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DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

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Post Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:00 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

mrmagoo wrote:Man has some work gone into this. Cudos to you mr creator!

Still wrapping my head around it all. The VFX stuff totally bunged up my screen so for now it stays off. Not sure I want it long term anyway since I have two monitors and prefer my Rift set up. Many fun hours ahead

What is your screen resolution? Maybe I can help get you set-up with VFX...
- Sylver


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Post Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:47 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

I had was quite proud of my current Rift setup and how it worked but this has most definitely put it to shame. :oops:

I have only just logged on a few times and set up the new characters. They are sitting in the newbie zone and transferring to each other's instance is never possible as they are too full. I will have to solo them out of the zone and get them all together today.
I also have a problem with my "new" video card freezing up when using multiple innerspace windows. It appears that the freezing is innerspace-related and not Rift related (as I had first thought) and it prevented me from going further last night. :cry: I am going to post about it in the appropriate forum.

Like I said. Early days yet. I will work it out in the end. I have wanted to explore the VFX and click bars part of ISboxer in more depth to see what they are capable of and looking at your code will be a great 101.
I am a trial and error, learn by fiddling type of person but I will surely ask questions if I get stuck. :)
I am running 1920x1080. (normally 1050 as I multitask a lot and love my taskbar available)
The issue I had was that the overlays of all the screens were all patchy and all over the place. You would see part of a screen and not be able to click on anything. Very strange but something I will explore once I get my head around everything else.

My dark (geeky) secret is that I enjoy fiddling with ISboxer and coming up with new rotations and optimisations almost as much as playing the game.
Currently testing a second monitor on 2x2 slots with a 6th virtual region that covers the whole 2nd monitor. Swapping to slaves has them pop onto the entire 2nd screen via the 6th region. Swapping to the main puts them all back into 2x2 and they can be clicked on and interacted with in this mode without focus also.
The way overlapping regions works can be a little unpredictable with focus, always on top and mouse clicks so you have to tweak a few things to get it to work just right but it works great in rift so far. (the reason I am doing this as I have a second-hand video card on the way from a friend that will service the slaves and second monitor exclusively - hopefully solve my freezing problem also!)
I was originally thinking that VFX might have helped with the regions in general and is something I want to play with - especially with neverwinters XX% resolution retarder.

I like the multi inventory screen addon as well and will probably try and get that working too for both games. I can see my configurations for both Rift and Neverwinter are going to become a LOT more complicated. :)


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Post Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:28 am

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Sylver wrote:Hammer wrote that he got it working - apparently needed to update ISBoxer. So good news is we've got another Neverwinter multi-boxer up and running. :D
Great to hear. When I don't hear back I feel like maybe someone was left hanging!
mrmagoo wrote:I had was quite proud of my current Rift setup and how it worked but this has most definitely put it to shame. :oops: ...

My dark (geeky) secret is that I enjoy fiddling with ISboxer and coming up with new rotations and optimisations almost as much as playing the game. ... :)
LOL You are more than welcome here and will fit in well. I sometimes think I like researching games\classes\builds\combos\etc and helping on forums or testing Key-maps/ideas as much or more than actually playing. Sylver would have probably capped at least one full party if not two or more if he didn't have a passion for developing the setups and helping folk !


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Post Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:00 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

mrmagoo wrote:I had was quite proud of my current Rift setup and how it worked but this has most definitely put it to shame. :oops:

I have only just logged on a few times and set up the new characters. They are sitting in the newbie zone and transferring to each other's instance is never possible as they are too full. I will have to solo them out of the zone and get them all together today.
I also have a problem with my "new" video card freezing up when using multiple innerspace windows. It appears that the freezing is innerspace-related and not Rift related (as I had first thought) and it prevented me from going further last night. :cry: I am going to post about it in the appropriate forum.

Like I said. Early days yet. I will work it out in the end. I have wanted to explore the VFX and click bars part of ISboxer in more depth to see what they are capable of and looking at your code will be a great 101.
I am a trial and error, learn by fiddling type of person but I will surely ask questions if I get stuck. :)
I am running 1920x1080. (normally 1050 as I multitask a lot and love my taskbar available)
The issue I had was that the overlays of all the screens were all patchy and all over the place. You would see part of a screen and not be able to click on anything. Very strange but something I will explore once I get my head around everything else.

