Post Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:04 am

Any veterans using ISBoxer with EQ1?

Currently, I'm just using keymaps/virtual files for my 3-box setup. Wondering what else I can do that's fancy with EQ1? I've got around 30 different keymaps setup, some are below:

Enchanter: Slow (alt+s), cripple (alt+c), DoT lineup (alt+j), mez (alt+m), stasis (alt+f)
Druid: Group Heal (`), heal character 1/2/3 (ctrl+f10/f11/f12), evac (ctrl+x), snare (ctl+a), DoT lineup (ctrl+d), nuke lineup (ctrl+F9), druid epic clicky (ctrl+F6)
Mage: Not using any keymaps on him, I control him directly

The druid targeting for healing seems to fail quite a bit if they are standing just out of /target range. Does anyone have a way around using /target so the heal keymaps will always work?

Also, a lot of the keymaps use /assist to get the target of the Mage and then dot/nuke/slow, etc. Sometimes this doesn't work correctly though and targets the wrong mob. That or the %T display ingame shows the wrong target but the spells actually land on the correct target. How would I fix this?

I watched the video on the clickbars and they look kind of nice, but I have no idea how to set them up for EQ1. They would come in handy so I could lose my printed cheat sheet of keymaps.