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Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

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Post Thu May 09, 2013 4:30 pm

Re: Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

This would I respectively Alge recommend if you multibox multiple games with many teams:

Alge wrote:With regards to managing profile for multiple games, I would suggest using File, Save As and saving separate config files for each game. that way you won;t need to start from scratch again when you want to play another game. Instead, just File, Open the appropriate config and File, Export to Inner Space.

And always remember to backup your configfile !
I suggest Dropbox or something like that :)


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Post Thu May 09, 2013 5:11 pm

Re: Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

Kaische wrote:This would I respectively Alge recommend if you multibox multiple games with many teams:

Alge wrote:With regards to managing profile for multiple games, I would suggest using File, Save As and saving separate config files for each game. that way you won;t need to start from scratch again when you want to play another game. Instead, just File, Open the appropriate config and File, Export to Inner Space.

And always remember to backup your configfile !
I suggest Dropbox or something like that :)
Right now my ISBoxerToolkitProfile has all my games & teams in it and I export them all to innerspace only when I make changes. I like that I can launch any team for any game immediately based on which guild mate or friend pings me or what I feel like playing (changes regularly). That being said I pretty much have stopped WoW & SWTOR and really only do DDO and NW now so maybe I will use this as an opportunity to clean things out.

Currently I save my Profile with a new YYYYMMDDv99 naming convention every time I make changes. For example I changed the mouse settings & follow commands per the above posts (haven't tested yet) and my current file is named 'ISBoxerToolkitProfile_20130509_v01.XML'.

My main gaming PC (including all InnerSpace & ISBoxer files) is backed up as follows:

- Nightly full backups via Microsoft Windows Backup to my NAS (XRAID2);
- Nightly full filesystem compare via Sync-Back with version retention to a fileshare on my NAS (XRAID2);
- Nightly copy of my key files (isboxer, configs, pictures of kids, music, etc) to my Carbonite'ed PC which is continuously cloud backed up via Carbonite. I also Carbonite my encryption keys and key restore files.

I highly recommend something similar to everyone. At least get an external hard drive (or even better an external RAID1 pair) that is larger than your system and backup to it (preferably both native Windows backup & something like 2BrightSpark's Syncback that just copies all the files (ideally maintaining 'X' number of versions)). Further Cloud backup is also a great idea but I am not 100% satisfied with Carbonite so you may be able to find better options.

More info on SyncBack (I use the SE version but the Free version is likely good enough):



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Post Thu May 09, 2013 6:53 pm

Re: Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

Has anyone figured out how to /camsetlocktotarget so that you can lock your secondary camera to your primary character? Would be really useful instead of having to broadcast CTRL forever.


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Post Thu May 09, 2013 7:34 pm

Re: Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

djein wrote:Has anyone figured out how to /camsetlocktotarget so that you can lock your secondary camera to your primary character? Would be really useful instead of having to broadcast CTRL forever.
Not yet. Please share/report back if you figure it out.

What method did you end up using to broadcast CTRL forever ?


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Post Thu May 09, 2013 7:39 pm

Re: Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

What method did you end up using to broadcast CTRL forever ?

I havn't yet, I just figured this was the only available option.

I'm thinking i'll have to unbind ctrl so my main doesn't get spammed with it and just macro loop CTRL being held down. There is no place to bind a new control key i just heard if you bind a new key with L CTRL it unbinds it with no way of putting it back.
Camera lock on is going to be the most integral part of multiboxing in this game we just need to figure it out.


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Post Thu May 09, 2013 9:31 pm

Re: Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

djein wrote:
What method did you end up using to broadcast CTRL forever ?

I havn't yet, I just figured this was the only available option.

I'm thinking i'll have to unbind ctrl so my main doesn't get spammed with it and just macro loop CTRL being held down. There is no place to bind a new control key i just heard if you bind a new key with L CTRL it unbinds it with no way of putting it back.
Camera lock on is going to be the most integral part of multiboxing in this game we just need to figure it out.
I personally would not do any macros with continuous loops of anything with no initiating keystroke as that can be considered 'botting' by many game providers & may get you banned from the game.

I fiddled around with it for you and now my healer still follows me everywhere but now keeps me targeted all the time being able to heal me fine with direct heals (as long as the Healer still has charges)...

The way I just did it is as follows:

First in ISBoxer I mapped my 'Application' key to send CTRL only to my Healer window and to 'Hold any keystroke Actions while HotKey is held'. I picked the Application key because it didn't appear to do anything in the game and was the first key I found on the bottom row of my keyboard that was available. In hindsight I could have also used my windows key as I disable it from popping up the windows menu...

Since I play using an external keyboard, Mouse & Monitor with my laptop and otherwise have the Laptop with it's internal keyboard/touchpad/Display right next to me I then put a six sided die with a small weight on top of my Laptop's keyboard's Application key keeping it permanently depressed. ISBoxer then uses that continous signal to send continuous L-CTRL to my healer and walaa...

Not sure it is the best idea but it works...

You may already know this but via ISBoxer I believe you can have just about any key/button or even multiple keys send CTRL (or just about any key/button/action) to just the non-main/background windows... You can specify which windows get it (for example: send to Healer, DPS1, DPS2, & DPS3 but not Tank).

