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Annoying bug

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Post Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:58 am

Annoying bug

I'm not sure if my config file will help you solve this as it appears to only happen on the one screen.

I've set-up a video feed and repeater combo and everything works great - but every now and then the repeater will miss align causing un-wanted effects I've lost a ship because of it.

I'll describe in further detail, on client 1 I press F1 to shoot and it repeats on client 2 and I can see this happen on Client one through the video feed.

Now with out me pressing anything activating anything the repeater misaligned its self and when I go to press F1 on client 1 I see that client 2 is misaligned and it doesn't press F1 instead it presses something else.

This bug happened when I needed to shield boost resulting in one client not boosting and one dead ship. I had been warp scrambled so I couldn't escape and had ample time to switch to the other client that was bugging out but it was unresponsive and persisted on pressing thing where I didn't want it to press.

I have not had this problem in any other game and running multiple eve's with out your software also does not repeat the bug so its not my machine or my hardware only thing I can conclude is that its your repeater software.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Great program love it other than this niggly bug.


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Post Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:41 pm

Re: Annoying bug

I'd guess the configuration would be required for assistance.
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Post Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:59 pm

Re: Annoying bug

Now with out me pressing anything activating anything the repeater misaligned its self and when I go to press F1 on client 1 I see that client 2 is misaligned and it doesn't press F1 instead it presses something else.

Can you be more specific about how it becomes "misaligned"? And this starts when exactly? If the Aspect Ratio of your Video FX Viewer does not match the Aspect Ratio of the Video FX Source, then Mouse Repeat will be misaligned in it. But the Source and Viewer don't resize on their own, some event has to cause it to happen -- a window changes size, or the Viewer or Source changes with a Video FX Action, etc.

And about how it "presses something else"? The only way for it to press something else is with a Mapped Key that has its Hotkey configured to F1, otherwise it can't press something else. You can verify buttons being passed, through the ISBoxer Control Panel's debug tab. Click the "Show Debugging Console" button (note that it is not the same as the in-game or out of game Inner Space Console) and check the "Button" debugging box. Any button sent by Repeater or via a Mapped Key will be listed in this debugging console.

So yeah, it does sound like your configuration would help ;)
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Post Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:12 pm

Re: Annoying bug

Here's the requested configuration file http://www.privatepaste.com/9606bd21e6

Too better explain it presses something else I guess you'd have to of played EVE at some point but I'm sure pictures will enlighten you more.


Take this screenshot this is off Google and is not my character and it's not me controlling it.

Notice the modules next to the capacitor each module has a green bar above it now I'm not sure if your familiar with this game but that button over heats your module - now when I said it misaligned this is what it clicks as I press F1 on my 1st screen the 2nd screen will press the overheat button and not the actual F1 button resulting in, in my case the shield booster not activating.

Now when I tabbed to the offended screen and manually pressed the button the buttons would not respond it was as if your software was unresponsive on that client now upon losing the ship I immediately troubleshooted the issue and EVE wouldn't repeat the bug unless I ran your software.

This is my setup

Both clients full screen / max resolution.
One client full detail / One client low detail.
Both source and viewer are scaled to the same size I made sure of this.
Also I have a repeater region over my 1st screen which repeats to the second screen.
So that I may chat and do other things on EVE whilst ratting.

Also to add it only does it every now and then before i used repeater regions I used repeater keys+mouse with a key bind for toggling it off and on when ever it did it with the key+mouse setup I just toggled it off and back on and it was corrected.

Hope this is more detailed and you can help me solve it.


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Post Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:12 pm

Re: Annoying bug

I played 3 accounts for a little while. Built cruisers, killed stuff, mined stuff, trained a bunch of skills.

Okay, so no Key Maps. If I'm reading what you're saying correctly, you seem to be saying you are clicking on a GUI button that you are calling F1 (i.e. clicking the wrong module button), rather than pressing the F1 key on your keyboard and it coming out as another key on your keyboard. Glad we cleared that up, that wasn't really apparent before ;)

In your Repeater Profile you have Cursor positioning mode set to "Scaled to fit". Change that to "From upper left corner (Default)" to prevent any unnecessary scaling/translation -- your windows are the same size. Export afterward.

If that does not solve the issue....

Your configuration is all in-game widget based which doesn't get stored in your ISBoxer Toolkit profile. So I can't really see how you've got your regions and such configured exactly. You COULD show me the Video FX and Repeater Regions XML files under InnerSpace/Scripts and this would give me some insight.

