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try this one on for a size

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Gnome on a stick

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Post Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:39 pm

try this one on for a size

How would someone key this combo for the follow and assist keys.

Player A's window
F1: Player A (Group leader, Looter, Puller)
F2: NPC - Player A's Mercenary (Main Tank)
F3: Player B (DPS)
F4: NPC - Player B's Mercenary (DPS)
F5: Player C (DPS)
F6: NPC - Player C's Mercenary (DPS)

Player B's window
F1: Player B (DPS)
F2: NPC - Player B's Mercenary (DPS)
F3: Player A (Group leader, Looter, Puller)
F4: NPC - Player A's Mercenary
F5: Player C (DPS)
F6: NPC - Player C's Mercenary (DPS)

Player C's window
F1: Player C (DPS)
F2: NPC - Player C's Mercenary (DPS)
F3: Player A (Group leader, Looter, Puller)
F4: NPC - Player A's Mercenary
F5: Player B (DPS)
F6: NPC - Player B's Mercenary (DPS)

Out of Group
Player D - Out of group higher lvl healer

Now when i pull up the 4 player team in the toolkit, it will list
Player A as 1
Player B as 2
Player C as 3
Player D as 4 ...... leaves me confused as to how to sort them. I think i have players a-b-c figured out but how do i add in player d .....

On #1 (Player A) I have Target slot 1 is now F1, Target slot 2 is now F3, Target slot 3 is now F5, Target slot 4 is now empty
On #2 (Player B) I have Target slot 1 is now F3, Target slot 2 is now F1, Target slot 3 is now F5, Target slot 4 is now empty
On #3 (Player C) I have Target slot 1 is now F3, Target slot 2 is now F5, Targer slot 3 is now F1, Target slot 4 is now empty

Not sure if that is correct and where to go from there.


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Post Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:24 pm

Re: try this one on for a size

The issue is that ISBoxer knows nothing about mercenaries.

So while you can setup the table for the 3 games you will control, it has no idea that each game actually effectively has 2 characters. It's not designed for that.
You end up needing to roll your own Follow/Assist mapped keys that will send the appropriate F keys to the appropriate windows.

As for the Player D, if they are not in group then there is no F key to press to select that guy, so you would need to add in a Social on each of the other toons to select that guy, and then probably on that guy add in 3 socials to select the other 3 in the group, and then code the mapped key appropriately depending on who is the active toon. All gets a bit tricky, and to do it in a resuable manner across multiple teams would require a bit of virtualization. A non reusable manner would be to setup a specific mapped key for each toon to execute press when they are the active toon.

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