Instead of using a weight like I did, if you are going to be spamming Q & E anyway as well as your movement keys on your main Foreground window you can have every time you push down on any movement key or Q or E to send & hold CTRL to whichever windows you want (and not have to send CNTRL to your main Foreground window). That targeting thing will mainly matter when you are moving so having it on movement,Q,E will allow you to have it when you need it. You could also do it on 'Caps Lock' to give you a way to send it when you don't want your main to do anything (like when you stop and wait for your following party member(s) to catch up...

Lastly, I tried using Caps Lock and sadly ISBoxer doesn't seem to care about the Caps Lock being toggled on or off so no luck there...


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Post Fri May 10, 2013 5:44 am

Re: Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

Any clue on what should be a nice group of 5 ?

I was aiming for 1 Guardian Fighter + 1 Devoted Cleric + 3 Control Wizards, but I'm not too sure... Maybe rather 1 Guardian Fighter + 4 Devoted Clerics, with 5 healing Companions might be a better idea... Since Devoted Clerics can dps and heal at the same time ?


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Post Fri May 10, 2013 8:46 am

Re: Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

cmoidudu wrote:Any clue on what should be a nice group of 5 ?

I was aiming for 1 Guardian Fighter + 1 Devoted Cleric + 3 Control Wizards, but I'm not too sure... Maybe rather 1 Guardian Fighter + 4 Devoted Clerics, with 5 healing Companions might be a better idea... Since Devoted Clerics can dps and heal at the same time ?
AFAIK, no one has figured out how to consistently "assist" the Tank (target my Tank's Target) so having controllable single target DPS is an open issue. I am not sure how followers will auto-attack & auto-pick-up targets around the tank but I am concerned that in doing so they will break follow and such and suspect you would then have to resync the party and get following going again after each engagement.

With the trick that I denoted above I think we now have a consistent way to have a party member (Cleric/Wizard/etc) both follow & keep the tank Targeted. I would first try the route of doing a Tank+Cleric(s) combo as follows:

  • - The Cleric(s) all follow the Guardian Fighter & ONLY focus on the Tank & spec by putting max points into all AoE DPS abilities (that also tend to heal); If this means they can't target enemies at all so be it and try to spec 'at-will' abilities that either help themselves or the tank or AoE.
  • - If more than one Cleric maybe round-robin the HoTs and direct heals between the Clerics such that are on charges are used evenly & you can be consistent over long fights.
  • - Maybe spec for AOE DPS companions in the whole party or just DPS/CC companions; If the AOE DPS/Heals of the Clerics are not enough to keep the companions up in big fights then maybe swap a DPS companion or two for a Healing companion and hope they target the lowest health people in the party to spot heal where necessary.
  • - If Control Wizards have good AOE DPS or AOE Crowd Control (CC) that doesn't require targeting then maybe they will be viable to mix in. You could try swapping out one AoE spec'ed Cleric for an AoE spec'ed Wizard until you reach the right balance between both single-target-healing-on-the-Tank-&-initiating-Cleric & AoE healing verses AoE DPS/AoE CC.

    Lastly, you can try to have a Wizard follow the Tank but just randomly auto-aquire targets around the tank. My gut is however that this may be undesirable from an aggro standpoint as well as result in targeting low value targets that would have died by AoE anyway. In the end maybe it will fare better once the trash are all down and the only target left is the Boss and thus the single target DPS would climb.

EDIT: Note that the above strategy sorta assumes that with all clerics and a Tank that the clerics can keep the party up through AoE & self heals even when in the thick of it. In my Duo my cleric is right behind the tank and boss's big or special attack throw the cleric back or to the ground but the HoTs and AoE Heals have been keeping both alive even while standing in the 'red circles'. Some attacks throw the cleric back but they then just dutifully trot back behind the tank (because of Follow). I personally hope that remains viable up in the higher levels so that I don't have to start staging fights with my party... I want to continue to be able to just setup once and keep running through the fights & to the next one without having to stage before fights & re-group after... Ideally after the original sync up at the start of a dungeon/quest I would never need to move to the background clients until the quest end loot...

Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to test any large teams anytime soon as I won't likely be running any more than 2-3 clients anytime soon. I may just stick with my Duo until it get it totally down/tuned... Because I travel I typically use my 17" HP Envy 3D laptop at home and on the road and while it has a modern video card & 16GB of RAM & & i7 it starts to struggle after 2-3 clients. I was able to run 5 clients at once but even with the graphic settings way down the frame-rates where so slow it was unbearable. I did manage to create my own guild with my 5 accounts but it took me well over 10 minutes just to get everyone into a party and situated to do it.


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Post Fri May 10, 2013 9:26 am

Re: Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

On my tank I am spamming my mouse buttons

I did not know this, and found out the hardway - if you HOLD the mouse button the toon will automaticaly attack all mobs, swtiching between the last mob that hit the toon.

Prior to learning that I was chatting how I am going to need a new mouse if I have to keep clicking the attacks. Also, for the SHIFT key abilities, you can hold shift and still use powers Q - E - R keys.



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Post Fri May 10, 2013 9:30 am

Re: Can we multi-box the new NeverWinter MMO from Cryptic ?

cmoidudu wrote:Any clue on what should be a nice group of 5 ?

I was aiming for 1 Guardian Fighter + 1 Devoted Cleric + 3 Control Wizards, but I'm not too sure... Maybe rather 1 Guardian Fighter + 4 Devoted Clerics, with 5 healing Companions might be a better idea... Since Devoted Clerics can dps and heal at the same time ?

The hate rage right now is 3 thieves and 2 clerics. The DPS and Heals are an unstoppable foce.

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