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Menus dosent move

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 10

Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:14 pm

Post Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:55 pm

Menus dosent move


One night Before I logged out, after setting up half my menus, I pressed "Save All Menu Positions" in the ISBoxer Control Panel.
I had moved all menus into the game, and where just giving them different starting positions in ISBoxer Toolkit.
Later next day when I wanted to set up my remaining menus, by typing in thier starting position in ISBoxer Toolkit, but they are stuck where I saved them.
I can move them with some trouble with my mouse, but I want them them in exact place.

Do I really need to delete some //ISBoxer/script/ file?
Really? ;(
Redo the little I work I've done?

In that case, which file?


Its the Ministrel C,A,S, Captain C,A,S and the Guardian C,A,S menus in 'Gondor Six' Im having problem with.

//Thanks for a very nice program and superior support.



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Post Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:33 pm

Re: Menus dosent move

The position in the ISBoxer Toolkit is the starting position. After you have saved the Menu in another position, that will permanently override the starting position.

To reset it to the position you have set in ISBoxer Toolkit, you should be able to open the in-game ISBoxer Control Panel, right click on the title bar of the Menu you want to reset, and then select the Reset Position option.

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