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Mouse repeater not working

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:05 pm

Mouse repeater not working

Hi All

Since the new patch for EQ (DirectX11), my mouse repeater function doesn't work anymore. I have mouse movement on some but not all windows. My Windows setup has my main toon on my center screen and 5 smaller windows on an adjacent screen. I used to be able to click the Mouse repeater button and get a cursor on ALL 6 windows. Now I get some on the other 5 windows, and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. It varies from each login. Sometimes it has had 3 of them show up and other times it only has one window active (mouse repeat that is). And never on the same toon, again, it varies. Looked here on the forums but couldn't find any other mention of this problem. Any ideas?



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Post Wed Feb 07, 2024 3:19 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

Hi All

Been 3 days since I posted this question. Everyone on vacation? Or is this one of those touchy subjects that is to be avoided at all costs? If there is no fix or advice for this problem then please just go ahead and say so and I will drop it. Otherwise I would appreciate at least a minimal response, this is one of those occasions where a negative response is better than no response at all lol.

Thanks for your attention.



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Post Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:46 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

I assume you are on EQ release (presumably you're on retail/daybreak as otherwise you wouldn't have needed the Inner Space update).

The only option I could provide at this time is to try switching the New Virtual Input option in the Inner Space Configuration.
Check this post for how https://isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=51838#p51838

In theory the New Virtual Input system should work fine, but we're interested in instances where it does not. We know it doesn't play nicely with remote desktop type solutions, but there might be other reasons too.

You should also make sure you check with the current development build if you are not using it already as it may contain a fix for the issue already.

If you are using some kind of software cursor, that may also impact.

A compatibility diagnostic may also show up some other esoteric reason.

ps. If you have Discord, joining the server can yield a faster response, and tends to have more watchers and people willing to share the answer if it happens to be a common problem.


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Post Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:43 am

Re: Mouse repeater not working

Thanks Bob

I will try some of those suggestions and report results back. Just to answer some of your questions here is some more info.

I am on EQ live (FV server)

I am using NO software cursor, just the one in Win 10.

I am running the latest Dev Build for Innerspace. Due to the Direct 11 dust up from last week lol.

And thanks for getting back to me, I will look at that Diag and the New Virtual Input thing.



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Post Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:55 am

Re: Mouse repeater not working


I checked the New Virtual Input box, it was unchecked originally, but I tried it in both states. No difference I could see. I ran a diag but I can't figure out where to post it.

I have noticed that there are times when the Mouse broadcasting actually works on 5 of 6 toons. And it never works on the 2nd toon consistently.

Also I noticed that there are times when the mouse has erratic behavior. Like when you use the right mouse button to turn your toon, it won't release the mouse when you let off the right mouse button. It seems like it's locked into that mode. And it will allow the mouse cursor to go off the screen. I have to make sure the cursor is in that window and then press both mouse buttons to get it back to normal movement. Or when resizing a window, you grab the edge of a window and pull it down to make it bigger and it seems like it is locked into that mode until I get the window how I want it and then left click to make it stay where it is, otherwise it will continue to change the window size until you do click it. And this only happens in the vertical mode, by that I mean it will only resize the window vertically and not horizontally.

Man ISB has worked so well for all these years until the recent DX11 changes. Hope you can come up with some suggestions for me to try...thanks in advance.



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Post Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:00 am

Re: Mouse repeater not working

I am having the same problem. I have been boxing EQ2 for a long time. Works great. But I just started boxing EQ1 and it doesn't work well at all. Among other problems (follow doesn't seem to work well), I have the same issue with the mouse not showing on other screens. I am on retail EQ1, 3 boxing with monitors. My hardware is elite and not the problem :D


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Post Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:28 am

Mouse repeater not working

Following up on this problem. I just realized I was not on the most recent build. Updating fixed the mouse not showing up on other screens. All good now.


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Post Sat May 18, 2024 3:55 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

So I really don't understand this at all. I updated Inner Space to 7260 and just a couple of days BEFORE the latest patch my mouse repeater actually showed mouse cursors on ALL characters windows. After all the release notes for 7260 *Fixed an issue with multi-PC mouse control. It was working great again. Then the EQ patch happened and it stopped working again. Sheesh.

So I updated Inner Space to the development version 7261. No help, well a little help. Instead of no cursors for the other toons, I had one of them display a cursor. So 1 out of 5.

It's not like this is a big deal, cause it's not...But it is just one of those things that bugs you, ya know what I mean? Sure would like to see it get fixed.



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Post Sat May 18, 2024 6:12 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

Your missing cursor is not a current issue (or at least not one affecting more than one person). So far we have to believe the issue is local to you and something you are running on your computer may be contributing (there is also a software cursor option in the game too - not sure if you checked that?).


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Post Sun May 19, 2024 11:20 am

Re: Mouse repeater not working

Well I have been experimenting. I switched back and forth between 7260 and 7261. Currently back on 7261 and just today it's working again. I looked up my Logitech drivers for my mouse and I have the current one on my system.

BTW I use a Logitech M600, the one with 12 buttons on the side of it. Funny thing is that I have had this particular mouse for like 5 years now. At the start of this thread I stated the this problem started when the DX11 change happened. This problem seems be very touchy.

I haven't looked at EQ's mouse driver per se. Still researching that. However I did look at the options page for the mouse ingame, and didn't see anything there that is driver based.

I will try to get you a Diagnostics file to look at here soon. Maybe that will give some insight to this problem.

Thanks for taking the time to look into this for me.


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