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ISBoxer EVE Launcher - an open source EVE Launcher

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Post Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:42 am

Re: ISBoxer EVE Launcher - an open source EVE Launcher

I do have the box checked for DX 9 on isboxer EVE launcher. The same account works on one character set and black screen on another.

Any ideas around this? File specifc to that character set need to be purged?

Both character groups use 2 monitors. The one that works uses 7 accounts. The one that doesn't work has 12 accounts...and ONLY the left monitor account screens are black.


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Post Sun Oct 09, 2016 2:57 pm

Re: ISBoxer EVE Launcher - an open source EVE Launcher

Is there a way to find our existing character profile?
I thought character profiles were under the 'user..xxx..AppData..Local..CCP..EVE' folder?

Also - using ISBoxer 41
Went back and made sure character in the toolkit was set to isboxerevelauncher for game with correct game profile (ISBEL - charactername).

When I launch a character set with inner space it loads the first character only than stops and there is no info in the left of the window.

If I launch from the ISBEL using the 'launch with innerspace' it launches and I get that normal info in the top left.


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Post Sun Oct 09, 2016 7:03 pm

Re: ISBoxer EVE Launcher - an open source EVE Launcher

toepick wrote:Is there a way to find our existing character profile?
I thought character profiles were under the 'user..xxx..AppData..Local..CCP..EVE' folder?

This particular question is not related to ISBoxer EVE Launcher and I don't know the answer... sorry..

Also - using ISBoxer 41
Went back and made sure character in the toolkit was set to isboxerevelauncher for game with correct game profile (ISBEL - charactername).

When I launch a character set with inner space it loads the first character only than stops and there is no info in the left of the window.

If I launch from the ISBEL using the 'launch with innerspace' it launches and I get that normal info in the top left.

This sounds like you picked the wrong settings when creating your Account Game Profiles.

You can repeat this step again with the correct options:
Select all EVE Accounts in the list and select "Create Game Profile". Tick "Perform launch from a new ISBoxer EVE Launcher instance". Do not tick "Leave new ISBoxer EVE Launcher instance open after launch". Set the drop-down box to "Launch EVE client directly". Click "Go"! (Remember the Game name and Game Profile schemes for the next step!)

If I had to guess, you did NOT tick "Perform launch from a new ISBoxer EVE Launcher instance", and you have an ISBoxer EVE Launcher instance already running, which was not launched by Inner Space. So what happens is the master instance launches the game directly, but since that launcher instance is not launched by Inner Space, it's not going to affect the newly launched game instance.

I am locking this thread, please begin a new thread instead of adding new questions to this one


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Post Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:57 am

Re: ISBoxer EVE Launcher - an open source EVE Launcher

ISBoxer EVE Launcher has been released, and the instructions have been updated.

The default settings for creating Account/Character-specific Game Profiles have been updated to exactly match the recommended settings for use with ISBoxer Character Sets. This should make the process a little bit more idiot-proof.

Another obvious change is that ISBEL can now keep a list of EVE Characters and which EVE Account they are on. This will allow you to launch specific Characters and not just Accounts (this works by looking up the Character ID and passing it as a parameter to the game when launching), further improving and streamlining the automatic login process!


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Post Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:23 am

Re: ISBoxer EVE Launcher - an open source EVE Launcher

My apologies, I had previously been replying to this post when updating ISBoxer EVE Launcher. Here's the latest as described at https://github.com/LavishSoftware/ISBoxerEVELauncher

Version includes submitted patches to fix 2-Factor Authentication with Authenticator codes, and Character selection

Version includes submitted patches to fix adding Characters, and an issue with the EULA page. Minimizing to Tray is temporarily disabled to work around an issue with the Master Password not operating correctly while minimized this way.

Version includes a fix for Authenticators requiring 2-factor Authenticator codes each time, the Authenticator window popping up an error message when pressing Enter, and also for the Settings file sometimes losing stored passwords. Timeouts have been increased from 5 to 30 seconds.

Version fixes a new ArgumentNullException error from

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