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DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 388

Joined: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:02 pm

Post Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:05 pm

DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Portions of NeverBoxer are copyrighted, therefore the author no longer authorizes copies, portions or modified code from NeverBoxer to be posted, distributed or otherwise manipulated on this website or others without written consent. Instead, instructions on how to obtain the NeverBoxer 1.1a config may be obtained by emailing NeverBoxer@Gmail.com.



Biggcarl wrote: Wanted to tell you thanks for your hard work on NeverBoxer! It was by far the best tool anyone has ever added for Isboxer. It made being able to epic dungeons a ton easier and just the quality of life easier for never winter

Vb4evr wrote: First off wanted to say thanks for the wonderful tool that you put forward for all of us to use. The amount of time you have put into it is amazing.

Mikedsmwd wrote: This is a tremendous amount of time and effort you've put in here, and I for one think its "slicker than owlshit"

Evilsquash wrote: You did an awesome job. …. I have tried all of the starter configs people has posted on here and couldn't get any of them to work …. yours looks like you have built everything for everybody in to it ….

Wysol wrote: I'm using Neverboxer for a full 5 man party AND I LOVE IT! TYVM Sylver really great work.

Mrmagoo wrote: I was quite proud of my current Rift setup and how it worked but this has most definitely put it to shame. :oops:

Kicksome wrote: Thanks for Neverboxer! It's awesome... You did a great job!

DISCLAIMER: NeverBoxer is an advanced ISBoxer configuration. Although much effort has been made to make the config as plug-and-play as possible, you may find it challenging to modify it as a new ISBoxer user. It is *HIGHLY* recommended that you read the installation and configuration portions of the guide below carefully, as it details step-by-step, how to install, configure and use NeverBoxer properly. Failure to do so, will waste valuable multi-boxing time at the expense of figuring out how to troubleshoot your character sets and configuration.

Table of Contents:

Part 1 - Intro - What is NeverBoxer?
Part 2 - Feature Summary
Part 3 - Keyboard Controls & Map
Part 4 - Configuring & Optimizing Neverwinter for Multi-Boxing
Part 5 - Installation & Configuration
Part 6 - Optional Features & Setup
Part 7 - The NeverBoxer Play-Guide
Part 8 - NeverBoxer Knowledge Resources

Part 1 - What is NeverBoxer?

NeverBoxer was specifically made to help new ISBoxer users to multi-box Neverwinter in the easiest manner possible and providing a rich feature-set while minimizing the amount of configuration required. It is the culmination of well over a hundred hours of feature-building, keymap coding and troubleshooting. It's unfortunate that Neverwinter Online has such a 'awkward' set of macroing features, as this makes multi-boxing this particular game challenging, particularly for a new ISBoxer user who just wants to focus on multi-boxing. I say this because not everyone enjoys building ISBoxer configurations since they can require a substantial outlay of valuable gaming time. I've made NeverBoxer available to you as-is to enable you to enjoy multi-boxing without having to start from the beginning - my only request is that if you make use any part of this configuration, to please credit me for my work. To aid those wanting to learn about the configuration, all code has been completely documented and sub-organized within key maps. I sincerely hope you enjoy the fruit of my labor and please make sure to leave feedback to let me know how improvements can be made.
- Sylver

Part 2 - Feature Summary






Part 3 - Keyboard Controls & Map


NeverBoxer specific interface commands:
  • Switch to "Next Window" = " ] " Switch to "Previous Window" = " [ "
  • Switch Windows = "Ctrl + Alt + SLOT # (1-5)" Switch to corresponding character making them the active character
  • Toggle 4 Video FX (VFX) Mini-screens ON/OFF = Windows "Application" key
  • Reset (VFX) = "Shift + Windows Application Key" Re-initializes the VFX windows; useful when one screen is missing (a character logs in too late, etc)
  • Meter = "Ctrl + M" This toggles displaying the SLOT2-5 Divinity/Shield meter on SLOT1's screen - successive presses of the hotkey add more meters.
  • Screenshot with no UI = "Printscreen" - located in your Neverwinter folder for a typical installation
  • Screenshot with UI in JPG format = "Shift + Printscreen" - located in your Neverwinter folder for a typical installation
  • Screenshot with VFX & UI in PNG format = "Ctrl + Printscreen" - located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Innerspace\Screenshots for a typical installation
  • Active window Zoom modes - Zoom-in = "Page Up", Zoom-out = "Page Down" and Default Zoom level = "Home"
  • Party Zoom modes - Zoom-in = "Shift + Page Up", Zoom-out = "Shift + Page Down" and Default Zoom level = "Shift + Home"
  • Slave-Party Zoom modes - Zoom-in = "Ctrl + Page Up", Zoom-out = "Ctrl + Page Down" and Default Zoom level = "Ctrl + Home"
  • Enter/Exit Chat mode - Toggle Keymaps On/Off = "Ctrl + Shift + M"
  • Toggle Emote Bars = "Ctrl + M" Toggles the Emote bars ON/OFF
  • Toggle Keyboard Map = "Shift + M" Toggles the keyboard map screen ON/OFF

