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looking for ideas

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Post Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:31 pm

looking for ideas

Hello all.

So I 6 box tank, minny and 4 hunters. Looking for an Idea on how to have minny DPS in between healing. Problem is dps skills fire off quicker then heals. If I cast a heal it gets cancelled out by the dps skill. Can't spam a key in Pro setup for all that way. Hope that makes sense. any ideas on how to set up a rotation for this? right now minny follows along and I just use her for heals. No dps. would like to be able to utilize both with her.



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Post Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:37 pm

Re: looking for ideas

What I would probably do for that is use an ATG for the Target in the Combat Hotkeys key map instead of all. That way you can use a Target Group Action to remove the healer from the ATG in order to prevent issues while you DPS, and another Target Group Action to put the healer back in when needed. :)


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Post Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:11 pm

Re: looking for ideas

Interruptions of casting skills shouldn't be happening in a Pro-Config if you have setup with timers. See this post for a bit of an explanation. viewtopic.php?p=28442#p28442
There is also a video of it in action here.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNAH6VrI6Jw

And some other posts on the same subject...
http://www.isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic. ... 278#p35278
http://www.isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic. ... 280#p35280


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Post Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:09 pm

Re: looking for ideas

Ok well Bob let me say my setup is no where near as advanced as yours. What I want to be able to do is use my minstrels dps spells. but when I need to heal , and I use click healing. For that to take priority and cancel whatever skill she was in the middle of casting. Now with that said. I don't want to have to stop spamming dps for my hunters. If that makes any sense. The problem is if I use the combat keys and have the minstrel in rotation. She never casts the healing spells when I click the healing clicky.

Or maybe that's Firerescues setup in the video you linked ? Impressive none the less.
Last edited by ecgric on Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:14 pm

Re: looking for ideas

And Lax. I don't really have time to turn things on and off. Running 12 man raids with a six man team. Tanking , healing and dps is challenging enough for me without me having to turn on and off my minstrels dps and turn on heals. Need it to be instant. I was thing something kind of mouse over skill on my click healing buttons that interrupts the minstrel. effectively cancelling current skill to perform the heal spell. Haven't tried that but was a idea. Perhaps there is a better way ? Just loosing out on the ballad buffs my minstrel could be providing.


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Post Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:21 pm

Re: looking for ideas

For that you need to do as Lax says, and have your DPS rotation firing to an ATG, and then remove/add the mini as you go. You could setup the clickbar actions to drop the mini out of the DPS rotation group when you click on a button, and then have it popup a second clickbar with a single button, which when you click it, it puts the healer back into the DPS ATG.


edit: and you could always stick something in the mouseover too, to break the current casting from the DPS. Presumably a Jump would be effective for that? If you are using the mouseovers already for the targeting of the toon to be healed, it should work out well.


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Post Sun Feb 19, 2017 11:08 am

Re: looking for ideas

So am I right in assuming there is no way to incorporate this into a action I am already performing ? I have to create another action that I have to perform? whether it be a click bar or button? cannot be something as simple as when I ( for example) mouse over one of my heal clicky's, my minny jumps or whatever cancels current skill. Then performs the target slot and heal skill ? or is that too many commands at once ? I just don't want to have another thing to do and remember in the middle of heavy combat where healing is paramount and I won't have time to turn it on and off. Never mind remembering to do it every time.


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Post Sun Feb 19, 2017 11:41 am

Re: looking for ideas

You can incorporate it into any Mapped Key, Click Bar Button, Menu Button, etc that you already have. You can put more than one Action in a Step of a Mapped Key, so there is absolutely no reason you can't incorporate a Target Group Action into something if you are already initiating Actions via ISBoxer.

If your "heal clicky's" are part of your Click Bars or Menus, then you can use the Mouseover feature to perform an Action, or a Mapped Key which does more than one Action.


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Post Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:13 pm

Re: looking for ideas

The only extra action I suggested you would need to perform, over and above all your other tasks, was the rejoin of the mini back into the DPS group. This is because I don't think there is a good option to do this otherwise that wont have the potential chance (slim though it might be), that the healer will be put back into the DPS before it has finished, and you then end up interrupting the heal.

If you wanted to take the potential chance, then in your mouseover mapped keys, you add a second step, in that put the action to rejoin the DPS ATG. Set that mapped key to execute a step on press OR release. This will then mean that (provided the other changes have been made) when you mouse over the button, it will stop the healer from doing what it was doing (e.g. jump), target the appropriate toon, you click, it drops out of the DPS atg, performs the heal action, and when you mouse off the button it rejoins the DPS atg. The issue will be that it may rejoin DPS before it has finished the cast because you need to keep your mouse over the button to stop the rejoin, which will then limit your mouse movement. It also has the potential that it may not work completely as expected when mousing over the healing clickbar, or healing multiple toons. All of which is why I was suggesting a new 1 button to re-add the healer back into the DPS, once you've finished the healing.

The other option is to use some timers to control when it gets re-added, which you can then put into the heal click. If you went down that path, you would probably also want to one have the one timer so it can be pushed back each time you click on a different heal.

All in all, the bit that I see causing the most issues is the interrupt because it would be needed on every button, and depending on where it is put in the config, there could be reasonable grief. The rest could actually be done quite nicely.

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