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Click bar state action conditinal

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Post Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:50 am

Click bar state action conditinal


Using clickbars to do click healing on my partyframes. Also set up clickbars for the partypetframes. Slot 1 always tank. Slot 2 always healer. Slot 3-5 always DPS. Offcourse I only want these pet clickbars to appear when the specific slot (3-5) has a pet.

So what I'm looking for is some sort of conditional to ad to the "click bar state action" (or to ad to a "Do mapped key action" that point to a "click bar state action") to activate the slot 3, 4 or 5 pet click bar depending on if there is a hunter or warlock in these slots. So e.g. do "click bar state action" for petclickbar 3 only if slot 3 is in ATG BatllePets (in which I would then put Hunters and Warlocks).

Is this somehow possible.



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Post Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:07 am

Re: Click bar state action conditinal

All you need is a Click Bar State Action. For the Target of this Action, you can point it at the BatllePets ATG. If you want to restrict it to a specific slot, like slot 3, then you could type in the Target box "is3&BattlePets" with no quotes (this is an Advanced Target, see http://isboxer.com/wiki/Target for more info). If you want to restrict it to 3 specific slots, like 3 4 or 5, you could do "(is3,is4,is5)&BattlePets".


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Post Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:50 am

Re: Click bar state action conditinal

Thanks Lax.

At first I tried it like you said, put in the custom targets: "is3&(Hunter,Warlock)", "is4&(Hunter,Warlock)" and "is5&(Hunter,Warlock)", changed them a little, more pro system friendly. It worked partly, the petclickbars only appeared in the character windows that had a pet, but when click healing I need them in all character windows. So I went back to using the custom targets in a "Do mapped key action" and have them point to "click bar state action" with the target "all&~dxNothing". This works like I want it to, but every time I click on one of the "Do mapped key action" with the custom targetsand than leave that action I get a warning that says:


Like I said it work like I want it to but the windows is (probably right but) annoying. Is there a way to simplify and/or get rid of the warning.



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Post Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:20 am

Re: Click bar state action conditinal

I can't say specifically what to change without seeing your current configuration, so feel free to show that -- http://isboxer.com/wiki/Configuration_Sharing

Re-reading your original post, why not use healing, tank, and dps ATGs? My system is basically the same as yours, except my healer is always slot 1 and tank in slot 2, and I generally drive from slot 2. I use these 3 ATGs ;)

Secondly you mentioned wanting to make them Pro style friendly. You can most likely use the actual method used by the Pro style. :) Add a new Mapped Key to Virtual Combat, and copy it into your class-specific Key Maps that would do whatever you're sending to is3, is4, and is5, and customize the class-specific mappings. Then if you want to activate it via Hotkey for example, add to Combat Hotkeys, with a Do Mapped Key Action with Target = Group (all of): DPS. Or just "~dxnothing" (no "all" required, it is implied), to do whatever Mapped Key under Virtual Combat.

The virtualization pattern eliminates the Do Mapped Key Action's Target warning because it would be checking against Virtual Combat, which typically has no Actions.


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Post Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:26 am

Re: Click bar state action conditinal

I understood from your post that you want to show the Pet Healing bar(s) on all slots, but only against a character name (party frame) if that character has a Pet (to be fair, this may be what Lax was describing, but I wrote this, and he beat me to it).

If I was doing this, I would have one Pet Healing menu for each character in the character set. So 5. These will be targeted specifically to each slot. Then when you load each one, you only load it if that slot happens to be a member of the BattlePets ATG, but you load it to "all&~dxnothing" so the menu displays on all characters. You can use virtualisation along the way, although it is not strictly necessary.

The simple version is to have Mapped Keys which do
Display Pet Menu Menus
--Step 1
----Do Mapped Key Action, Display Pet Menu 1, Target "is1&BattlePets"
----Do Mapped Key Action, Display Pet Menu 2, Target "is2&BattlePets"
----Do Mapped Key Action, Display Pet Menu 3, Target "is3&BattlePets"
----Do Mapped Key Action, Display Pet Menu 4, Target "is4&BattlePets"
----Do Mapped Key Action, Display Pet Menu 5, Target "is5&BattlePets"

Display Pet Menu 1
--Step 1
----Menu State Action, Load Pet Healing Menu 1, Target "all&~dxNothing"

Display Pet Menu 2
--Step 1
----Menu State Action, Load Pet Healing Menu 2, Target "all&~dxNothing"

Display Pet Menu 3
--Step 1
----Menu State Action, Load Pet Healing Menu 3, Target "all&~dxNothing"


Why 5 menus? well, because you want to have them displayed only in certain circumstances, and because the locations are different. You can use the same Template, but I recommend starting out with 5 Button Sets, one for each of the 5 menus. I tend to start simple (hah), get those working, and then try and virtualise it.

p.s. you should still share your config too, it becomes much easier to see what you are trying.


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Post Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:08 pm

Re: Click bar state action conditinal

@ Bob: That's almost exactly how I did it, see attached profile, and it works, but like I mentioned above I get that error. I left out pet menu 1 and 2 because slot 1 and 2 are always tank and healer which won't have pets.

