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ISBoxer and WoW Tips'n'Tricks

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 247

Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:24 am

Post Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:17 pm

ISBoxer and WoW Tips'n'Tricks

After spending couple of years multiboxing WoW, I've decided to share some tricks, that may help our fellow forum members.

Part I. Null-terminated castsequences.

This strategy will help you insert an almost perfect DoT in your current class rotation. We'll utilize WoW macro castsequences and two-step key maps with timer reset.

Step 1: Under the WoW helpers tab, create and assign a key (something you dont usually use in game, like Ctrl-Shift-F8) to the dot macro; It should look something like
/castsequence reset=5/target Icy Touch, null
Step 2: In your class-specific Key Map, create a new Mapped Key, which has two steps:
a. [Do not advance to next step for at least {Dot Duration - N} seconds]: Keystroke Action -> WoW macro action (look above)
b. [Do not advance to next step for at least {N} seconds]: empty
Here N is a number of seconds, larger than mentioned in the castsequence macro.

This method allows you to cast a GCD bound DoT on your current target exactly ONCE, giving you a wide window to do so (allowing you to cast some other prioritized abilities first or get enough runes/energy to do os). Once the mapped key advances to step 2, it will stop spamming the castsequence, allowing it to reset under in-game timer. It works extremly well with those abilities that can accidentally be spammed (DoT with only GCD).

Obviously you can adjust the macro reset condition for your needs (reset=combat/target/7, etc).
(for newer users - attachment
Null-Terminated Castsequence Key Map
ISB-NullCast.png (32.57 KiB) Viewed 12469 times
gives you an approximate look at how mapped keys interface could be configured. Apologies for russian language in some of the macro names.)

Part II. GCD Sync problem.

Once a multiboxer starts playing a multi-class team, he will notice that even upon pressing some important mapped key shortcut, his other toon will not execute the required ability. If you're a constant button smasher like I am, you can't afford to wait up to 1.5 seconds to wait for GCD to finish on all toons, and even spamming some unique key for unique action (when I want a tremor totem from my other shaman), might be inconvinient.
More experienced users might have dealt with mapped key step state in ISBoxer. We'll use that extremly powerful mechanism to achieve a GCD independent special ability usage.

Lets imagine we want our shaman to cast bloodlust after he finished his lightning bolt cast (so we wont loose DPS).

Step 1. If you haven't already, add a Named WoW macro for your desired ability.
Step 2. Add an empty mapped key in your class-specific key map, and use it in your main rotation mapped key.
Step 3. Our special ability mapped key will consist of two steps.
a. [Do not advance to next step, (never)] - Empty
b. [Do not advance to next step for N seconds] - Action->Named WoW macro->Bloodlust, where N should be about 6 seconds (huge enough window to spam your Bloodlust key after any of your previous casts have finished).

(*) Note: In the second step, action could be application of one-time-only DoT, like in null-terminated castsequence. In that case, change to Action->Do Mapped Key Action.

Now by default your main rotation will spam an empty mapped key (stuck on step 1), until some event will change it to step 2. After spamming step 2 for a while, it will automatically return to the empty state.
To actually enable the Bloodlust, make another mapped key, where it will simply change mapped key step to second (no timers needed).

While there are many other ways to achieve this behaviour, this one does not Action Timer Groups, using the default ISBoxer timers only. (Simply personal preference).

Part III. Second layer of Fire Totems.

This part is very class-specific (shamans!), but you might find ways to apply it to some other class.
The problem might pop up once you configure some way to change class rotation based on required damage type (f.e. using Boss (single-target with dots), Elite (single-target, no dots) and AoE (4+ weaker targets)). In case of shaman, you might enable or disable usage of searing totem/magma totem/no totem based on your rotation. However you do not want to mess up mighty Fire Elemental, with accidentaly placed Searing Totem.
I've only encountered this type of behaviour on shaman fire totems though.

Step 1. Add two empty mapped key in your class-specific key map, call it "Fire Totem" and "Searing Totem". In your usual damage rotation, spam "Fire Totem" constantly.
Step 2. This "Fire Totem" mapped key should have two steps:
a. [Do not advance to next step (never)] -> Mapped Key "Searing Totem"
b. [Do not advance to next step (~58 seconds)]-> WoW Macro Fire Elemental Totem
Step 3. your "Searing Totem" mapped key should be built like a null-terminated castsequence (two steps, second is empty), while the WoW macro castsequence should cast Searing Totem (once), etc.
Once you pop DPS cooldowns, simply switch the "Fire Totem" mapped key step to second. It will automatically come back to searing totem when the elemental dies. Using the null-terminated castsequence here guarantees(!) you placing Searing Totem exactly ONCE per minute (or per target swap for example).

As part of my AoE rotation changes, I simply disable Searing Totem key map, or switch it with [reset=combat] one, because of constant target switching.

Part IV. Advanced FTL.

This technique is effectively applied when you have all characters on single PC and want to often switch windows during encounters.

