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Round 2

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 471

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Post Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:46 am

Re: Round 2

lemartes99 wrote:Just want to let everyone know Pit Fight isn't too bad to box if you have multiple healers. Can heal through pretty much everything on the boss. I've died a few times, but only if those wolf mages through me around, but usually it goes smooth.

I pretty much aced both my tests this week, so I played during Unix (3 Hours Friday - Last class... What a pain).

And I got 2 Wolves on my third run.
Got up and left after that, Teacher asked me how my lab went, just shrugged and said no clue, but I got a rare shadow wolf in Neverwinter. Just got a cold stare in return.

Not sure how much I'm going to farm it over the weekend though, really only wanted 1 wolf since I like each char to have a different mount. One of the wolves dropped for my main which kinda sucks since my main is my Male Char (Followed by 4 Females) and I like him to have a Large mount so I bought the Grizzly for him, with the women on the smaller ones.

Happy Wolf hunting everyone!
Glad you aced both of your tests as that is likely more important in the long run.

Very glad to hear your team coming along strong and I wanted to say THANKS for motivating me.

Your posts motivated me to start leveling again on my 3DC+2CW team to join my GF+DC at cap and give me 7 characters to try various combos at cap...

You also motivated me to to add a Paladin & a Neverember Guard to my leveling team as follows:

-DC with Leader (Healer) Companion: Helmite Paladin (new);
-DC with Defender (Tank) Companion: Neverember Guard (new);
-DC with Defender (Tank) Companion: Caleb Dur;
-CW with Defender (Tank) Companion: Man-at-Arms;
-CW with Defender (Tank) Companion: Man-at-Arms;

When I get them to 60 I plan to put the two CW's to the side and initially focus on a GF+DCx4 team:

-GF with Augment (Buffer) Companion: Ioun Stone;
-DC with Augment (Buffer) Companion: Ioun Stone;
-DC with Leader (Healer) Companion: Helmite Paladin (new);
-DC with Defender (Tank) Companion: Neverember Guard (new);
-DC with Defender (Tank) Companion: Caleb Dur;

At some point I will try to decide if I want to replace 1 or more Ioun stones that can't die with an active companion.

When you get a chance please denote whether 2 Helmite Paladin's seals stack or not.

When you get a chance please jot down what powers and combos you recommend for your all or mostly Devoted Cleric team(s).


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Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:27 pm

Post Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:46 pm

Re: Round 2

I will post a mini guide tonight of everything I have figured out.

I have only have the weekend to play, then 3 weeks of Professions / Invocation while I study for finals.
Hope to have a few Royal Priest sets by then and attempt some dungeons over the X-Mas break.

I was reading on the forums about the changes coming, apparently Active companions will give bonuses. This is great news, as I can change my Calebs for other stuff, but still get a bonus from Caleb so buying them wasn't a waste. Need to start looking into which companions give the good bonuses and get some off Auction now before prices go up.


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Post Sat Nov 16, 2013 6:56 pm

Re: Round 2

OK heres the new stuff I have found.

Foresight Stacks - I get 4x of this whenever I heal. This works out to a pretty big defence buff.
Divine Emisary Armor stacks 4x for a 1000K Defence/Deflect bonus for everyone.
Improved Brand of the Sun Stacks, when I have 5x on the boss he is at -25% Damage & -25% Crit.

These 3 things allowed me to beat the Skirmishes I think. If foresight is active (All my guys have improved) and I have an astral shield up I can stand in the Master of the hunt / Werewolf bosses AOE and ignore all the adds and just let them beat on me.

For my big damage combo here is what I try to pull off.

Hallowed Ground
Divinty + 4x Sun burst / Astral Shield
Divinity 4x Break the Spirit / Curse of Doom
4xHammer of Fate

The Divinity Heal gives me a bunch of linked spirits, then the hallowed ground gives more of a bonus. Curse of Doom + Break the Spirit weakens the boss, then the 4 Hammers really pack a Punch. This combo will take out one of the Feywild mini dungeon bosses in 1 shot (The Witch, and I think 2 Salvos downs Gnarlroot).

For encounters here is what I use.


Astral Shield / Curse of Doom / Forgemasters Flame


Sun burst / Break the Spirit / Forgemasters Flame

This gives me pretty good control of my mains action, as I can get curse of doom to return action points most of the time by 4x Break the Spirit and 5xFlames. I use Hallowed Ground on my Main and pop it all the time.

I think this setup could be improved as i'm not sure if 4xSun Burst going off at the same time is working. Need to look into that, but I don't think it is stacking 4x. Plan to try Searing Light instead of Sun Burst and see if the Extra DPS helps with stuff. I rely on Sun Burst for a lot of my healing though.

The pets are working really good now with balanced stats, I can leave them alone for quite a while on a skirmish boss. I've been watching Caleb, and his heal is much better on the boss, still not as good as the guard but still really good.

Looking forward to hearing how your teams work.
My other guys are between 49 & 52 I think. They leveled from 11 fully from Invocation & Crafting.
I plan on trying pretty much every char + 4 DC and see what works best. The 5xDC is a lot of fun though, they will never be able to beat Castlenever, but i'm glad theres a few things they can do.

