any new copies (e.g. for new Characters) will also be read-only, as they are copied directly from the main file.

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