NeverBoxer-specific movement commands:
  • Party jump = "Shift + Space"
  • Stop = "F10" Commands all party members to halt, stopping in place. You can also stop your party at any time by using any attack key or repeating a formation command.
  • Follow in Cluster formation = "V" Party follows active character in a clustered formation until Shift+ "V", an attack command (Q, E, R, Mouse) or Stop command(F10) is given.
  • Follow in Line Formation = "Shift + X" Party follows active character in a single line until Shift+ "X", an attack command (Q, E, R, Mouse) or Stop command(F10) is given.
  • Follow in Paired Formation = "Shift + Z" Party follows active character in a column of pairs until Shift+ "Z", an attack command (Q, E, R, Mouse) or Stop command(F10) is given.
  • Follow until In-Range = "Shift +C" Party follows active character until reaching a distance of 25 feet behind the active character.
  • Move Party = "Arrow Keys" moves party in any direction relative to the active character as long as you hold the keypress.
  • Scatter /AOE avoidance = "Tilde key" - Avoids AOE; hold down the Tilde/Grave key and the party will run, teleport or skid in opposite directions away from current location.
  • Regroup - aka Un-scatter = "Shift + Tilde key" - Once AOE is clear, hold down to make the party return to their previous position
  • Position Fire Team 1 = "," (comma) Fire Team 1 follows to active character's position. Repeat keypress to fix them to the desired lcoation.
  • Position Fire Team 2 = "." (period) Fire Team 2 follows to active character's position. Repeat keypress to fix them to the desired lcoation.

NeverBoxer non-combat commands:
  • Party invite = "Shift + Insert" This feature performs a party invite from the active character. Once the party members have party invitation dialog boxes in their windows, simply mouse into the character windows in the desired party order, press Alt and select "Accept". Note that this keystroke may need to be pressed more than once to overcome network lag (ping > 50ms routinely causes missed party invites).
  • Disband Party = "Shift + Delete" This quickly disbands the party in one swift keypress.
  • Invocation (active character only) = "End"
  • Mass Invocation = "Shift + End" All of your party members pray at the same time; remember they must all be inside the circle for their prayers to be heard!
  • Mount Up (active character only) = "Delete"
  • Party Mount Up = "Insert" Causes all party members to mount up in unison.
  • Party Utility Slots = "Shift + 3, 4 & 5" Directs all party members to use utility belt slot items such as potions in unision.
  • Party Interact with NPCs = (V, F, Shift + F) Allows all party members to interact with an NPC simultaneously and share keystrokes. See Part 8, NeverBoxer Special Features to learn more.
  • Party Inventory Overview = "Shift+ I " Gives a view of all party member inventories. This optional feature only works at horizontal screen resolutions of 1920 pixels.

