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Problems with Mouse Pointer

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:03 pm

Problems with Mouse Pointer

Everything works but the mouse pointer isn't where it should be. Its on a different position of where the mouse actually should be which makes it impossible to do certain tasks. Also when i switch to a different window i can have the mouse an inch or more above the small windows border and it swaps windows. Its hard for me to explain but the mouse is not where it should be and i can't multi box that way.

Any suggestions ?


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Post Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:37 pm

Re: Problems with Mouse Pointer

stegi wrote:Any suggestions ?

Try using a different display mode (Fullscreen, Windowed (Fullscreen), etc.). Doing so will likely require you to completely re-launch your Character Set.


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Post Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:26 pm

Re: Problems with Mouse Pointer

http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/stegi ... x.png.html

If you look on the bottom left there is the mouse pointer. Not captured by the screenshot the mouse also shows under the window where is just blue windows background space in white normal windows mouse. I m not sure why it didn't get captured by the screen shot. Basicly i have a double mouse pointer one in the game and one about an inch further down.

I m not sure what to do but its unplayable and i can not change the game options to fullscreen mode ect...

I use windowed fullscreen. Back in the day when i used to multi box with Diablo 3 I never had any of these issues. So i don't know what the problem is but its unplayable in multiboxing mode that.

All downloaded today fresh installed used the guide for Marvel Heroes to set everything up. Result it works but wrong or second positioned mouse pointer makes it impossible to play the game. For example i can't even open terminals ect...


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Post Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:42 pm

Re: Problems with Mouse Pointer

Generally a different mouse cursor position means different game resolutions. We can help diagnose this with 2 pieces of info.

1. Show your configuration http://isboxer.com/wiki/Configuration_Sharing
2. Get us an ISBoxer state capture from within the game -- with your team launched, in the game press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G to bring up the ISBoxer Control Panel; click the Debug tab, then click "Capture State". Paste the results back here for us

We'll be able to tell if the game windows are not in the same resolution or windowed mode, and whether you need to adjust your Window Layout, etc.


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Post Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:25 pm

Re: Problems with Mouse Pointer


capture is coming soon working on it atm.


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Post Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:33 pm

Re: Problems with Mouse Pointer

Session is1: marvel team - mh1 - Slot 1
Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gazillion Entertainment\Marvel Heroes Game\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\Win32\MarvelHeroes2015.exe
Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Gazillion Entertainment\Marvel Heroes Game\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\Win32\MarvelHeroes2015.exe" -solidstate -nobitraider -nosteam -siteconfigurl=http://cdn.marvelheroes.com/marvelheroes/siteconfig.xml
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY2, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY2
Window: 1920x780 style 94080000. Rendering: 1920x1080 - Windowed
FPS: 62.135925 (Foreground)
Mouse: 564,168
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Reset Region: 0,0,1920,780,FALSE,None,FALSE
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,780,FALSE,None,FALSE
- Background Region: 0,780,640,260,TRUE,None,TRUE
Session is2: marvel team - mh2 - Slot 2
Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gazillion Entertainment\Marvel Heroes Game\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\Win32\MarvelHeroes2015.exe
Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Gazillion Entertainment\Marvel Heroes Game\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\Win32\MarvelHeroes2015.exe" -solidstate -nobitraider -nosteam -siteconfigurl=http://cdn.marvelheroes.com/marvelheroes/siteconfig.xml
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY2, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY2
Window: 640x260 style 94080000. Rendering: 1920x1080 - Windowed
FPS: 30.389364 (Background)
Mouse: 564,167
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Reset Region: 0,0,1920,780,FALSE,None,FALSE
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,780,FALSE,None,FALSE
- Background Region: 640,780,640,260,TRUE,None,TRUE
Session is3: marvel team - mh3 - Slot 3
Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gazillion Entertainment\Marvel Heroes Game\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\Win32\MarvelHeroes2015.exe
Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Gazillion Entertainment\Marvel Heroes Game\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\Win32\MarvelHeroes2015.exe" -solidstate -nobitraider -nosteam -siteconfigurl=http://cdn.marvelheroes.com/marvelheroes/siteconfig.xml
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY2, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY2
Window: 640x260 style 94080000. Rendering: 1920x1080 - Windowed
FPS: 30.389364 (Background)
Mouse: 564,167
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Reset Region: 0,0,1920,780,FALSE,None,FALSE
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,780,FALSE,None,FALSE
- Background Region: 1280,780,640,260,TRUE,None,TRUE


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Post Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:44 pm

Re: Problems with Mouse Pointer


Also this short clip shows the double mouse pointer in action.


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Post Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:05 pm

Re: Problems with Mouse Pointer

I could be reading that wrong, but it looks like the game is rendering at 1920x1080 but your main display window is 1920x780..


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Post Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:48 pm

Re: Problems with Mouse Pointer

jonesy wrote:I could be reading that wrong, but it looks like the game is rendering at 1920x1080 but your main display window is 1920x780..

Looks like setting the video to 1920x780 did work so far. But getting it to the resolution was a real pain. Thanks.


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Post Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:09 pm

Re: Problems with Mouse Pointer

I had this same problem. The solution for me was that the games needed to be set in Fullscreen (Windowed) instead of Fullscreen. A recent MH update must have changed that setting for me.

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