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Resolution changed overnight?

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Post Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:53 pm

Resolution changed overnight?

Hi all, my Isboxer windwos have all changed to 1920x1040 instead of 1920x1080, the font in game of course is all now jacked up and small. I am trying to figure out how to change this. I followe the link below, but Isboxer doesn't allow me to change it. I keep getting the window setup wants me to change it to 1040, even though i've been running the 1080 forever, I am not sure what caused the change. If I could get some help that would be awesome, cause this is super annoying!

http://isboxer.com/wiki/HOWTO:Adjust_yo ... resolution



I have tried to change the resolution in the game without running Isboxer, but as soon as it loads Isboxer the resolution changes right back. Also, when i'm in the game there's no option (while running Isboxer) to change the size to 1080. I'm assuming there's something that got messed up with the region, but it's not allowing me to make the change. I have also done the setup wizard trying to change that, with no dice.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:16 pm

Re: Resolution changed overnight?

It sounds like your window layout is forcing the resolution to 1920x1040, which it usually does if the window layout in use is setup to avoid the taskbar.

The instructions you linked do tell you how to fix it up manually, OR you could use the Window Layout Wizard, to create a window layout, and in the lower right, before selecting the layout, set the 3D render size in the lower right (you only need to do this if your large region will not be full sized, i.e. you haven't set Avoid Tasker = false). You can also set some of the other options as desired. Once you have finished setting options, choose your desired layout (not one which has "(existing)" at the end, as this is not a new window layout and the options will not change an existing layout).


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Post Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:19 pm

Re: Resolution changed overnight?

This is the layout I run on all of my profiles. Currently, I always leave space for the taskbar, just incase if I need a quick click to another toon. This hasn't been an issue for me at all, but currently the resolution obviously is an issue. I will try the 3D settings now you recommended.

This Window Layout features stacked windows with no border, the size of the full screen, on \\.\DISPLAY1. Swapping disabled. Leaves space for the Windows taskbar. This style is great in conjunction with Video FX to see parts of, or all of, the other windows.



Okay setting the 3d ended up allowing me to get back to 1920x1080, which is great. However, the font in game is all screwed up still. It's not the actual size like it was before. So, the screen size is 1920x1080, but the font is still like its in 1040 and little. Suggestions for fixing that?



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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:36 pm

Re: Resolution changed overnight?

Sadly my only suggestion is don't play EQ. :shock: .
I've had weird font issues during EQ testing before, and the only way I resolved that was to edit the ini files directly, and load and exit the game a few times until it stuck. You may be able to achieve the same thing with the in game settings if they are reasonably readable. Mine weren't which is why I resorted to the ini files.
Might be worth trying the old flick between windowed and fullscreen and back again.

On the other hand, it is possible you are seeing the results of a new update to something. Anything new install recently?


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Post Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:42 pm

Re: Resolution changed overnight?

Lol, I have tried not playing, just something I need to do haha.

Yeah, i've tried swapping the window modes, and it didn't work sadly. I am going to go through the ini files I guess, are you talking each individual character? And no, there's been no new updates recently at all. I did an Nvidia driver update, but that wasn't until after I seen the font size was messed up.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:50 pm

Re: Resolution changed overnight?

Yes individual character eqclient-CHARNAME.ini files.


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Post Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:51 pm

Re: Resolution changed overnight?

Apparently the joke is on me for Fools day. It's something the dev's cooked up. But, I still needed to fix the 1920*1080 issue regardless it seems. The font issue is their joke on us.


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Post Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:54 pm

Re: Resolution changed overnight?



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Post Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:15 pm

Re: Resolution changed overnight?

Thanks for the help with the resolution issue either way, pretty dumb/bad joke by the Devs, cause it's pissing tons of people off that they cannot see/type

So, it's looking better. Currently though, I have two characters that are having issues with going window mode, it's messing up their UI size cause they still want to act like is 1040. Trying to trouble shoot that. When I try to swap them between window/full it moves their UI all around, but if I try to go window is does the same thing, its weird

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