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Post Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:14 pm



I was testing it since beta and isboxer is working great but I have few ingame problems. I was playing with full party 6 characters and i have huge de-sync in short period of time. With 6 rangers this means only one is actually attacking correct target so its not effective. In Diablo its much easier to keep characters in sync most of the time and they are stack to each other. In POE in few seconds of running its easy to have 6 characters spread couple of meters from each other.

I tested also other classes. Melee seems to be worst. But 6 Witches with zombie army is very funny but can be very hard for PC to compute :) During night the memory was about 13GB so for 6 party you really need 16GB of ram :)

So I would like to hear from rest of you what setup/composition you running with what skills so we can share the real farmer group :) In Diablo 3 i was running mostly 4x throw barb and its really easy speed farming so we have to figure it out here as well :)



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Post Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:52 am

Re: Class/Builds/Sync

Ive only been usin isboxer for a few days(trial) mainly for eve but I decided to give this a shot for POE.. I rolled 4 rangers but it has become apparent it will simply not be viable as you can hardly move without great desync. If there is a way I would love to hear it. Maybe in some limited fashion? like farming particular bosses.


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Post Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:01 am

Re: Class/Builds/Sync

It is kinda impossible to box in PoE. I tried to run 3 witches yesterday and as mentioned above they get desynced running a straight line.
Also the pathing mechanics within the game makes it almost impossible to sync them using terrain and objects.


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Post Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:06 am

Re: Class/Builds/Sync

ive tried it out and its fine to 4 box hard to control more then that, have to keep gathering them every 30 sec but you get used to it, as for spec Iam going Zoomancer/aura stacking x4 its a op build to start with and its not really hard to aim the skills sence they walk around lol, also totem builds are really crazy damage Spark spell on totem is stacking damage is nasty


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Post Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:24 am

Re: Class/Builds/Sync

(see my updated team and comments on page 3 of this thread)

I have to admit that PoE isn't really multi-box friendly. For a start, not all the classes have the same moving speed... Too bad, I like mixed teams. Also they tend to de-sync a lot. But moving along the border of game maps help a little.

I'm currently playing a team of 4, dedicated to frost damage : one witch, one templar (both using Freezing Pulse) and 2 rangers (with Ice Shot). They stack 4 different auras, and my goal is to have them apply a double frost debuff : frostbite and elemental weakness. Also, they'll use one totem with frost attack for each character (I haven't reached the required level yet). We'll see.

The default aura range is very small, so de-sync is a problem, at least till I can pick skills/stuff to increase aura range.

I might switch to a team with 4 templars, but different trees so that they'll have the 4 best auras, which are IMHO : Purity, Clarity, Haste and Discipline. Since some auras are pure Int and some other require Dex and Vit, I need different trees. Plus I need a char with "Whispers of Doom" for the double debuff.
Last edited by cmoidudu on Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:46 am

Re: Class/Builds/Sync

(see my updated team and comments on page 3 of this thread)

OK, my team is level 25 now, that's not much, but here are some funny (and less funny) things I noticed...

  • There are some sync problems (from PoE server, obviously) : sometimes, when I try to regroup my team, one char seems to be stuck... That's because he's on another side of a wall, or of some obstacle. I mean, in my main window (#1), I can see char #2 close to me, but if I go to window #2, he's not at the same position, he's behind a wall, or still in last dungeon room. This doesn't occur too often tho.
  • Character #2 always log last. He gets a queue when the others don't, and when the others have 300 queue, he gets like a 850+ queue. LOL.
  • Since the team car hardly stay in pack, my archers are often hitting the thin air. They use mana flasks, but since they don't hit, flask aren't filling properly. Damn. Fortunately, there is this quest at the end of act1 where you can choose a "Clarity" gem (mana regen aura), then life seems much cooler :)
  • About archers too, if I shoot too much arrows on a wall and then the team goes close to this wall, one char can be stuck because of the arrows. I mean, really stuck. I have to TP him to town and then TP him back using a scroll from another char. How silly...
  • Because of chars not staying packed, curse isn't very effective neither. I often curse an area where no criiters are... And the area is very small. But later I'll get some aoe increasing stuff (gems, skills).
  • I hate when I drop a yellow item on the ground, to give it to another char, then the server goes down :(
  • You can't double-curse a critter. Only one curse aplies. In order to do so, you need to have one char of your team to learn "Whisper of Doom" on the far high end of the skill tree, and then you can cast 2 curses on the same critter
Last edited by cmoidudu on Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:51 pm

Re: Class/Builds/Sync

You can try to turn off instance swaping and you can use your mouse over other windows without them switching to your main screen, thats what i do
As far as movement speec you can kinda get within a few % of eachother the armor they were will give them a -% movespeed so you can just balance the gear they have/chain/cloth/leather/sheilds and such

I run with 0% extra movespeed till i can get it for all toons.

I run 4 witchs with Summon spec/Shock totems/Aura stacking , Its kinda bull shit lol all you have to do is just get near the mobs and pets will auto kill it and totems will auto target and aoe, auras i plan to be running all 10 auras once team is right levels, they really need to make it so pets cant block you that is what messes up sync along with objects on the floor blocking or player blocking >.<

Iam zoomancer on defualt if you want to hit me up ingame =P


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Post Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:03 pm

Re: Class/Builds/Sync

(see my updated team and comments on page 3 of this thread)

I changed my team, I did what I absolutely didn't want to do, i.e play 4 times the same char :(

So now I'm running 4 templars with Freezing Pulse, Summon Skels, 4 auras and Frost debuff (and probably some totems later). I"m not gonna say it's running without problems, but it's much easier than the first team (see former post). I can manage to have the team stay in pack most of the time.

FYI 2 Templars are pure dps (Spell dmg + minion life and dmg), 1 has some Str in the build so he will carry the "all resist" aura (I don't have this gem yet), and the last one is currently gaining some Dex for the Haste aura and the double debuff (Frost + Element).

The only drawback to the Freezing Pulse build is that Kripp switched to that too, so, since the devs are watching him, I guess the template is gonna be nerfed in some later patch ;)
Last edited by cmoidudu on Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:30 pm

Re: Class/Builds/Sync

New team iam workin on is 4 temp with dual totem skill, stackin dual curses on 1 temp with passive, other 3 are pure dps, with raise spec+skells for meat sheilds for totems


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Post Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:55 pm

Re: Class/Builds/Sync

I am having a very hard time keeping my toons synced. I was trying to run with a 5 witch setup. That I couldn't get to work at all. Four would sync pretty good at start but the main would always run in the opposite direction as the rest. Switched to a 4 witch setup and it worked ok but they would end up spread out very fast. All of this was tested with new characters partying in the Terraces. All witches had sparks as there main attack and 2 of them had raise zombies . Any suggestions as to what I may be doing wrong or that may help with the syncing? Do you more experienced with Isboxer level your characters one at a time till they are high enough level to use certain skills or...?
Thanks in advance for any advice/help.

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