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Somebody please just help me figure this out

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Post Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:54 pm

Somebody please just help me figure this out

Hello everybody,

I apologize if this has already been fixed or answered somewhere else. I'm at the point where I read so many posts that my brain is shut down, completely confused, and now I just see words instead of comprehending them. Maybe I'm just old, maybe my brain just doesn't work the way everybody else's does.

Anyway, I'm not tech savvy at all (I barely understand how to work my smartphone). I feel like what I want to do is super simple, but I can't even finish the Quick launch wizard in ISBoxer. I don't understand the different options presented, I don't understsand the help tips and explanations of the options, and I don't understand the jargon. I'm sorry, it's just all too complicated. I feel like it's set up for people who want to do incredible things and have all sorts of capabilities, and there are too many options available, and I just want to do something that seems very simple to me...and now my brain is shut down. I don't understand most of what I read on the forums here; it's like trying to read a foreign language that I never studied. Will somebody please just help me and tell me how to set this up the way I want? I know maybe that's asking a lot, but really, I just can't do it myself. I honestly wouldn't post here if I could; I like to be self-sufficient. But I need to admit total defeat here.

So here is what I would ideally, like to have happen, and what my setup is...

1. 2 Everquest accounts, one computer, one monitor. I just want to load and play just two characters only, always the same two characters, one from each account.
2. I want to play in fullscreen mode always
3. I only want to see one character's view/GUI at a time. When I focus on one character, I want the second character's screen completely hidden from me.
4. I want to be able to quickly toggle which character's screen I'm looking at just by hitting the asterisk button on my numeric keypad.
5. Each character only uses two hotbars. Also each character uses the Combat Abilities (disciplines) window.
5. I don't want ISBoxer or innerspace to make any character auto-follow, assist, or target the other character. I want to use Everquest's intrinsic commands and hotkeys for that sort of thing, or set such commands up in my hotbars by creating social macros in game. I just want ISBoxer/innerspace to let me hit the hotkey in one character's screen and have it activate for both characters (I guess this is what you call key broadcasting?)
6. I want the first character to be able to activate hotbuttons for the second character, but not vice versa. Basically, putting first character in driver's seat.
7. I only want specific hotkeys to broadcast (again, I'm assuming here that broadcasting means, for example, that if I hit the number 1 on my keyboard when the first character is in the foreground, it's like hitting the number one simultaneously for both characters). The specific keystrokes I want to broadcast (always) from the first character to the second character...(Yes, I know my setup is VERY different from most. It's just set up for how my weird brain works; what's intuitive for me).

All of these hotbuttons I have already mapped in game...I just want ISBoxer/innerspace to broadcast them from first character to second character.

First hotbar:
Numbers 1-0 on my keyboard activate hotbar slots 1-10, respectively
NPAD 1 activates hotbar slot 11
NPAD / activates hotbar slot 12+

Second hotbar:
Slot 1 activated by 'Ins' button on my keyboard
Slot 2 activated by 'Home' button on my keyboard
Slot 3 activated by "Ctrl + Ins'
Slot 4 activated by 'Ctrl + Home'
Slot 5 activated by 'Del' button on my keyboard
Slot 6 activated by 'End' button on my keyboard
Slot 7 activated by 'Ctrl + Del'
Slot 8 activated by 'Ctrl + End'
Slot 9 activated by keyboard left arrow
Slot 10 activated by keyboard down arrow
Slot 11 activated by keyboard right arrow
Slot 12 activated by keyboard up arrow

For Combat Abilities, I didn't change the defaults, so they're activated by Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+8

Additional: I would like to broadcast NPAD + button (I use this to toggle autorun) and NPAD . button (I use this to toggle run/walk mode).

And that is completely everything I want to do. I don't want anything fancier than that.

I just don't understand how to do it and the quick setup wizard makes zero sense to me. I get as far as choosing the two characters and assigning them to team slots 1 and 2, then I'm stuck/overwhelmed.

Thank you very much to anybody who can tell me how to make this happen.

[EDIT]: I don't need mouse broadcasting


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Post Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:43 pm

Re: Somebody please just help me figure this out

OK, step by step.

