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I done broke it

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Posts: 57

Joined: Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:50 am

Post Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:49 am

I done broke it

In a foolish yet ambitious attempt to revamp my 5-man experience, I made some unstable changes. I remapped the bank of menu keys (Ins, Home, PgUp, Del, End, and PgDn) to my healer group (Q, E, R, Mouse1, Mouse 2, and 3). I also remapped the bank of number keys to my DPS group. I also mimicked the Target Me, Assist Me, and Follow Me tailored to All, Healers, and DPS on the three banks of F-keys. I pretty much set up a key-based broadcast, instead of a repeat toggle which any key would go to all. The first issue I ran into was my original Q E R keys would continue to broadcast, so I had to remap those for the non-tanking groups to their new keys. The problem is, the new keys didn't take. The result was hilarious. I couldn't quit or click on anything at all. The mouse press keys were supposed to be remapped, so were the Q E R keys. Try to type quit or gotocharacterselect without those... It wouldn't even let me paste or broadcast the commands from the screen that could type them. Back to the drawing board. It's disappointing that the menu keys and number pad can't be remapped.

I may have had some remaps that really should have been alternate hotkeys. I did enable a group repeater toggle as a redundant way to get my commands to the right place. It was primarily supposed to support the arrow key movement system. Great for characters, not so great for entire groups. Maybe I should have kept with that from the start.


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Post Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:17 am

Re: I done broke it

It's disappointing that the menu keys and number pad can't be remapped.

Yes they can...

The first issue I ran into was my original Q E R keys would continue to broadcast, so I had to remap those for the non-tanking groups to their new keys.
Try to type quit or gotocharacterselect without those

Press Shift+Alt+M to use your ISBoxer Hotkeys for their original purpose instead of their ISBoxer-Hotkeyed (re-mapped) purpose. That is assuming you put them in either "Combat" or "Non-combat" rather than "Always On" (as the name implies, Always On is always on and not toggled by Shift+Alt+M). If you made a separate Key Map on your own for these, then your new Key Map is not affected by the Shift+Alt+M toggle unless you add it (FAQ: I made a new Key Map but the Key Maps toggle does not disable it?)


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Post Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:04 pm

Re: I done broke it

Ah-hah. Thanks I will look into that. It makes a lot of sense. I put the group repeaters in the original Always On map, but put the individual remaps in a new key map which was a copy of the Combat key map. The Shift+Alt+M Activate Maps key was copied into it unedited as well. I honestly, didn't consider the toggling of the map on or off. The fact that I don't understand it probably had something to do with me not thinking of it.

On the upside, I spent the last couple hours reconfiguring the group-based repeater toggles. I made four of them with alternate hotkeys (G-keys) for All, All other than current, Healers, and DPS. I polished them up with some text that shows when they toggle. When I toggle the Healer repeater, it displays "HEALER REPEATER ACTIVE" IN red. It shows "HEALER REPEATER OFF" in white when it hits step 2 and turns off. I really needed this, because I have four customized repeater buttons all together in one spot. I found myself with it on constantly, without know which button was still toggled on. Hilarious, really. I like the icon in the upper left hand corner, but for me it's not really necessary. The toggle with a G-key doesn't trip it any way.

Next I will look into putting the arrow keys to use for movement on the secondary screens. I still haven't solved the select character to bring to the main screen. I can use the same concept to make one toon the active user of the direction keys.


Posts: 57

Joined: Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:50 am

Post Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:18 pm

Re: I done broke it

Got it to work, finally. I also made custom "repeater on" images with icons for each group. It took some time to deconflict the repeaters from one another, but it works like a charm now. If I have more than one repeater on, it will show me which ones. They toggle off reliably whether I click the icon or use the G-key.

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