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Menu's and timers

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Post Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:59 am

Menu's and timers


I have a Menu with to button sets. Let's say set 1 has normal functions, set 2 has special functions. What I want is the following: When switching to set 2 I want it to automatically switch back to set 1 after let's say 10 seconds (set up a timer to get this functionality, works). So far, so good. Now the part I can't figure out: when in set 2, I only want it to automatically switch back to set 1 if no button in the menu has been pressed for 10 seconds. So, as long as I keep pressing menu buttons in set 2 it stays there, then once I stop pressing the menu buttons it switches back to set 1. Without me having remember, cause forgetting to set it back to set 1 could mean accidentally activating a special action with a long cool down.

Think I remember firescue17 talking about something similar in one of his videos, can't figure out how he did it though.



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Post Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:37 pm

Re: Menu's and timers

I'm not 100% certain this is how to do it, but I would try using a Timer with a Count of 1 for your timer group.

You then need to put your menu switching out into a mapped key and call this via a Do Mapped Key Action from your action which switches the menu and each of the second menu buttons (amongst whatever other actions they are supposed to run).

This mapped key needs to do a couple of things, which are:
1, reset all the timers in the timer group,
2, sets an action to move switch your menu back, with a countdown of 10 seconds using your timer group with a count of 1.


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Post Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:10 am

Re: Menu's and timers

Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately I already tried that and it didn't work. As soon as I set the max timers to 1 it just stays in set 2 indefinitely. Tried to use the timer group action reset option but result is the same, it just stays in set 2.

Thought of another way that might work, but still have to try that, maybe I'll get to it tonight.



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Post Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:19 am

Re: Menu's and timers

You should show your profile.

Usually issues with timers not firing as expected is you are sending the timer action to ALL, when you should be sending it to SELF. When you send timer actions to ALL they can get a little unpredictable because you don't always know in which order the actions will run. Lax put me right in this post when I was busy screwing it up.

In the menu I was fiddling with at the time, I realised in the end that my menus only ever needed to be active on the current active toon anyway, so I ended up redoing it so it was designed to only be active on a single character, and when I switch active toons, the menu will switch too, courtesy of a "When I switch to this character" mapped key that moves a number of things around for me.


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Post Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:36 am

Re: Menu's and timers

Got it working, thanks.


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