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List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Setups

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Wed May 22, 2013 3:18 pm

Re: List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Setups

My team is level 27-28 now (1xGuardian and 4xClerics). I'm doing the main questline, finishing the Cementary of Neverdead, or something like this. I'm progressing in both configuring the multi-box setup, and understanding the game mechanics.

Oh, and the button thing has been fixed by Lax, but since he closed his thread I couldn't thank him ;)


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Post Thu May 23, 2013 3:09 pm

Re: List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Setups

Duo boxing 2 clerics level 16 atm just duo healed my frist instance with 3 random members was fun lol but the los healing is a pain if others are stacked on oneanother

btw I set up a target/healing rotation for my follower for solo it targets me for party it targets f3-f5 and i do custom hardtargetlock $$ target for each new member on both of my toons it works well


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Post Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:13 pm

Cleric & 4 Control Wizard - Offtank, Healz, CC & Firepower!

Hi - longtime multiboxer from Lineage 2 where I used Nostromo N52's (oldschool) to manually box 6 chars. I'm new to ISBoxer (just a couple days now) and am diving in headfirst with my party of 1 Cleric (main) and 4 Control Wizards for CC and firepower. I must say that ISBoxer is a totally awesome tool and I learn something new that I can do with it every day.

I'd like to reserve one of your "Multi-box Build" slots at the beginning of this thread to detail out my binds and setup. Currently I've got all 4 CWs following and assisting my cleric with the full range of Q, E, R, 1, 2 and mouse attacks. Additionally I have them set up to selectively deliver full salvos of attacks for massive damage or round-robin for CC's and selective takedowns - both options always available on the fly.

This Cleric & 4 CW setup allows me full control of my cleric to Off-tank and control healz while using the striking power and OP CC capabilities of the CWs to manage the fight. So far it's working well. My main cleric is a high regen cleric with 1900+ regen and is hard to take down to begin with, so I concentrate on her defensive capabilities and leave all the offense to the rest of the team.

Look forward to sharing my full buildout and helping more people learn how to get the most out of ISBoxer and enjoy Neverwinter.

- Sylver
- Sylver


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Post Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:26 am

Re: Cleric & 4 Control Wizard - Offtank, Healz, CC & Firepower!

Sylver wrote:Hi - longtime multiboxer from Lineage 2 where I used Nostromo N52's (oldschool) to manually box 6 chars. I'm new to ISBoxer (just a couple days now) and am diving in headfirst with my party of 1 Cleric (main) and 4 Control Wizards for CC and firepower. I must say that ISBoxer is a totally awesome tool and I learn something new that I can do with it every day.

I'd like to reserve one of your "Multi-box Build" slots at the beginning of this thread to detail out my binds and setup. Currently I've got all 4 CWs following and assisting my cleric with the full range of Q, E, R, 1, 2 and mouse attacks. Additionally I have them set up to selectively deliver full salvos of attacks for massive damage or round-robin for CC's and selective takedowns - both options always available on the fly.

This Cleric & 4 CW setup allows me full control of my cleric to Off-tank and control healz while using the striking power and OP CC capabilities of the CWs to manage the fight. So far it's working well. My main cleric is a high regen cleric with 1900+ regen and is hard to take down to begin with, so I concentrate on her defensive capabilities and leave all the offense to the rest of the team.

Look forward to sharing my full buildout and helping more people learn how to get the most out of ISBoxer and enjoy Neverwinter.

- Sylver
Sylver, Welcome and thanks for wanting to share. I would upload any files needed and then put a summary post of what type of group the setup was/is used for, what commands are implemented, any assumptions, and a general instructions on how to utilize/implement. I will try to finish update post #2 as an example.

If you can just add it to this thread I will add a summary line for it in in Post 1 and copy the details & files up to one of the reserved spots.

Welcome and thanks again for wanting to share.

EDIT: I updated post 2 as an example. I had started it awhile back but hadn't finished it as the servers had been down & I couldn't test and then got busy on other stuff...


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Post Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:06 pm

Cleric & 4 Control Wizard - Offtank, Healz, CC & Firepower!


This Devoted Cleric & 4 Control Wizard (CW) setup allows me full control of the party leader (SLOT 1), my cleric (Sylverangel), to Off-tank and control healz while using the striking power and OP CC (Crowd Control) capabilities of the CWs to manage the fight. Currently I've got all 4 CWs following and assisting my cleric with the full range of Q, E, R, 1, 2 and mouse attacks. Additionally I have them set up to selectively deliver full salvos of attacks for massive damage or round-robin for CC's and selective takedowns - both options always available on the fly.

