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Unable to launch multi clients with innerspace/ISboxer

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:58 pm
by GandalfthePink
I'll try and remember as much as i can, but ive gone through so many re-installs of everything i might just gets ome things out of order/place, apologies.

This system used to work flawlessly, i took a break from lotro and now come back, and everything wants updating, innerspace and lotro, didnt want you to think i just had nothing but issues with this software which is pretty awsome btw.

Launching multi clients without isboxer works fine, 0 issues.

i have had a multitude of issues, beginning with a virtual spamming of lotro clients for the first slot (using dual set) someimes up to 4-5 and eventually getting to the second slot. Then it stops working at all, launching individual slots didnt work neither did the smart launching of the crashed slot if re-running the team shortcut.

I ripped out everything, redownloaded/installed all 20gig of lotro according to top post (except with high res, GPU runs 2 copies just fine).

re-installed the isboxer suite, followed the quick start wiki

first slot launches fine**, second slot does not, it log in fine gets to server selection just fine but when you select play it sits for about 20+ seconds and then this


DxDiag output

This is my rig, in case thats useful

** notes: i am also suffering a crash to desktop, silent and instant, doesnt happen when not using isboxer so i'm assuming its cause may be solved when the primary issue is solved.

Re: Unable to launch multi clients with innerspace/ISboxer

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:10 pm
by GandalfthePink
diagnostic from non isboxer launch

Re: Unable to launch multi clients with innerspace/ISboxer

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 5:23 pm
by lax
It appears, from both the diagnostics and your description, that the "progressive download" version of LOTRO is in use. When you install the game, it gives you the option of selecting full client download or progressive (download while you play); to use ISBoxer you will need the full client installed!

Re: Unable to launch multi clients with innerspace/ISboxer

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:14 pm
by FeralLoki
Im having the same problem and i did do the full client install. Any one know whats wrong ?

Re: Unable to launch multi clients with innerspace/ISboxer

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:36 am
by FeralLoki
Hi Gandalf

I had the same problem, but i fixed it, make sure you install LOTRO with the PC Download, link below. ... rolive.exe

Dont use the Play Instantly link, even when you choose to do a full install with that version it doesnt work properly.

Re: Unable to launch multi clients with innerspace/ISboxer

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:44 pm
by GandalfthePink
lax wrote:It appears, from both the diagnostics and your description, that the "progressive download" version of LOTRO is in use. When you install the game, it gives you the option of selecting full client download or progressive (download while you play); to use ISBoxer you will need the full client installed!

You need to revise the sticky at the top of this forum since happy cloud still resides regardless of which install type you choose. did anybody actually test this or has happy cloud changed the way it works?

The solution it seems appears to be as ridiculously simple as uninstalling happycloud once the installation is complete, i'm assuming this would also work once the progressive download is full and complete tho i havent tested, i wish i had it would have saved me a few hours of tinkering and re-downloading (since full installers dont seem to exists anymore) then re-installing.

for me this solved several issues
crash to desktop
non launching clients
client requesting executable location

Re: Unable to launch multi clients with innerspace/ISboxer

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:57 pm
by FeralLoki
I didn't uninstall happycloud and everything works perfectly.

I dont know if this matters, but i noticed that the first time i install LOTRO and added the game with the desktop link it pointed to TurbineLauncher.exe, and with that setup i was unable to run multible clients, i then uninstalled the game and did the PC Download Full Install and added the game again, but this time the desktop link was pointing to TurbineInvoker.exe and since then everything has been working link a charm.

Re: Unable to launch multi clients with innerspace/ISboxer

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:03 pm
by GandalfthePink
if you reinstalled the game without the happycloud downloader it doesnt matter, somewhere along the line if you install with the happycloud it launches happycloud when you launch lotro, if you installed using the alternate downloader it bypasses this issue, but happycloud is the main problem here with isboxer and innerspace, with it not running theres no issues, with it running it cause lotro problems all on its own as far as i can tell.

Re: Unable to launch multi clients with innerspace/ISboxer

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 6:18 pm
by kasmar45
remove happy cloud with the control panel .... That is what I did and Isboxer works fine..