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CHange <ALL BUTTONS> in...off by one?

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:44 pm

CHange <ALL BUTTONS> in...off by one?

Good afternoon,

I am attempting to use the 'Change <ALL BUTTONS> in…' feature when using the New Menu Button Action and ISBoxer appears to be applying the changes to all but the last button in my button set.

Here's the full story:

I have a menu using a 9x3 grid using a Button Set called: 100 Main Menu

I was trying to replace the 5th and 6th rows of the menu with new formatting/labels/Key Maps when I activate the 'Mounts' button.

I created two other menus to help facilitate this:

101 Sub: Mounts - 1 button (one button to represent my entire character set)
101 Sub: Classes - 6 buttons (one button to represent each character in my set)

The thought process was to replace the button labeled 'Mounts' with a button labeled 'All' that would activate a KeyMap for all characters in my set. Then replace my fifth and sixth rows in the Main Menu with a set of buttons for my team.

I was able to successfully set that up from a functionality standpoint. Buttons replaced as expected. However, the issue comes into play when I am attempting to apply the formatting to the entire button set for '101 Sub: Classes'.

I have attached a screenshot of the action I am performing when I use the New Menu Button Action (Image02).

MenuImage02.png (36.13 KiB) Viewed 10736 times


When I use that I get the following behavior (Image03):

MenuImage03.png (7.48 KiB) Viewed 10736 times


Of the six buttons, only the first five receive the formatting as expected. At first I thought I missed something, but then I noticed that the label for the 'CLR' button was applied correctly. This told me my classes sub menu was applied correctly, just the formatting was not.

I even went the route of removing a button from the classes button set and received this behavior (Image04):

MenuImage04.png (10.21 KiB) Viewed 10736 times


In Image04, the button set has 5 buttons assigned, but only four received the formatting. It seems like the 'Change <ALL BUTTONS> in…' is off by one button for some reason.

Hopefully I'm crazy and just doing something incorrectly. I am open to suggestions.




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Post Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:13 pm

Re: CHange <ALL BUTTONS> in...off by one?

Are you using a custom XML grid? It's possible your button number is off by one?


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Post Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:14 pm

Re: CHange <ALL BUTTONS> in...off by one?

Fixed in ISBoxer 41.9.0907.1 (changelog). Update via Help->About ISBoxer :)


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Post Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:52 pm

Re: Change <ALL BUTTONS> in...off by one?

I updated and it works as expected! I do appreciate the very quick turn around on the response and fix, thank you! :D


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