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[Trove] Characters part ways?

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Post Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:08 am

[Trove] Characters part ways?

Config: http://www.privatepaste.com/1e84df92f2

Hello people, first post here, I'm trying to set up broadcasting (or however you may call it) to work with Trove. Currently testing with 2 accounts.
Thing is, after I align myself, the characters will eventually part ways a bit, which scaled to long distances, makes them go completely different ways. I don't know if I'm explaining this correctly, but it's quite annoying.
It would work quite decently in short distances but it really messes up after a bit. I wouldn't imagine what a mess it would be with more clients.
What am I supposed to do?
Thanks in advance.


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Post Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:21 am

Re: [Trove] Characters part ways?

This is normal for games which don't have auto-follow. Lax's reply from a different Trove thread:

lax wrote:This is a limitation of multiboxing any game that does not have auto-follow. And in fact the basic answer from the FAQ entry (FAQ: Why do my toons move in different directions?) says to use the game's auto-follow feature if available in order to prevent this. Trove does not have auto-follow.

Basically what this means is that if you mean to move your characters around together, it's going to be difficult. Consider how hard it is to get your guys facing in EXACTLY the same direction, other than when you portal into somewhere. It's extremely difficult if not impossible to do. Even the tiniest difference in the direction they're facing is a problem across long distances. So you will need to take extra time and care to move around in a game like this. Even after you portal in and are in the same spot facing the same direction, slight differences in processing times between the game instances will begin to cause them to split up.

Then there's game mechanics that are going to split you up as well, for example knockback...


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Post Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:40 am

Re: [Trove] Characters part ways?

Alright, fair enough then, that's out of the way. But then there's not much of a point to multibox in Trove am I right? Or is there something I'm missing?

I mean, is there a way to synch mouse/character position again when they get misplaced, without the game allowing you to do so with an in-game feature? Maybe with an external script/feature running through ISBoxer?
If not, will there ever be one?

Sorry for the numerous questions and hopefully you understand what I mean, not a native english speaker.


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Post Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:17 am

Re: [Trove] Characters part ways?

d0dUxDJ wrote:Alright, fair enough then, that's out of the way. But then there's not much of a point to multibox in Trove am I right? Or is there something I'm missing?

Because you want to.

d0dUxDJ wrote:I mean, is there a way to synch mouse/character position again when they get misplaced, without the game allowing you to do so with an in-game feature?

When you teleport anywhere the camera resets to a South view.

d0dUxDJ wrote:Maybe with an external script/feature running through ISBoxer?
If not, will there ever be one?

Could only speculate upon game features. They don't get written here. External stuff, you're on your own there.

The youtube videos on Trove Multiboxing recommend NOT using the mouse. Not one bit. Don't touch it. That way the camera views don't get changed from the default positioning. Also don't run too many accounts on the one PC (too many that cannot be efficiently handled) otherwise it will lag a bit and then you get out of sync.

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