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Targeting problems

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Wed Feb 20, 2013 5:44 am

Targeting problems

Hello agin guys!

So i runned into a problem that i cant solve myself, so if someone is having some experience or some good ideas about that i will be happy if you share it with me.
I have 7 accounts running and i have problems with targeting same target on them. However i tried to make all overview windows same size and same possition and i have same settings for each. Then i ordered targets by speed, beacouse in the way i was thinking speed should be the same on all NPCs i wana target, beacouse in all cases there is multiple targets with same name...Well however problem is, that overview does not refresh instantly and in most cases each client is targeting different targets than my main client (the window from wich im broadcasting commands). So is anyone having a better solution for targeting? I would be so happy with some ideas.

Cheers, Jazboc


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Post Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:36 pm

Re: Targeting problems

Your better off arranging them by icons or type then it should fix your issues


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Post Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:31 am

Re: Targeting problems

To get your windows in the exact same positions, copy one master file into the other clients... http://www.dual-boxing.com/threads/4582 ... ars-in-EVE

I arrange them by the icon column, which is a lot more consistent across 5 clients than any other column was, but I still end up with different targets some of the time.

Do both of these steps and you should be happy with the accuracy/consistency.
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Post Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:55 am

Re: Targeting problems

I think I need to go back and start working on my Carrier fleet again.


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Post Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:48 am

Re: Targeting problems

I had/have exactly the same problem. Running 4 eve clients and doing anomalies I found a work around that although is slow it ensures focus fire.

An example of the problem is this. Fountain Space and Forsaken Hubs. (It could be Gurista and Goon Space or Angel and Claimed Space. Its just an example) No frigate spawns (no web or scram) so cruiser and bs targets only and if u have ANY rats that have the same name within the same area (i.e. Core Grand Fleet Admiral, Corelum Guardian Chief Infantry) having the Overview sorted by Icon, or Range or Speed means I frequently have multiple targets getting shot at the same time. (Range means with 4 accounts, my ships don;t all occupy the same position in space.) (Icon means that a shuffle effect happens on spawn and 2 or more same name rats do NOT occupy the same row on the Overview across the 4 accounts) (Speed has the same cause/effect. same name rats do same speed...)

The workaround involves using the 'fleet' target designated method. Creating a fleet and gang warp is already used so using the overview of the fleet commander to 'call' a target and using the fleet history window with 'mouse repeater' means each target called is then targetted by all 4 accounts at the same time. Set up like so;

In the options of the fleet commander ensure that within the Shortcuts > Navigation the key you select for Broadcast: Target (selected) is set up and DESELECTED on the fleet members. Ensure both the overview windows and Fleet windows on all accounts is in the same place and the tab for Fleet history is showing on all accounts. Use the Fleet commander to 'call' the target(S) on the Overview then move the mouse to the fleet history window and with mouse repeater 'turned on' Ctrl + LMB will target the identical rat on all accounts..

Yes sounds long winded and complicated but doing the target thing and lock thing this way ensures that ALL my clients target the same rat and focus fire evenly. Also its not immediate. There is an inherent time delay in calling and then broadcast. (I put that there so you know IF you try it this way expect a slight delay in the gang members view..) On the plus side using 4 accounts a Forsaken Hub takes less than 5 minutes.

If anyone else knows a better/faster way I am all ears.


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Post Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:49 pm

Re: Targeting problems

I did start off using the fleet target broadcast method to share out targets but it just takes way too long.

After a chat with other MBers in-game, I swapped to sorting all the overviews by the first "icon" column and using the file method to get everyone's overviews in exactly the same place, then just use broadcast to ctrl+click the targets.
Yes, you will occasionally end up with one of your alts targetting the wrong ship, usually, as you say, soon after a spawn before they've all synched up.
However, the benefits outweigh this issue, as you can now target multiple targets very quickly.

My setup is all clients full-screen stacked on my left hand monitor with video feeds into the dxNothing on the right hand monitor.
For my 5-box PVE team I have the feeds setup so that I can see everyone's targets and glance over to make sure everyone is in synch from time to time...

If I notice a big issue in the targetting, say Char X has targetted Char Y, then I just swap to that client and sort it whilst they're busy killing the current target.
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