NeverBoxer specific combat and targeting commands:
  • 'Full DPS Salvo (MINIBOSS KILLER) = "F1" Full DPS Salvo is designed for SLOT2-5 characters to simultaneously fire off attacks for max damage in killing stronger mobs.
  • 'Single DPS Round-Robin Attack = "Shift + F1" Attack that is performed Round-Robin used to quickly eliminate trash mobs.
  • Full AOE DPS Attack = "F2" Performs a massive, simultaneous party-AOE attack for eliminating groups such as trash mobs.
  • 'Single AOE DPS Round-Robin Attack = "Shift + F2" AOE attack that is performed Round-Robin used to finish off a group of weak mobs with very little remaining health.
  • Single CC Round-Robin Attack = "F3" Crowd Control (CC) attack performed Round-Robin used to perform a stun or other CC.
  • Single AOE CC Round-Robin Attack = "Shift + F3" AOE attack with CC performed Round-Robin to root or CC multiple mobs.
  • '1' Daily Skill slot - Single Daily Round-Robin Attack = "F4" This powerful attack is performed Round-Robin to conserve and rotate them amongst the party.
  • '1' Daily Skill slot - Full DPS Salvo Daily Attack BOSS KILLER = "Shift + F4" Full DPS Salvo is designed to simultaneously fire off the party's powerful daily attack skills for max damage.
  • '2' Daily Skill slot - Single Daily Round-Robin Attack = "F5" Daily skill attack that is performed Round-Robin to conserve daily attacks and rotate them amongst the party.
  • '2' Daily Skill slot - Full DPS Salvo Daily Attack BOSS KILLER = "Shift + F5" Full DPS Salvo to simultaneously fire off powerful daily attack skills for a damaging, simultaneous blow.
  • Mouse 1 & 2 - At-Will Attacks = "Mouse buttons 1 & 2": At-Will attacks executed by all characters.
  • Mouse 4 - Fire Team 1 Target Selection: Marks target for use by Fire Team 1.
  • Mouse 5 - Fire Team 2 Target Selection: Marks target for use by Fire Team 2.
  • Mouse 3 - Fire Team 3 Target Selection: Marks target for use by Fire Team 3. Enables auto-targeting/firing until overridden by using a Fire Team 1 or 2 target command.
  • Break target lock = "Ctrl" Stops lock on current target' movement keys WASD also break target lock of active character
  • Shield Block + Attack = "Shift + Q, E or R" Allows Guardian Fighters to block then attack
  • Party Divinity = "Capslock" Toggle Divinity mode on for the entire party - useful for advanced attacks, heals or knockback maneuvers with Fire-Teams.

NeverBoxer specific healing commands:
  • Mass PotionDrink = "Shif t+ 1, 2 or 3" All party members use a belt item (potion) simultaneously
  • Direct Heal to SLOT1 = "Shift + 6" Party healers cast Round-Robin heal spell on SLOT1 character
  • Direct Heal to SLOT2 = "Shift + 7" Party healers cast Round-Robin heal spell on SLOT2 character
  • Direct Heal to SLOT3 = "Shift + 8" Party healers cast Round-Robin heal spell on SLOT3 character
  • Direct Heal to SLOT4 = "Shift + 9" Party healers cast Round-Robin heal spell on SLOT4 character
  • Direct Heal to SLOT5 = "Shift + 0" Party healers cast Round-Robin heal spell on SLOT5 character
  • AOE Burst Heal = " - " (minus) Party healers cast Round-Robin heal spell at their location
  • AOE Damage Heal = " = " (equal) Party healers cast Round-Robin damaging/healing spell at current target
  • Heal Current Target = "Shift + - " (minus) Party healers cast Round-Robin healing spell at current target
  • Heal Current Target = "Shift + = " (equal) Party healers cast Round-Robin healing spell at current target
  • Fire Team 1 Heal/Knockback = "Shift + Mouse 4" Fire Team 1 healer performs Round-Robin AOE heal/knockback at location
  • Fire Team 2 Heal/Knockback = "Shift + Mouse 5" Fire Team 2 healer performs Round-Robin AOE heal/knockback at location

Printable version of keymap (compliments of Mrmagoo):


Part 4 - Configuring & Optimizing Neverwinter for Multi-Boxing

GUIDE: "Part 4 - Configuring & Optimizing Neverwinter for Multi-Boxing" and it's discussion thread

Part 5 - Installation & Configuration

GUIDE: "Part 5 - Installation & Configuration"and it's discussion thread

Part 6 - Optional Features & Setup

GUIDE: "Part 6 - Optional Features & Setup" and it's discussion thread

Part 7 - The NeverBoxer Play-Guide

GUIDE: "Part 7 - The NeverBoxer Play-Guide" and it's discussion thread

Part 8 - NeverBoxer Knowledge Resources

See these invaluable links to help best configure and use NeverBoxer:
Return to DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Copyright 2013 R Thomas
Last edited by Sylver on Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:48 pm, edited 133 times in total.
- Sylver


Posts: 471

Joined: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:46 pm

Post Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:27 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD: NeverBoxer (V1.0) Config for ISBoxer & Neverwinter