  • Run the Quick Setup Wizard from the Wizard menus (if you have done so previously and you have stuff in your profile, use File menu, select Clear, just click on the Yes button).
  • You are by now familiar with the first three pages, of selecting the game, adding Characters, and then naming your team, so do that.
  • In the Window Layout page, select the option "Stacked full screen on \\.\DISPLAY2 (No Swapping)" from the drop down. Note: in order to multibox, the games have to run in Windowed mode, so you will need to set your taskbar to Autohide to get the true full screen experience. If you can put up with your taskbar on show, select the option "Stacked full screen on \\.\DISPLAY2 (No Swapping,Avoid Taskbar)". Click Next.
  • In the CPU Strategy Page, don't change anything, click Next.
  • In the final page, you need to turn off a lot of stuff.
    1. Untick the "Basic Broadcasting of 1 through =" option
    2. Set the "MMO Party Mechanics (Follow, Assist, Interact with Target)" dropdown to None
    3. You could leave the Follow Me and Assist Me hotkeys, but if you want to be tidy, click on the < and select <NOKEY> from the top of the dropdown and untick any modifiers.
  • Click Finish

Now there is some work to get it how you want.

For the Window Switching.
  • In the top left pane, select Key Maps -> ISB42 - Always on. In the lower left select Next Window. In the Lower Right select the < button for the Hotkey. In the Hotkey picker, press your * key (which will show up as NUMMULT). Click OK.

For your hotkeys to broadcast to the other character, you are going to need to use the Mapped Key Wizard (you could set them up manually, but lets not rock the boat).
  1. Choose the Mapped Key Wizard from the Wizards menu
  2. In the "Key Map to add to (first page), select "ISB42 - Custom Hotkeys" from the drop down.
  3. In the next page, you want a "Straight Key Broadcast" from the drop down.
  4. In this last page, you enter in the keys that you want to broadcast from 1 toon to another. You click the mouse once in the "press a key combination here" and then you press the keys you want to broadcast from your main to the slave. You can put them all in at once. If you make a mistake you can click it in the lower box so it is highlighted, and press DEL to get rid of it. You can do as many or as few as you want each time.
  5. If you definitely only ever want this to be ONE WAY broadcasting, then set the "Target for Keystrokes" drop down to "Character Slot:2(xxxxx)"
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Repeat to add new broadcast mapped keys.

Export what you have to Inner Space (it's an option on the File menu). Then load your team.
Right click the Inner Space icon in the System Tray, select ISBoxer Character Sets -> Name of you new team.


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Post Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:13 pm

Re: Somebody please just help me figure this out

I honestly can't thank you enough for that, Bob. Thank you, merci, danke, спасибо (that's the extent of my language skills).

I wasn't sure if I should set up the characters as "Everquest Default Profile" or "Everquest No Patch". Tried both, didn't notice the difference (yet, lol).
None of the screen layout options had a number 2 in them, so I just chose what you recommended, except the option was DISPLAY1 instead of DISPLAY2.

Going into windowed mode screwed up the placement of my various gui windows, but I'll resize 'em and figure it out, no worries.

But the best part was that I should not have thought to put my autorun key on broadcast. Seeing my second character suddenly jump off a cliff gave me a much needed laugh. :) I've deleted that broadcast now, lol.

Again, profound thanks to you, sir.


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Post Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:30 pm

Re: Somebody please just help me figure this out

Qmaus wrote:I wasn't sure if I should set up the characters as "Everquest Default Profile" or "Everquest No Patch". Tried both, didn't notice the difference (yet, lol).
The difference is normally in the login process. 1 uses Launchpad, the other does not.

Qmaus wrote:None of the screen layout options had a number 2 in them, so I just chose what you recommended, except the option was DISPLAY1 instead of DISPLAY2.
True that'll be because of my monitor setup. You chose the right option. Good on ya.

Qmaus wrote:Going into windowed mode screwed up the placement of my various gui windows, but I'll resize 'em and figure it out, no worries.
Yep, that is always going to be a pain, but Fullscreen is also known as Exclusive Mode, and you cant have two exclusive windows receiving keystrokes at the same time, hence the need to run in Windowed.

Qmaus wrote:But the best part was that I should not have thought to put my autorun key on broadcast. Seeing my second character suddenly jump off a cliff gave me a much needed laugh. :) I've deleted that broadcast now, lol.
Yeah, they will do that. It can work, but you will normally need to also have an "emergency break", like a "Key Remap" on CTRL+S or something which broadcasts S to all so they all take a step backwards (assuming WASD for movement keys), and stop running.

Qmaus wrote:Again, profound thanks to you, sir.


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Post Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:53 pm

Re: Somebody please just help me figure this out

I actually can't do the WASD thing for movement; never could. I use the numpad exclusively for movement in every game I've ever played. Might be a southpaw thing.

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