My dark (geeky) secret is that I enjoy fiddling with ISboxer and coming up with new rotations and optimisations almost as much as playing the game.
Currently testing a second monitor on 2x2 slots with a 6th virtual region that covers the whole 2nd monitor. Swapping to slaves has them pop onto the entire 2nd screen via the 6th region. Swapping to the main puts them all back into 2x2 and they can be clicked on and interacted with in this mode without focus also.
The way overlapping regions works can be a little unpredictable with focus, always on top and mouse clicks so you have to tweak a few things to get it to work just right but it works great in rift so far. (the reason I am doing this as I have a second-hand video card on the way from a friend that will service the slaves and second monitor exclusively - hopefully solve my freezing problem also!)
I was originally thinking that VFX might have helped with the regions in general and is something I want to play with - especially with neverwinters XX% resolution retarder.

I like the multi inventory screen addon as well and will probably try and get that working too for both games. I can see my configurations for both Rift and Neverwinter are going to become a LOT more complicated. :)

Sounds like you have quite a bit of customizing ahead of you with the dual screens and such. I know that some people have it up and running with dual screens - but NeverBoxer was designed to accomodate your 1920x1080 screen rez (will work at 1050 too), so just select that option when setting up. That should help you when it comes time to move the VFX mini-screens to your second monitor.

There's no need to focus the VFX screens nor assign variable keystrokes. I've done all of that in keymaps to spare people the necessity to do so. Almost everything in this config is custom, so you'll probably need to study the General Initialization and associated keymaps to get where you want to go.

Don't hesitate to ask quesions - we're here to help! :D
- Sylver


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Post Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:53 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Will do. :)

I think I was confused with the overlays at first. I think they were coming up and acting as they are supposed to but hiding the main window and that is what confused me. I will certainly be shifting stuff about and playing with the settings.

Need to nail this freezing problem and some of the other guys on the forum have given me some new ideas which I am going to try out.


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Post Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:41 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

About that bind issue. I just had it. Very annoying and I see that you cannot use the standard file redirect to overcome it!? Dammit.
Also the launcher is configured via a common registry key so nothing to be done there.

(Sorry Nodoze! Skip to the end for just the workaround!)

I think I might have found something else though.
While mucking about I noticed the last line of my character's bind file was totally wrong and probably the cause of what you are seeing:
Control+Delete "unbind_all$$bind_load_file isboxer-Neverwinter-Robert Smith@<account name>-binds.txt

Where Robert Smith is my character. (pasty goth wizard of course :mrgreen: )
Neverwinter is the name of my set.
<account name> would be the accounts name.
This is wrong though. My file name is actually: isboxer-Neverwinter-Robert Smith-binds.txt

And while this is certainly not the source of the problem being seen perhaps it is what causes this is also the source of the actual problem as well? (i.e. File not found)

However, it appears that the innerspace console reports the redirect happening perfectly fine:
File 'isboxer-binds.txt' redirected to 'isboxer-Neverwinter-Mrs

So it seems like it is supposed to work... Maybe the bind is being invoked by the game just before the redirect is in effect? (i.e. a race condition)

Dug some more:
        <MacroCommands>unbind_all$$bind_load_file isboxer-{CHARACTERSET}-{CHARACTER}-binds.txt</MacroCommands>

So is {character} suppose to return the name of the character item in the menu, or the character name in the "actual character name" textbox? I am pretty sure that the {character} var returns the former when using it in screen messages.

I have confirmed that if you change the name of your character to the same as the Actual char name you indeed get the correct (but ugly) file name in the macro and the physical file. (no surprise) Of course this does not solve the problem. (!?)
I tested loading up the character this way and that did not work so this is unfortunately a dead end.
After going through all the configuration xml I can see the offending code in question is most likely hard coded into the DLL files as part of the special game helpers. Either that it is not there at all and that would explain why there are no binds! :)
Since I don't have the source code thus ends my quest to find the source (haw haw) of the problem...
I was looking at manually redirecting the registry area to separate chars but I see that appears to be hardcoded also for reg keys.
(yes? Or is there some sort of code-magic that understands "Software/**" as being in the registry? Surely not? )
Discovered .iss files. Ok *rubs hands* NOW we are speaking my language....ok not really because I am a java programmer...but close enough....
Ok, I think I see now. The Neverboxer binds use a generic bind file definition that already existed:
fileredirect "isboxer-binds.txt" "isboxer-${CharacterSet.Escape}-${Character.Escape}-binds.txt"

This is why the files are created correctly even though they are not being picked up by neverboxer - they were already part of isboxer.

