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Different graphic settings in one Character Set?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:16 pm
by SquadLeader
Hey, I'm currently trying to set up ISBoxer for my mining fleet. However, I would like to have higher graphics settings and turn on the sound for my Orca, unlike the Hulks, where I want minimal graphics and no sound.

The question is, how do I do that? As far as I understand it, the client settings are managed with the help of the virtual files. However, I have not found a way to assign different virtual files in a character set. I have also tried not to use a virtual file for the set, but it ignores all my attempts...

What am I doing wrong?

Re: Different graphic settings in one Character Set?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:22 pm
by lax
Virtual Files can be assigned either at the Character Set level, or the Character level.

When assigned at the Character Set level, each Virtual File is applied to all Characters.

When assigned at the Character level, each Virtual File is applied to only that specific Character.

It sounds like you want to assign this at the Character level instead of to the whole Character Set?

Re: Different graphic settings in one Character Set?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:33 pm
by SquadLeader
Yes, that is exactly what I am trying to do. But somehow I always end up with the Character Set, instead of individual settings.

Re: Different graphic settings in one Character Set?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:40 pm
by lax
You can remove it from your Character Set so that it will only use the Character-specific setting? And then for the Character-specific setting, check what it has under "Virtualize as" -- each Character is individually configured. Multiple Characters can virtualize as the same file, etc.

Re: Different graphic settings in one Character Set?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:59 pm
by SquadLeader
Right now, each Character has under Virtual Files -> cookies -> Virtualize as cookies-"Individual Character Name"
And under Character Sets I deleted the cookies.

Afterward, I clicked on "save" and "export All to Inner Space". But if I change something in one client's settings and restart them all, they all share the same settings again.

Re: Different graphic settings in one Character Set?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:26 pm
by lax
Graphics settings are not stored in the Cookies file, that is used by the EVE launcher for stored account information. The configuration file that stores your graphics settings for EVE is not virtualized by default

Re: Different graphic settings in one Character Set?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 7:07 pm
by bob
There are some EVE specific config for virtual files noted on the WIKI. ... ronisation
If you are not using ISBEL you can ignore the Team based profile item, or perhaps change it from settings_ISBEL to settings_Default.

Re: Different graphic settings in one Character Set?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 2:49 am
by SquadLeader
Ah, yes, I see it now. No wonder I didn't make any progress.

In Virtualize as "{1}/Mains_User_Global.dat", ... is the {1} an index variable?
As in, if I use {1} for the main character and {2} for every other, will the first has its own settings and the rest will share the settings?
Or does it mean something else, and I have to put the {1} into every character regardless?

Re: Different graphic settings in one Character Set?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:08 am
by bob
the {1} or {2} refers to the index of a wildcard and can be used to retrieve the value that was selected by the wildcard.

So if for example you had a (contrived and overly long) virtual file of

then this would match the following path


and I would end up with 7 indexed variables
    {1} = c:\
    {2} = AltBob
    {3} = Local
    {4} = d_games_eve_sharedcache_tq_tranquility
    {5} = 1
    {6} = 3
    {7} = 4211111

For the most part we just make it simple and match on something not so complicated


so you get
    {1} = C:\Users\AltBob\AppData\Local\CCP\EVE\d_games_eve_sharedcache_tq_tranquility\settings_Default
    {2} = 1
    {3} = 3
    {4} = 4211111
Note, the 2 ? selectors are to differentiate the user specific file core_user_134211111.dat from the core_user__.dat file. As in after the text "core_user_" fixed text we expect there to be at least 2+ characters before we get to the ".dat" fixed text.

and using a virtualise As setting of

would then redirect that character from this file
to instead use this file

Re: Different graphic settings in one Character Set?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 11:56 am
by SquadLeader
I see, I see. Thanks for the explanation. It works now.