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Foundry Suggestions

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:47 pm

Re: Foundry Suggestions

For testing of healing & damage mitigation I would really like to have a way to reduce members of my parties hitpoints to 10%-25% or so and then test whether things stack. Ideally that area would be safe having static targets that can take lots of damage but not hit back (like the Training room where the Training Dummies are)...

Anyone know of a way while in the Training Room to quickly reduce hit points to something like 25% for testing purposes? If I could reduce my hit points while around the Training Dummies that could work though frankly it is hard to test in there if others are in the Training Room at the same time slinging their own buffs/debuffs/heals/etc...

My other thought was to find or build a Foundry Mission which is sort of like the Training Ground one with the Golems but instead:

- have Portals or something that have to be shattered (but have huge amounts of hit points) for testing damage & debuffs that can be used like Training Dummies (assuming Training Dummies aren't options in Foundry missions);

- have a lava pool nearby that characters can dip into and rapidly deplete their hit points but easily/safely get out of before dying...

- have a series of traps or something that fires a static damages at a standard rates that can easily be started/stopped or move into/out of range of. Conceptually like a tennis ball machine shooting balls on demand (or continuously where you can step in/out of line of fire easily)...

Anyone have any ideas or know is something like this already exists?


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Post Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:14 pm

Re: Foundry Suggestions

Whenever I am multi-boxing and try to leave a Foundry mission after it is over I am locked in and must either use the exit button on the mini-map or use a Teleport scroll to Protector's Enclave to finish the quest.

When clicking on the exit door(or ladder, rope, etc) I get the message: "Unable to perform this interaction at this time" even though the quest is over and the treasure looted.

Anyone else have this problem?

Note: A screenshot example follows:
Capture_unable_to_exit_via_door_when_multi-boxing_v01.JPG (89.49 KiB) Viewed 10205 times


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Post Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:22 am

Re: Foundry Suggestions

Just played an exciting foundry entitled "Blood Pit: Unchained 4.0". Easily one of the best foundry missions I've played - and - quite an excercise for your multi-boxing skills.

Been using this extensively to try out the new NeverBoxer 1.0 Fire-teams.

Give this foundry a try - you won't be disappointed. :D
- Sylver


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Post Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:55 am

Re: Foundry Suggestions

nodoze wrote:Whenever I am multi-boxing and try to leave a Foundry mission after it is over I am locked in and must either use the exit button on the mini-map or use a Teleport scroll to Protector's Enclave to finish the quest.

When clicking on the exit door(or ladder, rope, etc) I get the message: "Unable to perform this interaction at this time" even though the quest is over and the treasure looted.

Anyone else have this problem?

Its a bug introduced by one of the recent patches... alot of the foundry quests have this problem. :evil:
- Sylver


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Post Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:00 am

Re: Foundry Suggestions

Ok, here's a good XP/drop grind one.

Now, this one gets almost no points for variety of mobs or difficulty. But if you're tired, it's 3am and you just want a quick 15 min foundry run, some XP and to totally overflow your inventory ... look no further than "Tunnel Run".

During the Gift of Tymora event, I got 6 gift boxes from just one run through this thing (~15 mins) with 2 DCs. Normally I get that many after an hour of playing my 5-man anywhere else.

So good loot, decent XP and no brains required... also, by the time you play this with NeverBoxer 1.0, you will have "Follow" and "Targeting" down like it's second nature (yes, the new NB makes you target stuff).
- Sylver


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Post Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:16 pm

Re: Foundry Suggestions

Thanks for the suggestions. It is good to have options as Solo Grind didn't count as a Foundry for 2-3 days but does again (at least right now). I think that whenever the average time to completion drops below 15 mins that it looses the ability to count as a Foundry completion.

If you want a dungeon that allows you to damage yourself to test your healing, try "Corrupted Avari (WIP)" with short code 'NW-DM8H6WPM3'.

It is a Work-in-Process (WIP) and I created it to give some options to lower my hit points to see the effects of various healing options. The small lava pits didn't do enough damage to me to really help lower my hit points fast but I left them as they are really funny if you get the Hard MoBs to run over them.

