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/target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

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Post Wed May 22, 2013 5:27 am

/target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

Thanks to the other threads here I was able to get my 3 secondaries to target me and follow.
then manually /assist with hardtargetlock on and the main targetting the NPC they would all switch.
I went to bed that night thinking the next day I would be able to setup a keymap to flip broadcast mode on, assist the main, and then be able to interact with the NPC on all 4 at the same time.
the next day was Sunday and with the site down I lost most of a day to mess around with it.
Now neither /assist or /target works - did I shank something in game?
It doesn't work for either my regular account nor my 4 box setup.
I'm nearing my end of trial. I was about to opt in for a 90day sub to play around some more but with those 2 in game features not working, I might have to wait.
Just want to see if it's just me or not.


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Post Wed May 22, 2013 3:34 pm

Re: /target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

The easiest way to have your characters follow you is not from IsBoxer but from the game itself. Have a command like this in your bind.txt file :

F10 "Target Tank"
F10 "HardTargetLock 1 $$ Target Tank"

... Where Tank is the name of the character you want to target/follow...

Then all you have to do with IsBoxer is send F10 to all windows but yours.

Anyway, targetting and following have been working fine for me today. Assisting is a little more tricky, because of game mechanics obviously. But still, I can have my 5 characters hitting the same target most of the time.


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Post Wed May 22, 2013 5:44 pm

Re: /target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

ok - I did /bind V "Target Tank"
using both names and now it will flash that character like it's trying to target

4 days ago I swear it would move the cursor to the target - is that how it works for everyone else or am I misremembering?

This use to set the main as target, lock the camera and turn follow on.
Now it only works if I manually move the cursor over the main and then press it.
/bind V "Target Tank $$ hardtargetlock 1 $$ setFollow 1"

it's definitely in game, not IsBoxer.

it started working. maybe it's case sensitive in game and somehow I started using cap "V" instead of lower "v". got myself I guess.
/bind v "hardtargetlock 1 $$ Target Tank" is working ok now.


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Post Wed May 22, 2013 8:15 pm

Re: /target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

/bind V "Target Tank $$ hardtargetlock 1 $$ setFollow 1"

As far as ive tested most commands you can bind ingame is 2, and setfollow doesnt like to be combinded with anyother command line

/bind v "hardtargetlock 1 $$ target name"


/setfollow 0 >to end follow
/hardtargetlock 0 to end lockon I bind both to 1 key in isboxer


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Post Wed May 22, 2013 10:17 pm

Re: /target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

gnetcham wrote:Target Tank $$ hardtargetlock 1 $$ setFollow 1

I tried this also, with poor results too. That was in order to save a F key, but I have more than I use anyways so for now I have :

F6 "HardTargetLock 1 $$ Target Tank"
F7 "Follow"

Also, I set :

F9 "HardTargetLock 0"

I am looking forward to add another command to this line, this is because when you go over level 20 you'll enter some areas where you have to investigate crypts or whatever sub-areas, and sometimes when you leader clicks the entrance the whole group teleports (after 5 seconds), but sometimes the leader goes in and the others stays outside... And since they are following the leader, they begin to run like crazy in random directions, and eventually get killed by some wandering monsters before I can stop them. So I am looking for something that can make them stop, like :

F9 "HardTargetLock 0 $$ Stop" or F9 "HardTargetLock 0 $$ Halt", but I miss the proper slash command... /stop and /halt or /back doesn't exist. Any idea ?


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Post Wed May 22, 2013 11:09 pm

Re: /target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

I am looking forward to add another command to this line, this is because when you go over level 20 you'll enter some areas where you have to investigate crypts or whatever sub-areas, and sometimes when you leader clicks the entrance the whole group teleports (after 5 seconds), but sometimes the leader goes in and the others stays outside... And since they are following the leader, they begin to run like crazy in random directions, and eventually get killed by some wandering monsters before I can stop them. So I am looking for something that can make them stop, like :

F9 "HardTargetLock 0 $$ Stop" or F9 "HardTargetLock 0 $$ Halt", but I miss the proper slash command... /stop and /halt or /back doesn't exist. Any idea ?[/quote]

hardtargetlock 0 $$ setfollow 0
will work to break lock and follow

as for tryin to get everyone to click the same door ive noticed that if your in a party and a member is standing or inuse of said door you cant even target it on a alt could just be me though

and btw that profession gateway you can open it 5x times on the net and log in on every toon i found out lol can run all there trade skills via web and not have to log in on each one ingame or net


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Post Thu May 23, 2013 12:13 am

Re: /target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

gnetcham wrote:hardtargetlock 0 $$ setfollow 0
will work to break lock and follow

Thanks for that ! I sould have thought of that tho...

I have been using Profession Gateway a lot, i'm pretty sure it will be a paying stuff at release tho :(

How do you manage to open 5x gateway windows at once ? If I log another armory while one is opened, the first one gets disconnected...


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Post Thu May 23, 2013 3:06 pm

Re: /target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

Iam using internet explorer it works with that atleast for me it does


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Post Thu May 23, 2013 10:32 pm

Re: /target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

gnetcham wrote:Iam using internet explorer it works with that atleast for me it does

Hum not working here. I thought there was at last something that IE is good at, but no :(


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Post Fri May 24, 2013 8:57 am

Re: /target and /assist stopt working for anyone else?

Yeah - I noted the 3 command limit in another post - but I swear it worked for me at once point.
Even when I dropped down to 2 commands it wasn't working. I think it was the case of the "V" versus the "v" but I since changed to function keys and it's working fine.

In other thoughts:
Did anyone find a good way to assist the main to target NPC for quest interaction?
I end up trying to position the NPC between the main char and the followers, then broadcast, hit F and go from there.
But that seems... inelegant for lack of a better term.

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