If you're completely new to all of this then you need to understand a few things first. (Experienced readers should skip to the next paragraph...) Several things are required to be done to set up ISBoxer and Neverwinter before you can go off into dungeons and smash some monsters. First, you will need to make a file to hold all of your in-game keybinds; aka what define what each key you press into in-game actions. For example, I press 'M' and a map appears. M is keybound to the map. What you do is decide what key you want to do which action and then create a file with Windows notepad and put those binds and actions into it. The actions are usually some kind of in-game codes that control things, so type /cmdlist to see all of the codes in the game. Only some of them are useful for what we are doing here though... targeting, attacks, etc. Secondly, once you've decided on what keys correlate to what actions you want in-game, you must go into the mysterious ISBoxer and create entries that connect your keybinds in special ways to make complex actions occur. A keybind performs a simple action (ie; targeting), but ISBoxer can make combinations of them that do wonderful, compund actions like, assist my tank, target his target, CC his target and then nuke his target all in one command. This will take time to learn, so just read what I and others have written, try things out, BACK UP OFTEN, and have fun seeing what you can make ISBoxer do. :geek:

I'll be continuously updating this as I get time and as the build/configuration evolves. This setup is meant to be straightforward to replicate and use - the vast majority of the hotkeys/binds are of the type "AlwaysOn" to minimize the amount of keystrokes needed to perform functions.

Since I use F1-F5 for the Q, E, R, 1 and 2 keys in my control scheme I started all of my binds at F6. The binds are stored (in my particular setup) in the filename BINDS.TXT and the "<-- blah blah blah" you see at the end of each bind line are my code comments and SHOULD NOT BE COPIED AND PASTED INTO YOUR BINDS FILE).

Important to remember is that once you log each character in, you must use the /BIND_LOAD_FILE command to load in the binds before ISBoxer can use them. So I type "/bind_load_file BINDS.TXT" for each character at login. I'll be adding a menu button or hotkey sometime soon to automate the whole thing across the party (low priority at the moment).


F6 "HardTargetLock 1 $$ Target Sylverangel" <-- Lock on to and target SLOT1 aka Sylverangel; this is 2 commands in one concatenated with the '$$'
F7 "Follow" <-- follow current target
F8 "Assist Sylverangel" <-- assist SLOT1
F9 "HardTargetLock 1" <-- turn Lock onto current target
F10 "SetFollow 0" <-- turn off following
F11 "HardTargetLock 0" <-- turn off Lock


I came up with the idea of using F1-F5 (with shift) to mirror my broadcast comands across the party. They are conveniently located above their normal Q, E, R, 1 and 2 counterparts and make playing with them easier because you simply move your hands up a little bit on the keyboard and are used to control the party (ISBoxer implementation shown later on):

F1 = Broadcast 'Q' attack to "all others"; which is everyone except the SLOT1 party leader. This allows for a full-party salvo attack for maximum firepower
Shift + F1 = Round-Robin version of F1 (above). This allows rotation through the team for selective damage attacks, or more importantly, Crowd Control (CC).

F2 = Broadcast 'E' attack to "all others"; which is everyone except the SLOT1 party leader. This allows for a full-party salvo attack for maximum firepower
Shift + F2 = Round-Robin version of F2 (above). This allows rotation through the team for selective damage attacks, or more importantly, Crowd Control (CC).

F3 = Broadcast 'R' attack to "all others"; which is everyone except the SLOT1 party leader. This allows for a full-party salvo attack for maximum firepower
Shift + F3 = Round-Robin version of F3 (above). This allows rotation through the team for selective damage attacks, or more importantly, Crowd Control (CC).

F4 = Broadcast '1' attack to "all others"; which is everyone except the SLOT1 party leader. This allows for a full-party salvo attack for maximum firepower
Shift + F4 = Round-Robin version of F4 (above). This allows rotation through the team for selective damage attacks, or more importantly, Crowd Control (CC).

F5 = Broadcast '2' attack to "all others"; which is everyone except the the SLOT1 party leader. This allows for a full-party salvo attack for maximum firepower
Shift + F5 = Round-Robin version of F5 (above). This allows rotation through the team for selective damage attacks, or more importantly, Crowd Control (CC).