Edit: My best guess now is that this is some sort of race condition or file redirection bug. The redirection works once the game is fully loaded but is somehow skipping the initial auto-bind feature built into the patcher.

Ok. I give up now.
I can only assume that the bug is hard coded into a DLL so I wont be able to find the source (haw haw) of the problem. I would guess (since I cannot find it) that the registry redirects are hard coded in there also so I cannot make a new one of those either.
Dammit. :(
Ok, I lied. I did not give up. :evil:

I am going to call it a night now but I have discovered a few things which I will summarize here as well as a quick workaround:
  • The file redirect is in effect and correct once the 3D GUI is up. I can see it in the console and if I rebind the macros to the base filename manually in-game it all works as it should.
  • The rebinding of a macro set from a macro no longer appears to work. :( This limits the options here a lot!

    • For each character manually enter in the console: "/bind_load_file isboxer-binds.txt"[/i]
    • Unfortunately you will have to repeat the above step whenever you change your macros in the future


My best (highly/over) educated guess is that since it works for some people the problem is most likely something to do with a race condition between the patcher and the IS file redirects.

It would also be interesting to know if the bindings corruptions mentioned elsewhere by people already setup were always on/after startup. If so, then I think we have the reason for that also. :)

I hate race conditions!

Am I not hot?
You are too old if you remember this meme.... and if you are old and don't remember it I am sorry you have dementia....
myself.jpg (4.74 KiB) Viewed 15135 times
Last edited by mrmagoo on Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:35 am, edited 14 times in total.


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Post Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:49 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

mrmagoo wrote:About that bind issue. I just had it. Very annoying and ...
I think I might have found something else though.
And while this is certainly not the source of the problem being seen I can only assume that ...
I have confirmed that ...
this is unfortunately a dead end.
After ...
...ok not really ... but close enough....
Ok, I think I see now.
...they have the moons and stars aligned so ..
Ok. I give up now.
Dammit. :(
Ok, I lied. I did not give up. :evil:
I am going to call it a night now but
here is the solution that will avoid you having to manually bind every time:

  • In the ISboxer Macro sets edit the "ReBind" to be Control+Delete "unbind_all$$bind_load_file isboxer-binds.txt". (otherwise you can never rebind properly later)
  • For each character manually enter in the console: "/bind_load_file isboxer-binds.txt"[/i]
  • Whenever you change your macros in the future, press "Ctrl-Del" to invoke the rebind command to reset them.

Am I not hot?
You crack me up. You may have taken the prize from me for going down the deepest rabbit hole LOL. Thanks for all the hard work & I will book mark this to try it when I next change my configs and need to rebind...


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Post Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:23 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

I am sorry Alice, but I was late, I was late, for an important date. :mrgreen:

I have put a nice red warning in to stop any other young blond girls from falling in. I have also edited it a bit after sleeping on it so it hopefully makes more sense. Especially the conclusions I have made from what I have seen so far.
I would be really interested to know if the macro "corruptions" people have seen were always after startup. Because if it is a race condition then this is exactly the sort of behaviour you would expect.

We also need font strikeout on the forum! Makes crazy editors like me even more crazy.

And you think YOU went down a rabbit hole?

You know how many rabbits I killed investigating this?

The horror....the horror....


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Post Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:20 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

One thing I haven't yet tried but suspect that will work (for the binds) is to simply put each character's specific bind filename in the launcher options box instead of isboxer-binds.txt.

If that works, then you only need to enter it once... per character, at the first launch.

can someone please try? I've not been able to get to the PC to do any work as of late - sry.
- Sylver


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Joined: Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:01 am

Post Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:58 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Nope. As I quite clearly mentioned in section 3, paragraph a), statement iixv) of my phd thesis of this problem it is not possible. :shock:

Shame on you for missing that?! :lol:

The launcher uses the reg key - "Software/Cryptic/Neverwinter/LauncherCommandLine"
Stupid since it does not use the already duplicated/redirected key folder - ".../Cryptic Launcher/"

So it is not in the directory that is duplicated. If you change it for one, it changes for all.

I am not sure how you create a new registry redirection via configuration and asked that question. (I assume it is hard coded and not possible?) Unless it recognises "Software/" as a registry special prefix - which would be a bit of a hacky way to implement this if it did!

I have not tried that because I assumed this was just wishful thinking on my part. :)

That would be one "easy" way around this if you could.

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