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Macro /alias

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:24 pm
by Arachnid
Hi all

thought it was about time i added something for ppl to use, as i have had ISBoxer for 2 years. Heheheh

This may help alot of ppl. I tend to make these macros as a default when i make a new toon :)

First macro
NAME - Main Target
Command line - /alias MT:target %t

Second macro
NAME - Main Assist
Command line - /alias MA:assist %t

Third macro
NAME - Follow Target
Command line - /alias FT:follow %t

You now have 3 macros to set when you join a group for boxing or pug's


- Join/make a group
- select your Main Assist and click Main Assist macro
- select your Main Target and click Main Target macro
- select the toon you wish to follow and click Follow Target macro

This will now set new commands to use in a new macro.
Here is my level 1 starter macro's

Fight Macro
NAME - Attack
Command line - /MA
Command line - /autoattack 1 ( or /autoattack 2 for ranged )
command line - /merc attack ( optional )
Now add your spells in order of recast timer with the biggest at the top of the macro under the 2 command lines.

Make sure to add a longish recast spell/Combat Art at the bottom too ( this is due to EQ2's strange idea of a way the macro works lol )

Thats the first macro to start the fight, now for the macro to stop the fight and follow your chosen toon. :)

Back Off macro
NAME Back Off
command line - /target_none
command line - /autoattack 0
command line - /cancel_spellcast
command line - /clearabilityqueue
command line - /merc backoff ( optional )
command line - /MT ( this line can be optional )
command line - /FT

Now your set :) Off you go and play :)

Extra things to add.

Target Nearest macro
NAME - Target Nearest NPC
command line - /alias MA:target_nearest_npc

Now your don't have to change anything if you playing solo or tanking :)

Other things to be aware of in eq2 :)

All hotkey have the ability to have 2 keys. This mean you can have 2 or more full macro's ( i only use 2 as i am not sure it will work with more ) being pressed with one key.

Re: Macro /alias

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:53 pm
by Ailbe
Oh wow. These are awesome, thanks for the post! Always looking for ways to help make this easier :)