Sylver wrote:
nodoze wrote: [From end of Beta thread]Very interested to see how you implemented fire-teams.
Well, there are essentially 3 teams. Team 1, 2 and 3 (by default - all of your party). You have an Action Group for each of them and you have movement keys to place them where you want and separate keys to mark their targets. When you attack, they fire on the selected targets from that location (unless they are melee at which point they close with the target). I use this alot when I want to clear a room without getting swarmed - just set two teams up to attack two separate targets and use my main to engage a third... usually all 3 targets go down about the same speed and then you just quickly focus fire down any remaining threats with team 3 (everyone). This is best for PVE, but in PvP you could really suprise someone with an ambush if your characters were positioned well.
I could see this being useful with maybe 1-3 in a party focused on the Boss with the others focused on the Adds. The key would be how to rapidly shift back and forth from split targeting to single targeting...

Maybe in the 1.0 documentation give an example of the keys sequences to do this as well as how to switch back to Focus Fire back on the same target when appropriate. If that is too detailed or doesn't make sense in the guide maybe make a separate thread & put a link to it in the "Part 5 - NeverBoxer Knowledge Resources" section.

Looking forward for the full release!

EDIT: I do see the portions talking about extra mouse buttons. Not sure I understand how to switch between regular targeting mode to the advanced mode and how to put slots in/out of groups.
•Mouse 4 - Fire Team 1 Target Selection: Marks target for use by Fire Team 1.
•Mouse 5 - Fire Team 2 Target Selection: Marks target for use by Fire Team 2.
•Mouse 3 - Fire Team 3 Target Selection: Marks target for use by Fire Team 3.


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Post Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:13 am

Re: DOWNLOAD: NeverBoxer (V1.0) Config for ISBoxer & Neverwinter

I'm very new to ISBoxer (1st day of 7 day trial). I've been fighting with it for about 12 hours. I started with the KISS duo config and started adding more slots. I'm trying to get a 4 slot team working. Was wondering how difficult it would be to modify NeverBoxer for a 4 man group instead of a 5 man?


Posts: 388

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Post Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:34 am

Re: DOWNLOAD: NeverBoxer (V1.0) Config for ISBoxer & Neverwinter

graebeerd wrote:I'm very new to ISBoxer (1st day of 7 day trial). I've been fighting with it for about 12 hours. I started with the KISS duo config and started adding more slots. I'm trying to get a 4 slot team working. Was wondering how difficult it would be to modify NeverBoxer for a 4 man group instead of a 5 man?

Should be straight forward... The only thing is that you wont be able to use the Party Inventory as is - you'll just have to turn it off by removing the hotkey from the keymap (Shift+I). Just download the beta (currently version .9a), make sure to read the guide and follow it explicitly, making sure to create your characters, then the character sets just as it explains. Then configure the Neverwinter launcher as in the guide and at that point start tweaking... If you wont be running at 1920x1200 resolution you'll need to change the initialization setting (also explained in the guide).

Give it a try and let me know how things go. Version 1.0 won't be out until 1 August, but the beta is just as good without a few bells and whistles.
- Sylver


Posts: 471

Joined: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:46 pm

Post Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:13 am

Re: DOWNLOAD: NeverBoxer (V1.0) Config for ISBoxer & Neverwinter

Sylver wrote:
graebeerd wrote:I'm very new to ISBoxer (1st day of 7 day trial). I've been fighting with it for about 12 hours. I started with the KISS duo config and started adding more slots. I'm trying to get a 4 slot team working. Was wondering how difficult it would be to modify NeverBoxer for a 4 man group instead of a 5 man?
Should be straight forward... ... Give it a try and let me know how things go. ...
Welcome and wishing you success. Yes I agree you should be able to run NeverBoxer with less than 5 characters. I ran NeverBoxer version's 0.6, 0.8, & 0.9a with my Duo first before starting to level my 5man group with it.

The biggest issue I had was that my binds did not (and still do not) auto-load but also being a KISS user for my duo previously I am able to load my binds manually without much issue. In general loading the Binds is a one time process per slot unless you change the binds then you will have to unbind & re-load them to see the changes. In general the steps for me in game at the console window per slot were/are:

/bind_load_file isboxer-[Character Set Name]-[Character Name]-binds.txt

Note: '/clear' will clear chat logs so you can focus on new messages;

Note: '/Unbind_all' will clear all binds you have made or loaded. Very important to clear your previous binds if you have previously loaded binds and have made changes;

Note: '/bind_load_file isboxer-[Character Set Name]-[Character Name]-binds.txt' In each slot game client console window will load your new binding and this seems Persistent across re-boots of the game client &/or PC; You should only need to redo this if you change your bindings (recommend unbinding them first via unbind_all). This file should be located under your ...Cryptic Studios\Neverwinter\Live folder.