To lower you hit points just run straight north over the 4 traps that are all tightly grouped. A couple of passes and you will be at half health or less... At some point I may add an area covered in traps so that I could test extended healing fights but for now it is enough to meet my original objective. If you would like something added to it for testing purposes let me know and I will try to add it.

EDIT: Also, if you want to know for sure if you are going to fast and not getting XP, click on the "wheel/gear" in the upper left hand corner of your chat window and have your default channel show "Reward Notify (Minor)". If you add Inventory Notify you will also see what you pick up which helps you have separation between mobs XP entries. Otherwise I recommend removing most everything else except things like Friend notifications and Guild notifications (if you are in a guild with folk besides your MB alts)...


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Post Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:18 pm

Re: Foundry Suggestions

Thanks for the tips - I'll be using that to test heals here in the near future as well. Appreciate the hard work. :D

Also, that Tunnel Run has them spaced out so that you don't complete it too fast. I found that with Solo Grind I could kill the mobs too fast, even with a two-man. Tunnel Run seems to be perfectly timed for 2 characters. Haven't tried on a 5-man yet, but I am guessing that many characters would go through it too quickly and encounter the problems you're talking about.

The whole foundry nerf really bums me when I think about it... :cry:
- Sylver


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Post Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:39 pm

Re: Foundry Suggestions

Sorry to hear you have been very sick (in the other thread) and hope you get better soon. I just did the tunnel run and it certainly is a lot of running.

Since my CWx2+DCx3 leveling team just got to 20 I just got them their first mounts and their first companions (all got the man-at-arms). With the 5 companions I just ran past the Mob with my lead foreground window and all 5 man-at-arms swarmed the mob. It was pretty crazy to watch and I just then used at-wills and Sun Bursts to clean-up/heal. I think I also got 6 boxes... Fun option to have in the bag though I think I will stick with the Solo Grind for now as I can just stay in the center and let them come to me after I engage them (plus the Tunnel Run seemed to take a lot longer)...

EDIT: I saw some cheeseball videos showing the abuses people made that caused them to implement the Foundry Nerf. People building Foundry missions with Mobs in a box they couldn't get out of that you could just AoE with no risk for tons of XP is what caused it. I saw one where the box had traps in it to damage the mobs for you so you didn't even have to kill them and another where the mobs were on a floating platform and they just fell to their death for XP when they tried get to you... Sucks for us who aren't doing cheese ball Foundries but it was totally out of control and people were just gaming the system... I wish that they had found a way to address the situation without hosing us as well but I am glad they at least did something to stop the abuse...


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Post Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:40 pm

Re: Foundry Suggestions

@nodose, since you have experience creating a foundry, how hard would it be to make an endless waves foundry?


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Post Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:19 pm

Re: Foundry Suggestions

zandokan wrote:@nodose, since you have experience creating a foundry, how hard would it be to make an endless waves foundry?
Ironic that the reason I created a Foundry quest was because I just wanted a way to damage myself to test healing but found it kind of fun...

What I created was basically the same thing as "Solo Grind" except I didn't like the low-light and line-of-sight restrictions due to the well, ladder, logs, etc so I changed all of that. Instead of 4 waves of 5 MoBs I did one wave of ~15 or so & created my own custom MoB (the "Corrupted Avari").

Some other things to note:
- If you create and publish a Foundry you can get a cool cloak (my quest only had 5 reviews and when I logged in next I had a cloak);
- If your other accounts tip the quest it goes into a tip line in your inventory and any of the characters on the account which created the quest can withdraw the tips. I transferred 50 AD x 6 this way for 300 AD in tips thus far with no fees or losses... Don't know if this could be used to transfer large amounts of AD between characters (haven't tried) but I never heard anyone mention this before so I figured I would share the info...

I don't think it would be hard to create a quest with many waves (especially if they are a repetitive wave or cycle of waves). I remember seeing in the Foundry a story-board type setup where you could possibly do something like that but I didn't investigate further. Personally I could the number of MoBs I added to be about the max before you aggro'ed more than one at a time and/or to where the circle of MoBs gets to be so far out that you have to start running far to agro them...

If I get a few movements I will try to create a second phase as I like to help others by answering their questions and as a side benefit it would like my quest's average time to go up over 15 mins and maybe start counting for the Daily Foundry quests...

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