On some non-multiboxer-friendly encounters team split might be required (Thorim, ranged killing some spheres on Lich King, etc). Instead of having different static action target groups or character sets for (tank/heal+dps) or (ranged/melee) splits, we could create a dynamically configurable "special" group, that will act as a character set within character set.. Let me explain the desired behaviour we want to achieve.
Have a special group, consisting of some of your character set members, that will follow/ineract/assist each other, without affecting the leftovers. This part is easily configured using Action Target Groups as send target in your actions/keys. However, I've not found simple way to have leftover group members to NOT affect the special team! (Since you can't conviniently save some boolean variables in ISBoxer :)).
This technique will also require hard-coding some of WoW macros for your current team, so you would be OK in different LFR groups for example.

Step 1. Game helpers -> WoW -> WoW Macro Set -> {Team Name}
Create N simple WoW macros, like /follow MyChar1, or /assist MyChar3, or simply use the FTL templates with different modifiers being sent.

Step 2. In your "Combat" Key Map tab (something that is independent of your current team)
As you can see in attached image
Combat Key Map - Follow Mapped Keys
ISB-Follow.png (8.49 KiB) Viewed 12469 times
, we have 4 Mapped Keys, (each consists of 1 step and 1 action only), Special is ATG that includes all of your characters by default.

Step 3. In your current team specific Key Map, create following Mapped Keys (image below)
ISB-TeamFollow.png (36.92 KiB) Viewed 12469 times

The "Follow 1" simply calls WoW macro for /follow party1
While "Switch to 1" will virtualize the empty Combat Key Map -> Mapped Key (Follow PlayerN and Assist PlayerN) to their implementations.

Step 4. (Can't include more than 3 attachments, so here's external link).

In your character set options, under "Switching" tab, use the Team Specific Key Map -> Switch to 1 mapped key executed, ("When I switch to this character..."). Do this for all characters in your team.
This way, you call your own custom mapped key each time your switch your current window.

Step 5. Configuring the special team target group.
Your combat key map (for any team) should have some new mapped keys now.
Create mapped key "Special 1", with 2 steps. First step will add character SLOT 1 to special group, and disable(virtualize to null) his assist and follow mapped keys; Second step will return him back to normal state.
You can visually indicate his state with ClickBar or Menu button image change, and with Popup text.
(have to create 5 or more mapped keys, though luckily this mapped key does not depend on your current team!)
This means you will add/remove specific character slot to special action target group (easily done other ways) AND stop others from responding to his commands, especially useful for independent target switch.

Step 6. Toggle the special mode team ON/OFF
When pressing some key, you can enable/disable special Mode, that will virtualize your usual assist and follow mapped key to their "Special" version.
From now on, you can freely switch to some other character (not in special group!), and run around shooting adds without having others assist you.

Obviously this technique is only a workaround for "Assist me!!!" on every damage rotation key spam. I still prefer auto-assist in WoW because most of the time targets will die extremly quickly.

Once again, I warn you that every special tactics mentioned here might NOT work for your gaming style, or is simply an overkill for something that could be done way easier.
Thank you for reading, please post your negative and possitive comments below.


Posts: 24

Joined: Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:03 am

Post Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:13 pm

Re: ISBoxer and WoW Tips'n'Tricks

I find your idea of using ISBoxer to allow in-game reset conditions to occur to be very interesting. The way I currently handle things is two different macros

one is part of my always spam and it is reset=target Dot, null (step one is a do not advance for x seconds)

and the other is just cast Dot and I have it kick in in a second step 30 seconds into combat and then this one is do not advance for 4 seconds (less than the cooldown on flame shock, but long enough to be reasonably certain the dot will fire).

I like the alternative idea you are presenting though.


Posts: 247

Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:24 am

Post Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:47 pm

Re: ISBoxer and WoW Tips'n'Tricks

Yeah, I've been using something along the lines of your method, until I've rolled a DK which could apply a disease every 1.5 seconds (GCD), and sometimes wouldn't be able to do it (rune starvation, out of range, etc).

Also, I've found a little side trick on enhancement shaman (if somebody is using them).
I absolutely dread any kind of combo point system in the class I try to multibox. Maelstrom procs on enhancement have always been unpredicatable, and I've usually just added Lightning bolt every 10 seconds (assuming that it procs by than).
However, using

/cast Lightning Bolt

would use it (without interrupting auto-attack reset timer due to stopcasting), and cause extremly wierd behaviour on totem placement / shock usage (castsequences wouldn't work properly, and spells used randomly, due to constant stopcasting).
However, turning mapped key with the above mentioned macro every couple of seconds for a couple of seconds, would produce the exact behaviour you would want from enh shaman.


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Post Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:46 pm

Re: ISBoxer and WoW Tips'n'Tricks

so much text .... video?


Posts: 6

Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:50 am

Post Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:28 am

Re: ISBoxer and WoW Tips'n'Tricks

Great tricks.

I'm not smart enough to do this stuff.

So any chance of a video guide on this?
(One can always hope)


Posts: 53

Joined: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:25 pm

Post Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:53 pm

Re: ISBoxer and WoW Tips'n'Tricks

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

I too would appreciate a rewrite or a video. I've tried diligently to grasp this but failed. mainly because the OP uses shamans to relate the material and i don't play shamans. The steps and back references to the steps are also a bit confusing.

edit: I dont want to sound ungrateful. I am extremely thankful that he posted this in the first place.

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