Please let us know if you try NeverBoxer and if so how it goes. Curious also if your binds auto-load or if you had to manually load them.

EDIT: As a side note if you are already doing 4 charaters I recommend doing 5 characters if you can. For me at least it is a pain to re-level a new group 1-60 after doing my duo. In hindsight I wish I had stopped to figure out my performance issues and be able to run 5 from the start rather than just doing my duo. The duo GF+DC was easy/great to level but once you get to 60 there really isn't much you can do with a Duo as pretty much the focus is on 5mans (and they are very difficult for a boxer). If the reason you are doing 4 clients instead of 5 is because of Performance, I highly recommend reviewing the following:

- Neverwinter ISBoxer Performance Optimization Guide: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=4165
- Neverwinter Graphics Settings Guide: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=4387
- TWEAK: How to get more SLOT1 FPS in Neverwinter: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=4388

Note: I believe the rendersize adjustment discussed in the last thread above is a planned feature in 1.0 but isn't in 0.9a which the highest release currently downloadable. In the tweak thread are two additional adjustments I used (in addition to doing everything in the first 2 links) to get the final gains needed to allow my laptop to run a full 5 clients with decent performance & beauty in the main Foreground window (I wanted my main Foreground running at a full 1920x1200 with high settings).


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Post Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:16 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD: NeverBoxer (V1.0) Config for ISBoxer & Neverwinter

Getting this error when trying to export config to InnerSpace for the first time.


I can't give you the pastebin because the xml exceed's pastebins maximum file size of 500 KB :roll:


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Post Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:46 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD: NeverBoxer (V1.0) Config for ISBoxer & Neverwinter

graebeerd wrote:Getting this error when trying to export config to InnerSpace for the first time.


I can't give you the pastebin because the xml exceed's pastebins maximum file size of 500 KB :roll:
I would first make sure both ISBoxer & Innerspace are fully updated. I would close both and reopen both to make sure all updates are in place (ISBoxer you may need to click on "Help>About ISBoxer Toolkit". After you believe both are fully up-to-date I would then reboot windows and make sure both restart from scratch/clean with no updates.

If you are still having the same issue after doing the above my thought would be to start a new thread in this forum labeled something like 'Unable to export NV 0.9a to Innerspace due to error ...

I would then put the essential info (versions of ISboxer, Innerspace, Windows, etc) into the first post and then try to post the XML into the second post (may be huge but maybe the Forum will accept it where PasteBin won't....

I wouldn't paste it into this thread as I have seen how with even a much smaller XML I can really muck up a thread and make it hard to read...


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Post Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:55 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD: NeverBoxer (V1.0) Config for ISBoxer & Neverwinter

graebeerd wrote:Getting this error when trying to export config to InnerSpace for the first time.


I can't give you the pastebin because the xml exceed's pastebins maximum file size of 500 KB :roll:

First line says there's an invald character in the field. Check the Neverwinter Launcher and double-check that you are using this text:

/bind_load_file isboxer-binds.txt


Hopefully that helps...
- Sylver


Posts: 471

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Post Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:16 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD: NeverBoxer (V1.0) Config for ISBoxer & Neverwinter

If none of those suggestions work, I forgot that you can upload your ISBoxer config as an attachment to your post so that should save from having to paste a huge XML.

To share your configuration via file attachment (your account names will not be censored):
1. Save your ISBoxer Profile -- usually to the default location;

2a. If you used Save and saved your ISBoxer profile to the default location, attach the file ISBoxerToolkitProfile.XML from your Inner Space folder;
2b. If you used Save As and saved your ISBoxer profile to a custom location, attach the file you saved;

3. On the bottom of your post click on the "Upload attachment" tab and browse to the File and then Add the file & then submit to post your reply with attachment;

More info from this thread (I added step 3): viewtopic.php?f=45&t=13


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:12 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD: NeverBoxer (V1.0) Config for ISBoxer & Neverwinter

graebeerd wrote:I can't give you the pastebin because the xml exceed's pastebins maximum file size of 500 KB :roll:

That's why we usually tell people to use privatepaste instead.

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