@ Lax: Like this it is Pro Style friendly already, in the "Quick Setup Wizard" I assign my character to the hunter and warlock ATGs so its completely virtual from the moment the wizard is complete. I assume you mean using the "Tank,Healer,DPS" ATG instead of "~dxNothing"? Don't really get your point in the "Secondly....." part.

Here is my profile, had to split it up in to parts because apparently Privatepaste has a maximum past size of 0.5 MB. Part 1 and part 2.

The part we are talking about is in the Key Map "Clickbars" kinda obvious but...

When you are looking at my profile, could you please also take a quick glance at the Load / Reload mapped key in the key map General (Always on), this is the keymap I setup to run when my character sets are loaded or reloaded (when starting a character set, or after an export all to inner space action).
I first have it activate a bunch of key maps, this again to make it simple/ virtualise as much as possible (I always forget to ad some character set to some mapped key and then spend an hour figuring out that the cause of something not working is. Several other action though are just not working, I've already made woraround for two of them like you can see. I made a load / reload clickbar mapped key which is a copy of the one in the Clickbars key maps, because that one would not work as an action in this mapped key via the "Do mapped key action", same for digits green in key map menu toggles which I also moved here. The repeater disable mapped key and the swap to slot 1 mapped key don't work either.
For testing purposes I attached F6 as a hotkey to this mapped key and when pressed in game it does execute all actions. Can one of you figure out what the problem is here.

Thanks a lot.


Edit: Forgot to ad: The shared profile is a work in progress, not fully functional or usable yet. Big chunks of it don't work, need to be bug fixed or are not yet configured.


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Post Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:29 pm

Re: Click bar state action conditinal

ThaSpike wrote:@ Bob: That's almost exactly how I did it, see attached profile, and it works, but like I mentioned above I get that error. I left out pet menu 1 and 2 because slot 1 and 2 are always tank and healer which won't have pets.

The message is not an error, but rather a warning that you might be making a boo boo. ISBoxer is seeing that you are calling a mapped key from another mapped key, and that neither the calling, nor the callee are set to self (Window:Current), so it pops up that message. This is despite the fact that the top level mapped key only calls the Do Mapped Key on a single session, so it is just as good (and limiting) as calling on self.

The evaluation of the Target "chain" is not determining that it resolves to 1 session when using advanced target mechanics, although there are certainly cases when it potentially could, however I imagine that will require a lexer and parser to figure it out, and developing that would take time away from other things.

In most cases the warning will display for people who have done something wrong. In your case, you are taking a simple approach to load calling the Mapped keys which actually do the loading. If you used virtualisation on top of this approach, then it would prevent the message as Lax said. When I mapped it out, virtualisation required adding another mapped key (which is used as the dummy for the Do Mapped Key actions), and then adding some more configuration at the Character Set slot level (Virtual Mapped Keys, for each character to set the dummy mapped key to be replaced with the slot specific mapped keys), so it turns out to be slightly more effort to get rid of the message.

An option to not display the message would be nice, but then the people who need it would disable it, and then wonder why stuff is broken; then again It would be handy for experienced users.


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Post Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:43 am

Re: Click bar state action conditinal

@ Lax: Was to late last night, didn't get your virtualization point but got it now, like it and will implement it. Even gave me a some new insights in how to improve an another part off my profile.

@ Bob: That's what I figured, the just being a warning part, because it works. Just thought I'd ask because maybe if I do something different I won't have the error. The way around, virtualizing it like Lax described is a bit more complicated but solves the problem and give me more flexibility, so I'll play around with that a little.

@ All: I still have the issue with my load / reload mapped key, like I described in the above post, does someone have any comment on that issue?

Thanks sP´!`Ke


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Post Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:14 am

Re: Click bar state action conditinal

ThaSpike wrote:@ All: I still have the issue with my load / reload mapped key, like I described in the above post, does someone have any comment on that issue?

Yep. When the Load/Reload mapped key executes, the Key Maps that are the home to the mapped keys that are attempting to be executed need to be loaded to the character set. As you are doing the loading via the Activate Maps mapped key, and in some cases this is occurring AFTER you have executed other mapped keys (e.g. Load/Reload ClickBars), then when those mapped keys are executing, there is nothing to run.

My understanding is that it is a timing thing, and it goes something like this.. (note: my understanding on the inner workings of Inner Space is flakey, so this is not going to be 100% correct, but I suspect it is close enough to describe what is happening)
If you have the Load/Reload ClickBars mapped key in the ClickBars key map, then it means that the ClickBars key map needs to be loaded when the execution of the Load/Reload mapped key starts. This is because the processing of actions can see that "oh, that Do Mapped Key action refers to a mapped key that doesn't exist in the target, so skip it" (I'm sure it doesn't work exactly like that, but I'm adlibbing - its hard to describe and I can't find the post I want to reference).

When you redirect it via a mapped key in a key map which is loaded (as per the Load/Reload ClickBars in Always On (General), the initial processing can see that mapped key exists, so it "queues" it up, and only when it gets to processing of that action if the Key Map is not yet loaded, it will fail, but if it is loaded, then it works.


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Post Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:59 am

Re: Click bar state action conditinal

Thanks for explaining Bob, I feared this would be the case, but like I said, I tried it this way to remove some of the hassle when adding a new team, and to prevent me forgetting to add the character set to some key maps. Back to the good old method then.


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