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Great Barrows instance

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 11

Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:17 am

Post Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:24 am

Great Barrows instance

I'm having difficulty in beating the boss in the first instance, when he summon new creeps i cant seem to keep aggro on them and maintain aggro on the boss before my team gets wiped by lots of creeps and aoe attacks from the ghouls. Using 1 guardian and 5 rune keepers, any advice from people who completed the instances by themselves?


Posts: 39

Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:19 pm

Post Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:14 pm

Re: Great Barrows instance

How are you approaching the fight? Are you losing agro from healing? or DPS?

You are talking about Gaerthel and Gaerdring right (Maze wing)?

What level are you setting it at? I heard the mechanics are completely different at max level vs lower level. I fought this instance at ~25 or so.

I run a mixed team, and didn't have any trouble on this fight. I let my Guardian go in and get off 3-4 threat building skills before i let my DPS start, making sure I have solid agro before my guys lay into him. As long I remember to do that, i almost never have problems holding the main boss. When the adds show up, they almost always go for the healer, so I immediately target and get rid of them. If Challenge is up on my guard, I use that to pull the new adds for the 15s duration of the skill, which is usually enough to hold them while all of my guys kill them. Since DPS has stopped on the main guy, he just happily follows my guard and continues to beat on him. Once the adds are dead, i position my guard away from my dps/healers and start back up on him again.

I don't recall the fight too well, as I only did it once, and succeed on my first try. I haven't gone back into the Maze, since the poison clouds during the mini-boss fight with the caller slows my computer to a crawl and that fight is generally a mess for me.

I thought i read some comment on the forums that there is some mechanics where killing the arms makes the weights hit harder, but I don't recall this. I may have just plowed the weights first since i considered them more of threat that the arms.

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