** NOTE: I also like to put a CC spell in (for example) the 'Q' Encounter Power slot of the SLOT2 party member and fill the 'Q' Encounter Power slots of SLOT3-SLOT5 party members with damage spells. This has the desirable effect of placing a CC on a mob and having the next 3 party members follow up with DPS on that target. This is particularly useful in knocking out mobs streaming/swarming towards the party - it's not uncommon for me to have several mobs dangling and being nuked to death mid-air before falling to the ground dead. It's a really nice touch! :mrgreen:

V = Broadcast of F6 & F7; this causes all other party members to Lock onto and follow the SLOT1 party leader.

Shift + (3, 4 & 5) = Broadcast '3, 4 or 5' to all party members. Basically an 'Oh SHIT' method of making everyone gulp a health or other potion when things get desperate. :lol:

Shift + 6 = Broadcast '6' to all party members. Useful for mounting your entire party on horses to quickly navigate the party across the maps. Press 'V' after using this and the whole party then gallops off into the sunset following their SLOT1 party leader.

. more keystrokes to be added, this is all from my memory right now


Now for the ISBoxer portion. I'll be adding (cropped) screenshots to show what it looks like; that is much easier to understand than straight textual descriptions. Also, some people like to cheat and just cut-and-paste, but then you wouldn't learn or understand what's going on now would you. ;-)

. ISBoxer Hotkey crops go here...

Video FX FEEDS - Totally optional, but Totally cool:

I have utilized the VFX feeds into my setup as well. I currently have one feed for each party member in place of the normal block of party member silhouettes showing their hitpoints. The feeds show hitpoints, XP, pots, cooldowns and silhouette with names. I use a stacked 1-5 window display and project the VFX feeds directly onto my SLOT1 player screen. This minimizes the need to swap back and forth between characters when playing. I've also experimented with Repeater to get the keystrokes to go through to the underying SLOT2-5 screens, but haven't needed it really. I'll likely add this after I create automate the party invitation that I mentioned above (low priority #2).

. VFX feed silhouette screenshots go here...

I personally found the wiki instructions on how to set them up to be a little backwards (viewer before source?), so here's my attempt at explaining a little more clearly how you set them up.

For reference, click this link to see the ISBoxer Wiki background info and instructions on Video FX: http://isboxer.com/wiki/Video_FX

There are 2 steps: 1] Create a source (on the screen or area you want to grab video from) and 2] Create a viewer (on the screen or area you want to display your grabbed video).

**NOTE: ISBoxer must be running and you need to have at least 2 characters loaded before doing this - one screen to grab video from (source), the other to put video onto (destination). I think that the 'stacked' display mode affords more screen space to display VFX, so that is what I use. You can do whatever you want, but I recommend you experiment with that setup first as it makes it very apparent that you're grabbing video from one screen and outputting it to another, different one.

** UBER IMPORTANT - Windows Aero MUST be installed and running on your PC before VFX feeds will work. You can tell if you have Aero if you get little screenshots of your desktop windows on the WIndows Task-bar when you hover your mouse over them. If not, right-click on the Windows Task-bar and configure Windows Aero - then you can proceed...

1] Creating the VFX source:
- Go to the screen from which you want to grab your source video feed. Once you are there, bring up the in-game ISBoxer Control Panel (by default, this is usually Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G)
- Select the Video FX tab in the ISBoxer Control Panel box that opens as an overlay on your source screen
- The drop-down box at the top has a selection that allows a choice between Source or Viewer - in this case choose 'Source'
- Press 'Add' right next to it. A 'green' box/area will open up that you can put over the part of the screen you want to grab video from
- If you click on that 'green' box/area another window will open where you can adjust the size and position of the source. Adjust to your liking...
- Give your VFX 'source' feed a name. Type this in at the very bottom, and save it...
- Now your source VFX feed will be saved and when you go to the screen you want to output it onto (the destination screen or area) it will show up in the 'source' list. If it doesn't, then you probably didn't hit the save button. I found this interface really confusing and it looks like it was programmed by some Linux geek (no offense to you Linux geeks), but that's the style of graphics and unconventional layout it has...

