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Using same characters with different Settings

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:58 am
by K4IGE
I was wondering how you use the same characters with different window sizes without messing up your overview. I run at 1920 x 1080 for a mission running setup. All of these toons have Mining skills, and I started some 51 day buddy invite accounts to give mining with Isboxer a shot. I cant run all the accounts and bonus account at 1920 x 1080, so I set it to the lowest setting and then my overview became messed up at the full screen size when I go back on another team. I thought that isboxer did something to make the settings each character different so I made 1 character for mission running and one for the mining in the quick setup wizard, which I thought would keep the settings from overlapping. How do I save the settings independently?

Re: Using same characters with different Settings

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:49 pm
by BeZ
If ISBoxer did that, then it would be considered hacking. :) - ISBoxer save's the client settings, Eve Online saves the in game settings.

Though, a solution would be to have 2 Eve Online Folders and set the mining group to 1, and the mission group to the other. That way the settings will be saved independently.

P.S. Convo Zeb DaMadMan2 in game when you see him on. - My tornado fleet can't tank but deals quite a punch.

Re: Using same characters with different Settings

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:55 pm
by lax
Virtual Files are enough, no hacking involved. The problem is that you have to find the right file to virtualize.

This thread on can help you find the file:
Then in ISBoxer, in the top left pane right click "Virtual Files" and select "New Virtual File". Put in the name of just the file, excluding the folder it's in, then drag the proper Character to it.

You can use the same in-game character, with a different settings file, by using a different "Character" to represent him in ISBoxer, and dragging that Virtual File to the new Character. Each Character dragged to a Virtual File can be assigned its own filename; by default it will be the original filename, plus the "Character" name, so something like "xyz.dat" would end up "xyz-My Character.dat".

Re: Using same characters with different Settings

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:15 pm
by BeZ
Nice one Lax. Once again, saves the day and blows everybody elses solutions away. *granted, his are always better... Nearly.*

Re: Using same characters with different Settings

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:13 pm
by K4IGE
thanks for the advice Lax I will try doing that. Part of the reason I couldn't run full screen was that I was using 4gigs of memory and each client took up about 500mb running 8 clients, paired with a 4870 while I wait for my video card that I RMAed to get replaced. I bought a memory upgrade to be on the safe side, and the replacement card is in the mail. Still about 3 days before I have all the mining fleet skills.