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Click Bars for Spider Tanking

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:42 am

Click Bars for Spider Tanking

So I saw a reference in this thread about using a click bar to possible lock / unlock based on certain conditions and I would really love to setup something like this for my spider tanking fleet. Example idea being my 5 drakes warp in and drake 3 takes agro and I want the others to lock him to shield transfer. Normally I use the need shield broadcast then using repeater on control click the broadcast in the fleet history window. This works fine most the time but then unlocking starts to be a pain. If I could use a click bar to unlock a certain client that would be awesome. If anyone can elaborate on this I would love to know how to set this up.

Reference thread:



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Post Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:24 am

Re: Click Bars for Spider Tanking

I replied in the reference topic as well however in your example of a Drake fleet you can simply unlock the target from the broadcast history the same way you lock them... Using the EVE default shortcut of Shift+Ctrl+Mouse1 on the broadcast to unlock.

As all clients have identical broadcast history the only 'problem' is the client needing reps will try to both lock & unlock himself but since he can't it will just try and do nothing. No danger.

You can set up a ClickBar to do it all for you but it is a pretty messy sequence of events but I can upload my config and hopefully do a youtube vid of it working in game if you'd like?

My current setup works like:

    Click the ClickBar for the character needing reps
    Click that character in the broadcast history <this will lock the target on all possible characters>
    The button on the ClickBar has been setup with a timer matching the lock time on my current ships
    At the end of the timer the button will then change to Blue
    I think click on the broadcast history again
    and then the blue button on my clickbar which activates the reppers on all possible characters.
    the button now changes to green letting me know that toon is being repped
    i then click the clickbar again changing the button to brown awaiting an unlock <which will also turn off the reps>
    and finally click on the broadcast histroy again <which unlocks the target on all possible characters>



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Post Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:43 am

Re: Click Bars for Spider Tanking

Siege thank you for the responce. I totaly understand what your talking about and I understand the clickbar is only for if there is a cap chain or other such transfer going. I use broadcast and watchlist to lock and unlock my pilots. what I want to do is setup a click bar for logi support. I understand what your saying but not sure how to porperly setup the ATG to swap out the pilot/s not needed per click. I guess I'll play with it more mabye I'll need to get some voice coms going with you to get the fine points done. Thank you


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Post Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:07 pm

Re: Click Bars for Spider Tanking

Your welcome.

What's your plan for the end result? A click bar that with just a click will make logistics rep a specific broadcast?



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Post Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:03 pm

Re: Click Bars for Spider Tanking

Yes I would like to create a click bar for my two logi with 5 buttons on it one for each of my dps / suppot ships so I can lock / unlock them currently I use watchlist mainly for this but the click bar sounds cool


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Post Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:14 am

Re: Click Bars for Spider Tanking

SteelDragon wrote:Yes I would like to create a click bar for my two logi with 5 buttons on it one for each of my dps / suppot ships so I can lock / unlock them currently I use watchlist mainly for this but the click bar sounds cool

Ok, this is then some what what I have described. Once again, let me know if you want/need more details about how I managed it.

It has got me thinking about what could be possible with a Click Bar and dedicated Logistics but I do not think EVE will allow me to remove the need for Clicking. Therefore the sequence of events would still be the same as if the entire fleet was spider tanking, only the logistics would be activating more than one repper. Will need to investigate some more of EVE's possible shortcuts to see what is possible.



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Post Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:24 pm

Re: Click Bars for Spider Tanking

I thought I'd cracked it this evening.... The ability to focus logistics [specifically logistics in game] with the use of a Click Bar. I managed it but it wasn't pretty.

Using the EVE shortcuts ALT+LEFT or RIGHT to go through your listed targets this gave the ability to 'select' which target to rep as long as the order the targets were locked in was known. It worked, however, you had to click the click bar every step so for example if you were repping target slot 3, it required 7 clicks of the Click Bar to get to the character, turn reps on and get the current target back to a reference location.

Eve doesn't like being sent the same command instantly and just treats it as one and if you manage to send it very quickly, by making isboxer jump to a new KeyMap and then jump back to execute the next step, EVE crashes.

I think my hopes are too bot liked, which is why EVE & ISBoxer are giving me the problems they are. To my knowledge all Actions in one step are carried out simultaneously and there is no way to make a Key Map move onto the next step without some kind of interaction - button or a click. Meaning asking EVE to do ALT+LEFT then ALT+LEFT again just a moment later is the same basic of turning on a Miner and then do it again 15minutes later.



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Post Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:32 pm

Re: Click Bars for Spider Tanking

I think what your working on is a but beyond the scope I'm trying to build. What I have so far is 2 repeater groups one is 5 dps my primary pilot being the main in this group the rest are basicly mirror images and i use the repeater to target and destroy with. The second group is the 2 logi also in there own action target group. What i want to do is make a click bar with my 5 dps in it that is linked to the logi atg. So while controling from my primary pilot i can lock / unlock with the logi then using a repeter region I can cycle there reppers on and off. First I wonder if this is possable and second how to build said clickbar.


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Post Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:02 pm

Re: Click Bars for Spider Tanking

If you can fit all your ships onto your watchlist and know from overview who is going to be taking damage, and you can make a key for unlock and go through your targets when you need to.

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