Oh and good news, I ran Pit fight a couple more times and got another Wolf, so My main is on a Bear and 2 of the girls have wolves to ride. Thinking of tigers for the last 2.
NW Clerics.jpg
NW Clerics.jpg (111.64 KiB) Viewed 11419 times


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Post Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:51 pm

Re: Round 2

Cool team picture and thanks for sharing.

Also thanks for the info on the other thread regarding companions (not sure I understand the new system very well yet).

If you find out that 2 Paladin's seals stack please remember to report back. At this point I only have 1 on my team but if the seal stacks then maybe at least 2 make sense.


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Post Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:19 pm

Re: Round 2

nodoze wrote:If you find out that 2 Paladin's seals stack please remember to report back. At this point I only have 1 on my team but if the seal stacks then maybe at least 2 make sense.

Hi guys, still in process of setting up here in Hawaii (finally moved in) and hoping to get some gametime soon. Just got picked up for ESO beta so I think I'll spend this weekend testing that out. :D

But yeah, if those paladins stack, then it sounds like that's the way to go with those big heals!
- Sylver


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Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:27 pm

Post Fri Nov 22, 2013 10:19 pm

Re: Round 2

Cleared the Cloak Tower.

Got bored of farming barkshield shards in Master of the Hunt so tried this dungeon.

Was very easy this time, beat it first shot no deaths. Went back during dungeon delves and beat it twice more, no deaths. Nothing good in there though, but was fun to beat.

The 4x Foresight / 4xEmisary Armor has made a huge improvement to my team. I can heal through an incredible amount of damage now.

If i ever finish the feywild boons I will try Lair of the Mad Dragon next.

2nd Helmite is at 20 Now, almost enough diamonds on the account for the first upgrade. Might have to do the dreaded housecleaning on the team this weekend and list auctions.


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Post Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:36 pm

Re: Round 2

lemartes99 wrote:Cleared the Cloak Tower.

Got bored of farming barkshield shards in Master of the Hunt so tried this dungeon.

Was very easy this time, beat it first shot no deaths. Went back during dungeon delves and beat it twice more, no deaths. Nothing good in there though, but was fun to beat.

The 4x Foresight / 4xEmisary Armor has made a huge improvement to my team. I can heal through an incredible amount of damage now.

If i ever finish the feywild boons I will try Lair of the Mad Dragon next.

2nd Helmite is at 20 Now, almost enough diamonds on the account for the first upgrade. Might have to do the dreaded housecleaning on the team this weekend and list auctions.
Very glad to hear. I am running the Miracle Healer's set on my main Cleric but not sure what to farm for my 3 DC that I am leveling (want the easiest bang for the buck plus may buy from AH). My first Hemite is approaching 20 so I will need to upgrade also.

Let us know if you complete the Epic Temple of Idriss at 60. With your clerics on the coffin it should be a cake walk...

I updated the "List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Teams & Accomplishments (http://isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=3956)"


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Post Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:13 pm

Re: Round 2

I have retired the 5xCleric team. The best T2 dungeon I had was the Pirate King, and I could only get the last boss down to half before there was too many adds.
I think this dungeon will be doable for us, and with the new prices of gear on the auction house I think it will be our best way to make money. Cloak Tower isn't that profitable unless the ranger gloves drop, and I only got those once.

I have added 2 CW's to the team, and am waiting on a GF to level up. THe GF i have at 60 is on my main account with my best geared cleric, so I decided to level another one since I didn't have much luck controlling the GF and having the ranged do the stuff in the background. I really need control of a cleric to keep people alive. Leveling is going fast as I bring her to the daily foundy which I try to do during the 150% XP hour.

I am hoping a heavy AoE group will do better than my cleric team. So far the Wizards have made a difference in the cloak tower, the dungeon is a bit easier now, but ti was pretty easy before so that doesn't say much.

I tried temple of isrix and she just floats on top of the coffin now and 1 shots you.
Also tried grey wolf den with 5x Clerics, couldn't do enough damage on the last boss, he just kept healing. The boss couldn't kill me though, was a stalemate.
Tried Karrandax, no chance in there.
Tried one other one, first boss had 2 burning skeletons, couldn't do it. Might have better luck with the CW's.

Also does anyone know if I can set a toggle switch with Isboxer that will hold down a key. Would like to toggle the GF block on and off if possible. I think my keyboard does macros, mabye I can do it that way.


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Post Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:31 pm

Re: Round 2

lemartes99 wrote:Also does anyone know if I can set a toggle switch with Isboxer that will hold down a key. Would like to toggle the GF block on and off if possible. I think my keyboard does macros, mabye I can do it that way.

There's nothing in ISBoxer that I'm aware of that does the 'hold key'. For that you might try your programmable keyboard (G15) or controller (N52, G13, etc) or something like AutoHotkey. But that's beyond the scope of what I'll post here for obvious reasons...

Have you tried using the new rangers yet for damage? I've heard they are quite OP atm.
- Sylver


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Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:27 pm

Post Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:26 pm

Re: Round 2

Havn't tried the rangers yet except to bring 2 of them to level 5. Plan to get a few of them to 11 so I can invocation/leadership level them next semester. Havn't decided how many chars i want for leadership. Currently have 14/18 almost at level 20 leadership, should finally start making some decent money from it.

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