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Templar Build advice

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:51 pm
by camb198
Hey guys, I have been multiboxing for about a week now and I really enjoy it. I am currently running 3 templars and am almost to act 3 in normal difficulty with each character around lvl 26. I am using ice nova as my main attack which works surprisingly well even on bosses. I am looking for advice on what to do once things start slowing down and I can't kill mobs effectively. I started using curses one frostbite and one flammability curse on separate characters which helps. I am thinking of also doing rejuvenation totems also when I find a couple to help with a constant flow of life. What do you think I should do with this build? Dual shock totems, dual curses(the curses stack right? ie all three characters with frostbite...), or any other suggestions? Should I go for health or es? Shield for armor or shield for spell damage? My plan with these guys is to farm higher level areas and possibly maps if I can clear them. Any suggestions would be awesome!

Re: Templar Build advice

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:13 pm
by ReignOfTerror
First off curses do not stack unless you have an item that allows for more than one curse or have specced for it (Whispers of Doom). If one toon casts frostbite and the next casts flammability than flammability will be the active curse. If on the other hand one toon has Whispers of Doom (passive tree very top) than you may have 2 curses on the mobs at the same time. Have all 3 of your toons take WoD will not raise the number of curses. So it is only needed on one toon. That same toon may than get items that could allow for up to 5 curses total. As for builds I would suggest the PoE forums. I am currently running 4 witches. The exact builds I chose were ones that the toons would be very strong in the group , easy to work together , but also I could play them solo with no problem if I chose to . One witch is a full summoner which is by no means needed or even the most efficient for 4 boxing witches. Just a toon I wanted and was started before I began boxing. The other 3 are duel totem specced. I'm currently running ice spear and the other 2 running sparks. All currently run a single aura later I will run more when I get higher level and better gear. One has WoD so I have one use conductivity and another projectile weakness or frostbite. One that isn't using a curse uses arc.

Re: Templar Build advice

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:07 pm
by camb198
I am thinking of going the dual totem build , just stinks I can't use spells... I might make a 4th toon to just be the aura/curses character and maybe zombies for a meat shield. How far are you with your 4 witches and what lvl? Have you reached a brick wall yet with any bosses or areas of the game or are you just steam rolling?

Re: Templar Build advice

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:27 pm
by ReignOfTerror
You can still cast spells while using dual totems. The spells just will not do damage. As I stated earlier I have one toon that I use Arc on sometimes just to proc shock. Arc itself does no damage but when shock from it procs does increase dps. So your dual totem toons can still have utility such as cursing mobs and so on. As for a toon just for auras/ curses, why? When you have multiple toons to spread it across and do damage. Also a dedicated summoner is not really needed. If all toons summon the minimum amount thats still a lot. I am using a dedicated summoner but for the reasons previously mentioned. If I was to start a new group I would not likely go with one in the group. Currently my 4 witches are levels 46-47. They are at the end of cruel act 2. Just need to kill Vaal. Brick wall yes it isn't what I would call easy. Also it isn't to bad on boss fights either. Last night I did kill cruel Oak with the 4 witches without a single death. Tho I mostly level them together in outside zones. Than either get public groups on each for quests and bosses or use my 61 marauder to progress them. My biggest problem has been keeping them synced and also there gear is still quite poor. As for gear I'm just making do with whatever till I hit 60ish. As long as I have gear that has sufficient sockets and links for my gems I'm ok till than.