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Target, Follow, Assist Using simple keymaps with variables

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Posts: 11

Joined: Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:58 pm

Post Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:30 am

Target, Follow, Assist Using simple keymaps with variables

I stumbled across this from recent posts on how to follow and assist from any window for EQ1.

I found a great method that is very simple for Assist Me. Only tested this so far but should work for follow as well.

Sorry I don't have a screenshot but here's what I did.

I went under Noncombat keymaps and created a new keymap "AssistChar".

Then I used keystroke and keystring actions under 1 step.

Send to all other windows w/o current:
Keystroke "/" (opener for a slash command)
Keystring Action "assist {CHARACTER}" (check the box to save it to the clipboard and u need EQ1 paste clipboard mapped to ctrl+v)
Keystroke "Cntrl+V"
Keystroke "Enter"

Assign this keymap to whatever hotkey you like and it works great to assist whatever slot has focus. I use stacked windows and hotkey between them and I can use this hotkey to literally tell everyone to ASSIST ME. The {CHARACTER} variable will be filled in with the name of the character that is active at the time so everyone will assist the active character. This way is doesn't matter if anyone adds or drops from the group.
I was so happy to find this after looking at some of the alternatives.

I'm new to ISBoxer and quickly realized I needed to know what ACTIONS are available and if there were any variables I could use. Very steep learning curve and the Wiki is a pain. Most stuff doesn't have examples and the descriptions can be so vague I'm sure people spend months trying things out and testing just to fine tune this to get the most out of it.

It's a good start to a pretty flexible framework but setup would send most non programmers running.

Anyway, hope this helps some people. I initially tested the {CHARACTER} variable using a popup msg to the current window and that worked too. Kinda like a "hello world" test, lol.

I know this would make it much more complex, but much more flexible by adding the ability to define your own variables, but just adding some more useful fixed variables would be nice. Right now there are only 3 :cry:


Posts: 33

Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:53 pm

Post Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:05 am

Re: Target, Follow, Assist Using simple keymaps with variables

Hi Dbashn,

I tried this method and was unsuccessful using the {CHARACTER} variable within the key string. Just for giggles, I tried it with a direct character name and it worked fine ("assist joebob" vs. "assist {CHARACTER}").


I used a clickbar button to try this out - the button is set to the mapped key that I created and is set to target Window:Current.

I must be missing something, I just can't determine what it is :).



Posts: 33

Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:53 pm

Post Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:41 am

Re: Target, Follow, Assist Using simple keymaps with variables

Nevermind - I think I figured it out. I turned the debugging console on and noticed that it was indeed sending the character name - unfortunately it is sending exactly what it is supposed to, rather than what I was thinking it would send :). Note to self - {CHARACTER} variable relates to the name of the character ISBoxer, not the in-game name of the character :).

Note to other folks/noobs like me - the {CHARACTER} variable pulls from the character name in ISBoxer (the one that appears in the upper left pane under Characters). After I had changed the character names, I tried to just save and export, but the change did not take effect until I closed (I actually logged out of the game and exited InnerSpace) and then restarted everything. Lax also mentioned just re-launching the character set from InnerSpace - that would have worked as well, but I had already shut things down at that point :).

-SFDD (learning one mistake at a time....)

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