Also I have a repeater region over my 1st screen which repeats to the second screen.
So that I may chat and do other things on EVE whilst ratting.

You keep going back and forth between Repeater Regions and Video FX and I'm not sure whether you have one or the other or both at this point. If you have a Repeater Region, and it has a Name configured (this is optional for a Repeater Region), then this Name may be used to resolve the cursor from another Repeater Region or Video FX Viewer with the same Name. So, if you have both and you happen to have configured such a Name for the region itself, that could be a source of the cursor not being where it should be.

Also make sure your game windows aren't set to Fixed Window. They should both be set to the same resolution in the game's options as in ISBoxer, and they should either both be in windowed mode or both in full screen mode.


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Post Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:45 am

Re: Annoying bug

Yea sorry to be a nuisance with the misinformation I have both repeater and video feeds - because I'm that lazy I cant be bothered to click x2 on stuff and fire x2 on stuff figured video feeds would show me where my mouse is and make sure I'm clicking the same thing for both account and repeater would do for both what I do on one screen - hope this sheds some light.

So yes I'm pressing mouse one on the F1 module slot in game and on one client it presses it correctly but on the second client it presses the overheat button which is slightly above it and it doesn't matter if I move the mouse slightly down on the first screen the second screen always pressed that overheat button. I don't have keyboard binds because I need to chat in game and I didn't use full screen repeat because it would move both screen and I can see this on the videofeed of the other screen and it annoyed the hell out of my brain it was like watching an optical illusion.

And yes I did set-up everything from the in game UI which was my preferred method - I've added the XML files for you I've removed the character names hopefully there wasn't any info saved in those XML files that I missed because I'm that paranoid ^^

I also have my clients on fixed window I'm not sure how you configure is boxer / inner space to match what the game settings are could you elaborate more?

Thanks for all your assistance I'll change the settings of what you mentioned and see how that goes - now off to buy a second Tengu :D.
ISBoxer.VideoFeeds.Dual Tengus.XML
(647 Bytes) Downloaded 559 times
ISBoxer.Regions.Dual Tengus.XML
(612 Bytes) Downloaded 514 times


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Post Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:46 am

Re: Annoying bug

It's fine that you have removed your character names, that is to be expected particularly in EVE.

However, there's a different file per window and the Video FX file you're showing me has only Video FX Sources, not any of the Viewers. So I can't verify what you have configured for the Viewers with what's given. In your sources file, though, I see you have two Sets of Video FX configured, one called "tengus source" and one called "tengus viewer". A Video FX Set stores all of the active Video FX across all windows, so when you click Save you don't need to do it once per window -- just once and it stores all of them in all windows with this Set name. Likewise, when you click Load, it is going to load that set in every window. Something else that you might want to know is that the "over" Video FX Source has a height of 259 in the "tengus viewer" set, but 775 in the "tengus source" set. I don't know which one you're manually loading (save as Auto if you want the set to load for you automatically at launch) or if the height matches the right one in the other window's Video FX Viewer (show me the other file would be cool), but it would make a huge difference.

Secondly, you DO have names configured on your Repeater Regions, meaning that they will be attempting to perform translation and scaling. This should ONLY be done if the game's UI windows are not in the same size + location in each window, but if the Named Repeater Regions are sized differently in the two windows (I can't verify from the one file, same scheme as Video FX) this is definitely going to scale and may be "misaligned" due to that. You can avoid using a Name on your Repeater Regions to avoid this unnecessary scaling.

Your clients being on Fixed Window is also, from what I recall being told by EVE players, the worst option of the three for mouse broadcasting.


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Post Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:08 pm

Re: Annoying bug

OK I feel I need to close this so here's what I've done.

I reset Is boxer and Inner space to there defaults and went about redoing my Dual Tengu setup with your suggestions and I also disabled the fake cursor as I was still getting this bug albeit a lot less and this time I was able to move the mouse slightly down to press the actual button and not the overheat button.

I've added my scripts again hopefully you can find something in there that I may of missed, I've redone my pastebin configuration file to see if you can spot anything else I might have to change.

But baring in mind I have resorted to not being lazy and pressing buttons in both main windows and the video feed now until we can narrow the problem down if we can.

ISBoxer.VideoFeeds.Dual Tengus.XML
(569 Bytes) Downloaded 550 times
ISBoxer.VideoFeeds.Dual Tengus (2).XML
(395 Bytes) Downloaded 553 times
ISBoxer.Regions.Dual Tengus.XML
(606 Bytes) Downloaded 518 times

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