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FAQ: Is Multiboxing allowed in Diablo 3?

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Post Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:39 am

Re: FAQ: Is Multiboxing allowed in Diablo 3?

cmoidudu wrote:Well I still haven't figured that one out. Can I use my 4 copies of RoS if I buy them (which isn't free exactly) ?

I bought 5 copies of RoS from Blizzard and they didn't stop the purchase transaction.


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Post Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:31 pm

Re: FAQ: Is Multiboxing allowed in Diablo 3?

cookcpu wrote:I bought 5 copies of RoS from Blizzard and they didn't stop the purchase transaction.

OK thanks for the info. However I'll check Pokey's stream on Twicth and then I'll purchase the 4 copies :)


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Post Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:20 pm

Re: FAQ: Is Multiboxing allowed in Diablo 3?

For Diablo III, multiboxing walks the strange line of being something we technically allow, but don’t officially support.

For clarity, players are allowed to have multiple Battle.net accounts, and each of them can have a Diablo III: Reaper of Souls license (one per account). There is no limit to the number of Battle.net accounts a single user can have, so long as no more than three of them have Battle.net Balance*. There is also no restriction to how many of these accounts can be online at once, but the methods to do so may not be supported. We do not support third-party software, and third-party software that automates gameplay is not allowed. Accounts found to be using third-party software that automates gameplay risk being closed, possibly permanently.

In other words, you can have multiple accounts, and you can be online with all of them at one time. We don’t support multiboxing in Diablo III, however, and some software used to facilitate multiboxing may violate our policies, so do so at your own risk.

* Please note that this clarification is not reflected within the EULA and TOU at this time. We will be updating both documents in the near future to correct this.

The latest post by the Blue. What do you guy think of this statement?

Is D3 going to continue to allow multiboxing or Blizzard going to put a stop to this.


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Post Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:32 pm

Re: FAQ: Is Multiboxing allowed in Diablo 3?

Blizzard does not support multiboxing in any game. They allow it. (As the first sentence explains.)

And you have to read into "some software used to facilitate multiboxing may violate our policies", because obviously they are not telling you specifically what they mean and it is left open to interpretation. I am pretty familiar with Blizzard policy and we do not allow discussion here of said software that some people use "to facilitate multiboxing" that violates Blizzard policies. (hint: some people cheat, this is not really related to multiboxing)

There is absolutely no change in multiboxing status in Diablo 3. If anything you should be happy about this: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/13140803986.


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Post Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:35 pm

Re: FAQ: Is Multiboxing allowed in Diablo 3?

cookcpu wrote:The latest post by the Blue. What do you guy think of this statement?

I think it's the exact same statement that every single company/publisher which allows multiboxing releases to the public:

  • We tolerate it, but don't support it
  • Don't come to us for support on the program you're trying to multibox with
  • Don't bot/automate gameplay

EDIT: Lax obviously has a better answer above.


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Post Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:33 pm

Re: FAQ: Is Multiboxing allowed in Diablo 3?

Thanks, got me worry there. :D

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