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Enchanter Configuration

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Hippy Slayer

Posts: 35

Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:05 am

Post Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:22 am

Enchanter Configuration

Adding an Enchanter to my list of bots and I am wondering if there is a way in boxer to have my enchanter cycle through the target list, and cast mez on them all? EQ has a target function to cycle though extended targets, but I am unsure on how to have boxer target, cast, move to the next and repeat till all extended target have at least had mez cast on it. I've made up individual key maps to mez each npc on my extended target list, but would really like to automate that bit of crowd control.

Thanks in advance.


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:45 am

Re: Enchanter Configuration

Hippy Slayer wrote:Adding an Enchanter to my list of bots

If you're actually botting, we're not here to help. If you're referring to your characters that you legitimately play and multibox using ISBoxer, then those aren't bots.

There are enough people who hate multiboxers as it is and group us with botters, hackers, and other cheaters, and if you call your team "bots" then it's difficult to know whether what you're doing is legit or not.


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Post Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:14 pm

Re: Enchanter Configuration

Hippy Slayer wrote:would really like to automate that bit of crowd control.

ISBoxer doesn't automate per se. Boxing is not botting. You don't get to push one key once and then the chanter would acquire a target, mez, acquire the next target, mez, acquire next, mez, realize its out of targets and stop. That's not what we do here.

If what you want to do is be able press a key to cycle through targets and press a key to mez them just like as if you were playing him directly but do so from another game window (like your tank) then this is the basic concept of how you'd do it.

In EQ, keybind cycle through extended targets to something.
In ISBoxer, create a Mapped Key that sends that keybind to the chanter slot.
Assign that Mapped Key a Hotkey (and it can be different from the EQ Keybind.)
Make sure that your char set has whatever Key Map you put the new Mapped Key into. (i.e. Combat).

You could consider putting the Mez cast on that Mapped Key as a second step so you don't have to juggle two keys and the cycle. The downside to doing it this way is then you wouldn't be as flexible for fizzles or resists or be able to use the key to cycle through to multiples to a specific and THEN mez without really spending time tweaking it and always being perfect on your keypresses after that.

If you haven't seen it yet, Alge has a video on mezzing from the non chanter box here that's quite impressive and might give you other ideas for accomplishing the same goal.

Hippy Slayer

Posts: 35

Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:05 am

Post Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:32 pm

Re: Enchanter Configuration

Seems to be some terminology being used that has confused some people, my self included. To me, all the characters I control with boxer are bots. I control them from a central location and remotely manage them. That to me is a bot. Am I using boxer in a manner not authorized, that would be a no. I sit down and launch my toons and see what kind of trouble I can get myself into. :p Then spend the rest of the evening, fixing what didn't work, or trying a new idea, for my "master", or "slot 1" toon to manage, or control the others better (queue Lord of the Rings music for one ring to control them all. :)

Anyway, wasn't my intent to get people all worked up over terminology, and I'll try to phrase my questions without referring to my toons as "bots"

Thanks for the suggestions and video links, I'll be watching those later tonight. :) I already have something similar to what Mellesande suggested, haven't tested that setup, but sounds a lot like what I setup initially.

Thanks again for the input

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