2] Creating the VFX viewer:
- Go to your destination screen (usually the one you want to play your main character on) and summon the ISBoxer Control Panel (again, by default, this is usually Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G)
- Select the Video FX tab in the ISBoxer Control Panel
- The drop-down box at the top has a selection between Source or Viewer - in this case choose 'Viewer'
- Select the VFX source you created earlier from the list. (If it's not there, go back and create it again - remember to press save!)
- The 'green' box/area window will show up with the title of the source VFX you made earlier ;)
- You can now manually adjust the size and position of the VFX feed
- Repeat this for all of the VFX feeds you want on your screen... also of note is that is1, is2, is3, etc are full screen feeds of your character screens. If you choose them as a source, you can do Picture-inPicture (PIP) like on a TV.

If you've followed everything correctly, you should now be grabbing video from one screen/area and displaying it on another one in just the size and position you want!


Finally, here are some links to screenshots of the whole party in action. I am currently working on formations for Neverwinter that are useful in dungeons and moving through the outdoor maps. In a dungeon, stacking players With the above 'V' hotkey (F6 & F7 really) works, but it makes for one nice juicy compact AOE target. I'll post my updates with both a line and staggered 1, 2, 2 formation (1 front, 2 mid, 2 back). Also, the line makes it look not so 'BAD' when you are traversing the map... ie; some other plays will likely scream 'botter' if they see a cluster of characters/horses bumping along, but a nice stream of them goes a long way to stopping that. Since all of my characters are in the same guild (Death From Above), it makes it look like the whole guild is out to go on a raid or something. :D

. Links to screenshots go here

One recommendation that I have in testing your setup is to choose a foundry quest and do it there. My favorite foundry quest is right in town next to the vendors and I don't have to go far from them, the mailbox, bank or auction house. When you're equipping, supplying and moving a party of 5 characters around, this can be a big time-saver. Foundry quests are also nice in that you also get free astral diamonds for completing your daily foundries and simultaneously testing your setup this way. :idea:

A final parting discussion point is what pets/companions to use in conjunction with the setup. Since the pets cost gold and it's 4x the cost (one for each CW), there's a significant outlay of funds required to try them out. My main already has the Dire Wolf, Ioun Stone (my fav), Cleric, Man at Arms and Wizard. The added damage and CC from the wizard companion might be nice, but I know that the Dire Wolf (and dog) do a nice job of knocking back your foes, but the Man at Arms does an excellent job of holding the enemy at bay long enough for the CWs to muke it to death. I'm leaning towards a team of 4x Man at Arms to help keep mobs busy while the CWs nuke and CC and while I'm dragging ads, healing and offtanking with my cleric. Since my goal is end-game dungeons, I'm of the opinion that in the long run, it will be the better buildout. End game dungeons require a healer, and if you're not controlling it as a main and dodging the ads, it's probably not going to go too well. If someone proves me wrong, that will be a good thing. :D

I hope that you, the reader, find this useful and educational. As was my original goal, I've tried to keep it straightforward and simple to follow in hope of helping you comprehend what my keybinds and ISboxer setup is doing.
Last edited by Sylver on Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:18 pm, edited 8 times in total.
- Sylver


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:10 pm

Re: List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Setups

Great write up Sylver!
Would be great to have this moved to its own Thread though so its easy to find.


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Post Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:53 pm

Re: List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Setups

Norrin wrote:Great write up Sylver!
Would be great to have this moved to its own Thread though so its easy to find.

Gotcha - copied it to it's own thread at: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=4120
- Sylver


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Post Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:43 pm

Re: List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Setups

I made a grp in Beholder, GF, Cleric and 3 Wizards.


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Post Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:39 pm

Re: List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Setups

Sylver wrote:
Norrin wrote:Great write up Sylver!
Would be great to have this moved to its own Thread though so its easy to find.

Gotcha - copied it to it's own thread at: [newer thread listed in post 5]
Since the kids got out of school I have been on vacation with them. I liked your posts & put a link to what looks to be your newest thread into post 5 with a summary in the first post.

zandokan wrote:I made a grp in Beholder, GF, Cleric and 3 Wizards.
Glad to hear. This thread is more focused on setups so I updated the "List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Teams" thread with your team. When you get a chance please update that thread with your progress and I will update the summary of the Teams thread:



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Post Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:06 pm

Re: List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Setups

I updated the KISS instructions in Post 2 to show how to initiate Follow & how to break hard target... Sorry those were missing initially in the instructions...

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